Austria / Österreich: Österreichische Nationalbank 100 Schilling 1954 SPECIMEN, P.133s with red over
Österreichische Nationalbank 100 Schilling 1954 SPECIMEN, P.133s with red overprint and perforation "Muster", regular serial number on reverse, taken from a presentation book with thinning paper and tiny rusty spots at right border, soft vertical bend and minor creases in the paper at left, otherwise still strong paper and bright colors,...
50th Auction Anniversary Auction - Day 1, Coins & Banknotes
By: Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG 50th Auction Anniversary Auction - Day 1, Coins & Banknotes
50th AUCTION at 9 - 10 and 21 - 26 June 2021
Dear friends of Auktionshaus Gärtner,
I could now list for you the numerous rarities that will be offered, such as the Mauritius Ball Cover (lot 1) or the world's largest space collection (lot 2) – take yourself on an exciting philatelic journey around the world.
On the occasion of the anniversary of the 50th international Christoph Gärtner Auction, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude - to all those who have supported and accompanied me up to this point in making my philatelic dreams and visions come true. Without the many people around me, I could not have made this journey. Great thanks go to my family, first and foremost to my dearly loved wife Regina and my charming daughter Carolin, who have had not only endless patience - words cannot express it - but have also moved the C.G. group forward with their innovative ideas.
I would also like to thank my whole team for their tireless efforts. They constantly meet my challenging aims and perspectives and always achieve top performance in realizing them. I am aware that I have often gone to the limits, for the success of all.
Of course, my special thanks also go to my valued customers and to all bidders and consignors for their many years of trust and loyalty. You give me and my team drive, power and motivation to continue and to constantly improve. My personal incentive is to make the next 50 auctions always special and exciting for you.
I now wish everyone good health and that one or the other secret wish comes true.
Christoph Gärtner
50th Auction | Anniversary Auction
9-10 and 21 - 26 June 2021 / philately, coins & banknotes
Closing date for consigments: Single lots 8 weeks and collection lots 7 weeks before auction.
Sale Terms
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- Afghanistan | Banknoten (21) Apply Afghanistan | Banknoten filter
- Africa / Afrika | Banknoten (1) Apply Africa / Afrika | Banknoten filter
- Algeria / Algerien | Banknoten (2) Apply Algeria / Algerien | Banknoten filter
- Alle Welt | Banknoten (20) Apply Alle Welt | Banknoten filter
- Angola | Banknoten (5) Apply Angola | Banknoten filter
- Argentina / Argentinien | Banknoten (1) Apply Argentina / Argentinien | Banknoten filter
- Armenia / Armenien | Banknoten (3) Apply Armenia / Armenien | Banknoten filter
- Asia / Asien | Banknoten (2) Apply Asia / Asien | Banknoten filter
- Australia / Australien | Banknoten (1) Apply Australia / Australien | Banknoten filter
- Austria / Österreich | Banknoten (12) Apply Austria / Österreich | Banknoten filter
- Azerbaijan / Aserbaidschan | Banknoten (1) Apply Azerbaijan / Aserbaidschan | Banknoten filter
- Bahamas | Banknoten (2) Apply Bahamas | Banknoten filter
- Bangladesh | Banknoten (3) Apply Bangladesh | Banknoten filter
- Barbados | Banknoten (1) Apply Barbados | Banknoten filter
- Belgium / Belgien | Banknoten (4) Apply Belgium / Belgien | Banknoten filter
- Belize | Banknoten (3) Apply Belize | Banknoten filter
- Bermuda | Banknoten (5) Apply Bermuda | Banknoten filter
- Bhutan | Banknoten (3) Apply Bhutan | Banknoten filter
- Bolivia / Bolivien | Banknoten (1) Apply Bolivia / Bolivien | Banknoten filter
- Bosnia & Herzegovina / Bosnien & Herzegovina | Banknoten (4) Apply Bosnia & Herzegovina / Bosnien & Herzegovina | Banknoten filter
- Brazil / Brasilien | Banknoten (10) Apply Brazil / Brasilien | Banknoten filter
- Brunei | Banknoten (1) Apply Brunei | Banknoten filter
- Burundi | Banknoten (2) Apply Burundi | Banknoten filter
- Cambodia / Kambodscha | Banknoten (2) Apply Cambodia / Kambodscha | Banknoten filter
- Cameroon / Kamerun | Banknoten (1) Apply Cameroon / Kamerun | Banknoten filter
