Allied Occup. - American & British Zones - 1948 Numerals w/Ovpts the 2 sets used: "Band Ovpt" cpl set of 17, 2 - 84pf Mi 52/68I €2000; "Netz Ovpt" cpl set of 17, 2 - 84pf, Mi 52/68II - €3000; vf (x34) all circular 1948 pmks, stps signed Ing. Becker, some also by H. Muller, Mi €5000 ($5800)
Auction #41
By: Romano House of Stamp sales ltd
Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Auction #41
Dear friends and collectors,
Welcome to our 41st auction. Holy Land items.
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The Auction has most specialties well represented. Especially noteworthy are the sections of Holy Land Forerunners, Jewish Colonies, Mandate Stamps & used abroad, 1948 Interim Safed 1948 - 10m local Imperforate Proof of Settes, Doar Ivri, 1948 1st Festivals, 1950 1st Air Mail, Holocaust mail & Worldwide Philately. China, India A-Z, Banknotes and Coins & Medals.
Please FAX or E-mail your final bids to avoid delays. Bidders are requested to include their FAX, or E-mail & telephone numbers and/or email addresses on their bid sheets.
With all good and sincere wishes,
Mira & Moshe ROMANO
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Lot #377 - world wide philately Germany After WW2, Germany Local Stamps
German localk issues. Meissen. 3th Reich commemorative stamps. Hitlers birthday with overprint "Deutschlands Verderber"/ Germanys destroyer. Michel #. A26 to F26 complete. All mnh and expertised/signed: STURM AND ZIERER BPP. A rare set. cat. € 660
Lot #378 - world wide philately Germany After WW2, SAAR
Germany Besetzte Gebiete 1935-1945 collection in 1 hingeless Safe albums of generally used stps & booklets, incl.: Mi 114/131, Saargebiet Mi 53A/69, 70/83, 135/141, 144/150. 171/177, Dienstmarken 1I/11I, Saar 272/288, all mint n.h. & many more generally Mint Never Hinged. Mi over €4581
Lot #379 - world wide philately Germany After WW2, Berlin West
BUND 1946/2000 - 3 collections in hingeless albums: a) 1946/2000 Tete-Beche & gutter pairs collection of more than 400 items, mostly used, oncl. WZ1, WZ2 & many more; b) 1955/2000 Booklets collection of over 100 items; e) 1946/1949 Allied Occupation collection of 220 stps, mostly used, incl. Mi 911/37, B112A, 943/62 on cv. Americam & British Zone 36/51 I + II, 73/100. Bl 1 & more; vf (x appx 730 items), € 4000
Lot #380 - world wide philately Germany After WW2, Berlin West
West Berlin Collection 1978-1990 Two sets with one upper left corner corner and one lower right corner. All collection with original glue. Catalog value about 500 euros.
Lot #381 - world wide philately Great Britain
1891, GREAT BRITAIN, 1891, £1 Green (124, SG 212). Neat strike of oval registered cancel, trace of red cancel at left, rich color, well-balanced margins, Extremely Fine, SG £700
Lot #382 - world wide philately Great Britain
1982, SG # 655. 19½p pair Gir's Brigaade: with colours and perforation shift. Preparation dose not always beget perfection. nint n.h.
Lot #383 - world wide philately Great Britain
SG # 2, 1840 1d Black Plate 1b (QL) very fine four margin, Non Coincidental *RE-ENTRY*, black Maltese Cross, VF
Lot #384 - world wide philately Great Britain
1d red SG166 littered G-C on front hand-illustrated cover with picture of though the waather appears to be chilly. Cancelled London JU 19 1880
Lot #385 - world wide philately Great Britain
Daughters of Queen Victoria. Lot of two covers from Princess Helena and Princess Alice wrote letters to Mrs. Aslop from Windsor Castel dated December 7th 1855. Includes three pictures of Princesses
Lot #386 - world wide philately Great Britain
Dodgson, Charles L.
Eight or Nine Wise Words about Letter-Writing [with Stamp Case and Envelope].
London: Emberlin and Son, [c. 1910-1915].Eighth edition of Wise Words; Third edition of the Stamp Case and Third Edition of the Envelope. pp. [1-5], 6. 1 vols. 3 x 4 inches. Self wrappers. With the original pink envelope with printed description and reading ‘The “Wonderland” Postage-Stamp-Case.’ Some fading and wear to envelope else...
