Decimals: 1981-92 PO Year Albums, comp set (ex 1986), FV $310. (11)
Stamps & Covers Public Auction 362
By: Status International
Status International Stamps & Covers Public Auction 362
Status International - Sale 362 - October 29th,2020.
Auction 362 has 3,670 lots, catering for all types of collectors & dealers - from bulk accumulations and intact collections to desirable single items. This auction offers a huge range of material, with special emphasis on lotting stamps to cater for collectors with varying types of interests and budgets. Items range from $30 to $50,000 so there's something for everybody. This auction offers strong representation of Australia & Colonies, strong British Empire material of all areas & periods, as well as General Foreign including small and large collections. There are almost 300 lots of Australian Collections (Lots 49-339) and over 400 lots of World collections (Lots 340-770).
Following on there is almost 1200 lots of Australia which consist of singles, sets and covers including Australian colonies (Lots 789 - 1949). The Australian lots cover all periods, from the Kangaroo issues up to Decimal and contains numerous number of mint & used £1 & £2 top values. This auction includes a Small Multi Watermark £2 Black & rose. VF fresh MUH, lovely white never hinged original gum. SG 114 cat £4500 for M, should be at least double, £9000 MUH, ACSC 57A cat $20,000. Very rare as MUH.(Lot 1000).
There are over 1,700 lots of World stamps, covers and single country collections (Lots 1950-3670). Numerous other British Empire, European, The Americas and Asian rarities including PRC China.
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Lot #203 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Decimal collection 1987-97 in Seven Seas hingeless album largely MNH, comprehensive inc some extras. FV $450.
Lot #204 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Decimals: High cat/retail accumulation in folder inc 1966 Navigators set (2) plus $1 (20) & $4 (18), 1967 Christmas 25c sheet of 100. 1969 Prime Ind set (8) & 25c Christmas (70), 1970 RV 30c (230), 1970 Cook sets (50), 1971 Christmas 7c sets (8), 1972 Christmas 35c (8) & others inc a range of 1970s PO Packs (retail $225) inc 1972 Prim Ind (4) & 1971 Christmas. All F-VF MNH, retail $1800+. Full listing enclosed. Also SPECIMEN...
Lot #205 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Decimals: International Post duplicated collection mostly $1-$20 with wide variety of Pics/Commems, mainly in the $1.10-$5 range, plus odd M/sheet. Generally F-VFU odd CTO. Huge total FV. (1600).
Lot #206 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Decimal range 1970s-90s with Pic sets, packs, part sheets & blks. Some toning/tropicalisation. All MNH, FV $620.
Lot #207 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Decimals: $1 Pics/Commems inc $1 Flowers (3000). All in neat bundles of 100. G-FU. (6000)
Lot #208 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Decimals: $1 Pics (16,000), 65c Christmas (8500), 50c Pics (10,500). G-FU, unsorted in plastic bags. (35,000)
Lot #209 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Decimals: Off-paper range better cancels & issues, many CTO. Needs sorting, 250g (2000) inc high vals, Flowers, Sugar, Development. Plus small s/book with $2 Bass (200). (2200)
Lot #210 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Ephemera/Cinderella accumulation with 2000 Olympics set of 16 Gold Medallists 'Black Print' M/sheet prs with Koala logo (now very scarce). SES 'Proof Print' accumulation 2000-2001 inc HMAS Brisbane, Philatelic Exhibitions, 2000 AFL Teams set & other notable events (quantity) inc issued sheet to show final format. Other Cinderellas inc VIC 1979 'Game Stamps' $2 Quail & $3 Duck, various Airmail or Certified Mail labels, Exhibition M/...
Lot #211 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Exhibition M/sheet collection 1970 onward inc 2020 NZ FIAP (2 sets of 4), Singpex 2019 set of 5. 2018 Thailand World set of 6, 2017 China Expo set of 4, 2017 Brisbane pr, 2013 opt on $10 Kangaroo M/sheet, 2019 China (5 diff), CAPEX 86 opt on AAT Whales M/sheet & many others. Odd duplicate. FV over $300. Some appear quite scarce, mainly in the 2015-20 era. (100)
Lot #212 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
FDC collection 1940-90s (400) in 4 thick albums with pre-decimals (70) inc 1940 AIF set, 1946 Peace & 1964 Birds set to 3/-. Decimals (330) 1966-94 inc 1970 Cook M/sheet & good variety of high val Pic sets inc useful 1971-74 Commem sets & Paintings to $10. Also 1914-74 Die Proof reprint collection (30, cat £240) in s/book. British Commonwealth MNH accumulation in 40 hagners inc QEII 1978 SJ M/sheet set of 21, plus 15 other M/...
Lot #213 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Framas: Specialised 1985-87 FDC & other cover collection with July 29 1985 barred edge FDI for GPO Darwin (6) inc $9.99 top value (Registered), $3.08 (Registered), $1.13 (Priority Paid), $1.23 (Certified Mail), $3.08 (Messenger Delivery), Button set of 3 plus 10c Maximum Card. A rare assembly with very few produced. 1985 Oct 21 last Day of Use barred edge Framas with Adelaide covers (4) inc $9.99 top value & Button set of 3. 1985 Oct...
Lot #214 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos: 1st wmk 2d MNH, lightly suntanned gum, 2½d MNH, 4d VFM, 5d MNH, short perf at right & 6d M. ACSC cat $1875. (5) (P)
Lot #215 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos: 1913-46 semi-specialised collection on older style leaves with 1st wmk (62) to 5/- inc ½d wmk inverted, 1d 'extra island' (cat $400), 'Kangaroo's throat cut' flaws plus wmk inverted (9) inc perf OS (2). 3d Die II, I, I strip of 3 (ACSC cat $1250) plus wmk inverted. 4d pr, 6d (5) inc sub-clich? Die IIA ($4500). 1/- wmk inverted U ($500), 2/- aniline brown Mint (rounded cnr, $650) & 5/- pr (Pos R55, 56) with ACSC listed variety '...