- Canada | Banknoten (5) Apply Canada | Banknoten filter
- Cayman Islands | Banknoten (2) Apply Cayman Islands | Banknoten filter
- Ceylon | Banknoten (6) Apply Ceylon | Banknoten filter
- Chile | Banknoten (1) Apply Chile | Banknoten filter
- China | Banknoten (6) Apply China | Banknoten filter
- Colombia / Kolumbien | Banknoten (1) Apply Colombia / Kolumbien | Banknoten filter
- Congo / Kongo | Banknoten (1) Apply Congo / Kongo | Banknoten filter
- Costa Rica | Banknoten (2) Apply Costa Rica | Banknoten filter
- Croatia / Kroatien | Banknoten (1) Apply Croatia / Kroatien | Banknoten filter
- Cuba | Banknoten (2) Apply Cuba | Banknoten filter
- Cyprus / Zypern | Banknoten (6) Apply Cyprus / Zypern | Banknoten filter
- Czechoslovakia / Tschechoslowakei | Banknoten (3) Apply Czechoslovakia / Tschechoslowakei | Banknoten filter
- Danish West Indies / Dänisch Westindien| Banknoten (2) Apply Danish West Indies / Dänisch Westindien| Banknoten filter
- Denmark / Dänemark | Banknoten (1) Apply Denmark / Dänemark | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Alliierte Militärbehörde + Ausgaben 1945-1948 | Banknoten (30) Apply Deutschland - Alliierte Militärbehörde + Ausgaben 1945-1948 | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Altdeutsche Staaten | Banknoten (7) Apply Deutschland - Altdeutsche Staaten | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Bank Deutscher Länder + Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Banknoten (88) Apply Deutschland - Bank Deutscher Länder + Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Briefmarkennotgeld | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Briefmarkennotgeld | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - DDR | Banknoten (7) Apply Deutschland - DDR | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Deutsches Reich bis 1945 | Banknoten (140) Apply Deutschland - Deutsches Reich bis 1945 | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Kolonien | Banknoten (5) Apply Deutschland - Kolonien | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Konzentrations- und Kriegsgefangenenlager | Banknoten (5) Apply Deutschland - Konzentrations- und Kriegsgefangenenlager | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Nebengebiete Deutsches Reich | Banknoten (50) Apply Deutschland - Nebengebiete Deutsches Reich | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Baden | Banknoten (4) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Baden | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Bayern | Banknoten (5) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Bayern | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Berlin und Brandenburg | Banknoten (3) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Berlin und Brandenburg | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Ehemalige Ostgebiete | Banknoten (3) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Ehemalige Ostgebiete | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Hessen | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Hessen | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Niedersachsen | Banknoten (2) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Niedersachsen | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Pfalz | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Pfalz | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Rheinland | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Rheinland | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Sachsen | Banknoten (5) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Sachsen | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Sachsen-Anhalt | Banknoten (3) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Sachsen-Anhalt | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Schleswig-Holstein | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Schleswig-Holstein | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Sonstige | Banknoten (2) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Sonstige | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Westfalen | Banknoten (1) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Westfalen | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld - Württemberg | Banknoten (10) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld - Württemberg | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld besonderer Art | Banknoten (6) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld besonderer Art | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Notgeld | Banknoten (14) Apply Deutschland - Notgeld | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Reichsbahn / Reichspost | Banknoten (44) Apply Deutschland - Reichsbahn / Reichspost | Banknoten filter