Lot #387 - world wide philately Great Britain
GREAT BRITAIN VICTORIAN HAND DRAWN COVER 1865. Envelope painted in one color, picture of a girl sitting in her room with a newspaper cover beside her lying a dog. The envelope is stamped, not sent
Lot #388 - world wide philately Great Britain
Great Britain, 1877 Illustrated colorful hand-cover and front balance. 1 items mainly facades and postcard; A variety of colorful designs, including a picture of a mother holding a child's hand on a trip. Street views and scenery, the letter was sent to the Msss E.E. Sanderson. Derwent Villa Road CHELTENHAM. etc., F.- V.F. Overall.evaluation; $ 100 - 200. (Picture 1)
Lot #389 - world wide philately British Empire Commonwealth, Cyprus
CYPRUS, 1923 K.G.V watermark multiple crown CA 10s. green and red on pale yellow, and 1924-28 watermark multiple crown script CA. some tiny trivial mount glaze specks on gum, otherwise fine to very fine. S.G. 100, cat. £400.
Lot #390 - world wide philately British Empire Commonwealth, Falkland
1925 (29 OC) registered 'Wilson' cover bearing four colour franking tied South Shetlands cds, registration label at centre, without backstamps.
Lot #391 - world wide philately British Empire Commonwealth, Falkland
1898, Queen Victoria, 2s6p deep blue and 5s red, complete set of two, watermark Crown CC, full OG, LH, VF and scarce in this pristine condition, SG #41/42, £525
Lot #392 - world wide philately British Empire Commonwealth, Falkland
1929-36, King George V, Whale and Penguins, ½p-£1, complete set of 11, perfect quality, full OG, VF and scarce hinged, SG #116/26, £700 as hinged
Lot #393 - world wide philately British Empire Commonwealth, Falkland
1935, Falkland Islands: Cancellations and Covers: 1935 (APR 23)registered envelope used, to England, bearing 1929-356 4d., cancelled by ''PORT STANLEY'' c.d.s., PS.1B.
Lot #394 - world wide philately British Empire Commonwealth, Falkland
Falkland Islands: King Edward VII: Covers and Cancellations: 1908 (SP. 2.) early photographic postcard franked 1d. Post card Malvina Series Sea Lion Rookery. Postcard to Cape Town with the following markings: Triangular SP-2-08. Triangular sp-3-08. c.d.s . :30pm SP-4. c.d.s Returned to Cape Town. Triangular SP-8-08. Boxed official Redirected at Cape Town. Port Elizabeth c/d.s 4:00pm OC-4. Willowmore c.d.s 8:00am OC-7. Despite the...
Lot #395 - world wide philately British Empire Commonwealth, Falkland
Falkland Islands: Cancellations and Covers: 1904 (Mar. 1) p.p.c. of Port Stanley (Heyburn G-5-9) used to Oxford franked 1d. orange-red tied by Heijtz type F4.B. with code ''U'' (''C'' sideways).
Lot #396 - world wide philately British Empire Commonwealth, Falkland
Falkland Islands: Cancellations and Covers: 1913 official envelope to Connecticut, 1d. Foreign rate paid by 2 1/2d., 1d. Letter to U.S underpaid rate, should be 2 1/2d.Falkland Islands: Queen Victoria Covers and Cancellations: 1902 (Sept. 16) envelope to Scotland, franked by 1d. pale Venetian red (SG # 22), carried on the ''Oravia'' and with Inverness Oct. 14 arrival backstamp. Photo. (lot of two covers).
Lot #397 - world wide philately British Empire Commonwealth, Falkland
Falkland Islands (Stanley): 1925 (Se. 16) from' Mr' S.H. Roberts envelope to Somerset England bearing 1d. block of four cancelled by fine central strike of F.4F c.d.s, (Correct rate-1d postage and 3d registration fee).Falkland Islands: 1902 (Sept.) 'Scott' cover to Scotland franked by 1/2d. deep yellow-green left marginal pair with indistinct F.4A c.d.s. cancellations, Sep. 16 Inverness arrival backstamp. Carried on the "Oravia" to Liverpool...
Lot #398 - world wide philately British Empire Commonwealth, Hong Kong
1968, Hong Kong, 1968 Year of the Monkey 10c and 1.30$ marginal block of four fine to very fine. S.G. 245-46 var; Yang C47-8 MiNr: 230/231. var. Cat E 720. Superb.
Lot #399 - world wide philately British Empire Commonwealth, Hong Kong
1915 British Post Offices in China, 4c Hong Kong Postal card cancelled Shanghai Br PO with clear routing and receiving cancels to David Ezra in Calcutta, India. Hebrew message. Rare usage and destination. (Yang # P28)
Lot #400 - world wide philately British Empire Commonwealth, Hong Kong
1917 sent on APR-11-17 British Post offices in China; 4c “CHINA” overprinted Hong Kong postal card CDS cancelled SHANGHAI Br PO to David Ezra in Calcutta, India. Message in Hebrew. Rare usage and destination. (Yang # P35).
Romano Sale House of Stamps Ltd.
The Romano Sale House was established in early 1998. After years in the stamp business, as Images/Auctioneers and sole suppliers of LINDNER philatelic accessories in Israel, Romano Sale House has... Read More
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