Lot #216 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos: 1913-40s inc Official perfins with large OS ½d, 1d (2), 3d, 4d, 6d & 9d all U (SG cat £175), small OS 1st wmk 1d, 2d (2), 5d. 2nd wmk 2d & 6d, 3rd wmk 2d, 2½d, 3d, 6d blue (2), 6d brown, 9d (2) & 2/- brown (total £450). KGV 1d red Die II substituted cliche U (£60), 1949 Kangaroo ½d no wmk blks with varieties 'weak entry UR cnr' 'flaw under branch' & 'Foggy hills'. (total ACSC $185). Plus NWPI opts M with 1915 1st...
Lot #217 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos: ½d to 2/- accumulation with ½d (25), 2½d (7), 6d blue (10), 1/- (100), 9d (85), 3d (150) & others 1d to 2/- inc 4d (3), & 5d (2). Fair-VF U inc OS/NSW or OS Perfins to 1/-. (540)
Lot #218 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos 1913-35 collection on Lighthouse pgs inc dies & shades with 1st wmk (£813) comp to 5/-, plus shades & dies of 1d, 3d (no Die II) 4d orange-yellow & 1/-. 2nd wmk set to 5/- (£550). 3rd wmk comp (£648) to 5/- inc extra dies & shades of all but 2/- brown to 5/-. SM wmk to 5/- (£171), CofA comp to £2 (£900). F-VF U. SG cat £3082. ACSC cat $6200. (71). (P)
Lot #219 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos CTO selection with 1st wmk 4d, 5d, 3rd wmk 1/-. SM wmk set 6d, 9d, 2/-, 5/-. Plus perf OS CTO (6) with 3rd wmk 6d chestnut, 9d, 10/-, & SM 1/-, 2/-, 5/-. The 4d & 5d UH gum, other 11 full original gum. ACSC cat $1425. (13)
Lot #220 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroo & KGV mixed array in s/book with Kangaroos (24) to £1 grey inc Perf OS 1d red Die IIA pr & ½d green MLH (cat$240), 3rd wmk 3d green Die I M (2, cat $120) & Die IIB MNH ($225). 9d violet Die IIB MNH ($375) & wmk inverted M ($275). 6d brown (3) inc 'broken leg' variety in upper marginal MNH gutter pr (cat $300 x 2, $600) & 5/- U ($225). SM wmk 1/- dull blue-green Ash imprint pr MNH (cat $750) & 10/- U. CofA wmk...
Lot #221 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos: MNH 1st wmk 3d olive Die I, 6d blue, 3rd wmk 6d dull blue Die II, plus perf OS Die IIB, 1/- green Die IIB & SM wmk 2/-. F-VF MNH, regummed. SG 5, 9, 38 O46d, 40b & 110. ACSC cat $2025 for M, $3800 MNH. (6)
Lot #222 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroos: Selection with 1st wmk 3d Olive Die I, 2nd wmk 1/- MNH (regummed), 3rd wmk 6d brown perf OS, 1/- green Die II & Die IIB. SM wmk 6d MNH & opt OS pr MNH, CofA wmk 2/- maroon imprint blks of 4 MNH. F-VF. ACSC cat $4500+. (17)
Lot #223 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
Kangaroo valuable selection comprising 1st wmk 2½d (2 MNH, 1 MLH), 3d Die I, Die II M/MLH, 4d (2) MLH, 5d MNH & MLH, 1/- MNH. 2nd wmk 2d grey MNH & MLH, 2½d MLH, 6d, 9d MNH. 3rd wmk, 6d brown MLH & perf OS MNH, 9d M. SM wmk 6d perf OS MLH. CofA 6d MNH. Some MNH well regummed, but many F or VF & a desirable selection. Cat $11,400. (20)
Lot #224 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
KGV 1d red Mint with 1914 Single-line perf (2). 1915-17 Comb perf smooth paper (30) inc perf OS, wmk inv, upper marginal with double perf at top, 'roo's tongue out' flaw lower marginal blk of 4 with 'ferns' & 'RA joined' varieties fresh MNH cat $360, brownish-rose shade (G23½) cat $250 with Drury photo cert & carmine-rose (G30) pr MNH, cat $60. Rough paper (7) inc pale rose-red (G64) cat $700 with Drury photo cert, carmine-rose MNH (...
Lot #225 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
KGV array (30) to 1/4 inc single wmk inverted ½d green strip of 3, middle stamp VF M (ACSC cat $200). The single wmk upright 1½d brown (3) inc perf OS pr (cat $350), 1½d green, red & black-brown. No wmk 1d green & 1½d red (6 of ea). SM wmk perf 14 1½d red pr & single SM wmk perf 13½x12½ 3d (2) inc perf OS ½d orange perf OS, 4d olive (2) & 1/4 turquoise (cat $875). Nearly all fresh MNH. Total ACSC cat $2500. (30) (P)
Lot #226 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS Australia
KGV single wmk Harrison imprint prs ½d orange, 1½d red, 2d brown & 4d olive, stamps F-VF MNH, ACSC cat $1100. 1½d red no wmk & SM wmk both perfs in blks of 4 (cat $440) & 1½d pale red SM wmk perf 13½x12½ left marginal blk of 6. 3d blue SM wmk perf 14 type B-A part imprint pr MLH (Pos R55, 56, ACSC cat $225) plus SM wmk imprint prs 1½d perf 14 (Mullett) & 2d Die III perf 13½x12½ (Ash). Mostly fresh MNH, total ACSC cat $2100. (...
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More