- Deutschland - Sonstige | Banknoten (8) Apply Deutschland - Sonstige | Banknoten filter
- Djibouti / Dschibuti | Banknoten (3) Apply Djibouti / Dschibuti | Banknoten filter
- Dominican Republic / Dominikanische Republik | Banknoten (1) Apply Dominican Republic / Dominikanische Republik | Banknoten filter
- East Africa / Ost-Afrika| Banknoten (1) Apply East Africa / Ost-Afrika| Banknoten filter
- East Caribbean States / Ostkaribische Staaten| Banknoten (1) Apply East Caribbean States / Ostkaribische Staaten| Banknoten filter
- Ecuador | Banknoten (2) Apply Ecuador | Banknoten filter
- Egypt / Ägypten | Banknoten (20) Apply Egypt / Ägypten | Banknoten filter
- Estonia / Estland | Banknoten (7) Apply Estonia / Estland | Banknoten filter
- Ethiopia / Äthiopien | Banknoten (1) Apply Ethiopia / Äthiopien | Banknoten filter
- Europa | Banknoten (2) Apply Europa | Banknoten filter
- Falkland Islands / Falkland Inseln | Banknoten (3) Apply Falkland Islands / Falkland Inseln | Banknoten filter
- Fiji | Banknoten (3) Apply Fiji | Banknoten filter
- Finland / Finnland | Banknoten (15) Apply Finland / Finnland | Banknoten filter
- France / Frankreich | Banknoten (20) Apply France / Frankreich | Banknoten filter
- French Equatorial Africa / Französisch-Äquatorialafrika | Banknoten (2) Apply French Equatorial Africa / Französisch-Äquatorialafrika | Banknoten filter
- French Indochina / Französisch Indochina | Banknoten (3) Apply French Indochina / Französisch Indochina | Banknoten filter
- French Somaliland / Französisch Somaliland | Banknoten (1) Apply French Somaliland / Französisch Somaliland | Banknoten filter
- French West Africa / Französisch Westafrika | Banknoten (1) Apply French West Africa / Französisch Westafrika | Banknoten filter
- Georgia / Georgien | Banknoten (1) Apply Georgia / Georgien | Banknoten filter
- Ghana | Banknoten (1) Apply Ghana | Banknoten filter
- Gibraltar | Banknoten (2) Apply Gibraltar | Banknoten filter
- Great Britain / Großbritannien | Banknoten (11) Apply Great Britain / Großbritannien | Banknoten filter
- Greece / Griechenland | Banknoten (2) Apply Greece / Griechenland | Banknoten filter
- Greenland / Grönland | Banknoten (2) Apply Greenland / Grönland | Banknoten filter
- Guatemala | Banknoten (2) Apply Guatemala | Banknoten filter
- Guernsey | Banknoten (1) Apply Guernsey | Banknoten filter
- Guinea | Banknoten (1) Apply Guinea | Banknoten filter
- Hungary / Ungarn | Banknoten (2) Apply Hungary / Ungarn | Banknoten filter
- Iceland / Island | Banknoten (1) Apply Iceland / Island | Banknoten filter
- India / Indien | Banknoten (8) Apply India / Indien | Banknoten filter
- Indonesia / Indonesien | Banknoten (6) Apply Indonesia / Indonesien | Banknoten filter
- Iran | Banknoten (32) Apply Iran | Banknoten filter
- Ireland / Irland | Banknoten (1) Apply Ireland / Irland | Banknoten filter
- Isle of Man | Banknoten (1) Apply Isle of Man | Banknoten filter
- Israel | Banknoten (4) Apply Israel | Banknoten filter
- Italy / Italien | Banknoten (32) Apply Italy / Italien | Banknoten filter
- Ivory Coast / Elfenbeinküste | Banknoten (2) Apply Ivory Coast / Elfenbeinküste | Banknoten filter
- Jamaica | Banknoten (3) Apply Jamaica | Banknoten filter
- Japan | Banknoten (1) Apply Japan | Banknoten filter
- Jersey | Banknoten (1) Apply Jersey | Banknoten filter
- Jordan / Jordanien | Banknoten (3) Apply Jordan / Jordanien | Banknoten filter
- Kazakhstan / Kasachstan | Banknoten (4) Apply Kazakhstan / Kasachstan | Banknoten filter
- Keeling / Cocos Islands | Banknoten (2) Apply Keeling / Cocos Islands | Banknoten filter
- Kuwait | Banknoten (2) Apply Kuwait | Banknoten filter
- Latvia / Lettland | Banknoten (10) Apply Latvia / Lettland | Banknoten filter
- Lebanon / Libanon | Banknoten (4) Apply Lebanon / Libanon | Banknoten filter
- Lesotho | Banknoten (1) Apply Lesotho | Banknoten filter
- Libya / Libyen | Banknoten (2) Apply Libya / Libyen | Banknoten filter
- Literatur | Banknoten (1) Apply Literatur | Banknoten filter
- Luxembourg | Banknoten (2) Apply Luxembourg | Banknoten filter
- Macau / Macao | Banknoten (3) Apply Macau / Macao | Banknoten filter
- Madeira | Banknoten (1) Apply Madeira | Banknoten filter
- Malawi | Banknoten (1) Apply Malawi | Banknoten filter
- Malaysia | Banknoten (4) Apply Malaysia | Banknoten filter
- Malta | Banknoten (4) Apply Malta | Banknoten filter
- Martinique | Banknoten (4) Apply Martinique | Banknoten filter
- Mauritius | Banknoten (2) Apply Mauritius | Banknoten filter
- Mexico | Banknoten (2) Apply Mexico | Banknoten filter
- Mongolia / Mongolei | Banknoten (5) Apply Mongolia / Mongolei | Banknoten filter
- Morocco / Marokko | Banknoten (3) Apply Morocco / Marokko | Banknoten filter
- Nepal | Banknoten (1) Apply Nepal | Banknoten filter
- Netherlands / Niederlande | Banknoten (1) Apply Netherlands / Niederlande | Banknoten filter
- Netherlands Antilles / Niederländische Antillen| Banknoten (2) Apply Netherlands Antilles / Niederländische Antillen| Banknoten filter
- Netherlands Indies / Niederländisch Indien | Banknoten (4) Apply Netherlands Indies / Niederländisch Indien | Banknoten filter
- North Korea / Banknoten (1) Apply North Korea / Banknoten filter
- Northern Ireland / Nordirland | Banknoten (2) Apply Northern Ireland / Nordirland | Banknoten filter
- Norway / Norwegen | Banknoten (1) Apply Norway / Norwegen | Banknoten filter
- Oman | Banknoten (1) Apply Oman | Banknoten filter
- Pakistan | Banknoten (13) Apply Pakistan | Banknoten filter
- Paraguay | Banknoten (1) Apply Paraguay | Banknoten filter
- Philippines / Philippinen | Banknoten (2) Apply Philippines / Philippinen | Banknoten filter
- Poland / Polen | Banknoten (6) Apply Poland / Polen | Banknoten filter
- Portugal | Banknoten (2) Apply Portugal | Banknoten filter
- Portuguese Guinea / Portugiesisch Guinea| Banknoten (1) Apply Portuguese Guinea / Portugiesisch Guinea| Banknoten filter
- Qatar | Banknoten (1) Apply Qatar | Banknoten filter
- Rhodesia & Nyasaland | Banknoten (2) Apply Rhodesia & Nyasaland | Banknoten filter
- Romania / Rumänien | Banknoten (1) Apply Romania / Rumänien | Banknoten filter
- Russia / Russland | Banknoten (46) Apply Russia / Russland | Banknoten filter
- Rwanda-Burundi / Ruanda-Burundi | Banknoten (1) Apply Rwanda-Burundi / Ruanda-Burundi | Banknoten filter
- Réunion | Banknoten (1) Apply Réunion | Banknoten filter
- Saudi Arabia / Saudi Arabien | Banknoten (1) Apply Saudi Arabia / Saudi Arabien | Banknoten filter
- Scotland / Schottland | Banknoten (4) Apply Scotland / Schottland | Banknoten filter
- Senegal | Banknoten (1) Apply Senegal | Banknoten filter
- Serbia / Serbien | Banknoten (1) Apply Serbia / Serbien | Banknoten filter
- Seychelles / Seychellen | Banknoten (1) Apply Seychelles / Seychellen | Banknoten filter
- Sierra Leone | Banknoten (1) Apply Sierra Leone | Banknoten filter
- Singapore / Singapur | Banknoten (10) Apply Singapore / Singapur | Banknoten filter
- Slovakia / Slovakei | Banknoten (1) Apply Slovakia / Slovakei | Banknoten filter
- Slovenia / Slovenien | Banknoten (1) Apply Slovenia / Slovenien | Banknoten filter
- Solomon Islands | Banknoten (1) Apply Solomon Islands | Banknoten filter
- South Africa / Südafrika | Banknoten (2) Apply South Africa / Südafrika | Banknoten filter
- South America / Südamerika | Banknoten (1) Apply South America / Südamerika | Banknoten filter
- Southwest Africa | Banknoten (1) Apply Southwest Africa | Banknoten filter
- Spain / Spanien | Banknoten (10) Apply Spain / Spanien | Banknoten filter
- Straits Settlements | Banknoten (1) Apply Straits Settlements | Banknoten filter
- Sudan | Banknoten (3) Apply Sudan | Banknoten filter
- Switzerland / Schweiz | Banknoten (18) Apply Switzerland / Schweiz | Banknoten filter
- Syria / Syrien | Banknoten (3) Apply Syria / Syrien | Banknoten filter
- Taiwan | Banknoten (1) Apply Taiwan | Banknoten filter
- Tanzania / Tansania | Banknoten (1) Apply Tanzania / Tansania | Banknoten filter
- Tatarstan | Banknoten (1) Apply Tatarstan | Banknoten filter
- Testbanknoten | Banknoten (3) Apply Testbanknoten | Banknoten filter
- Thailand | Banknoten (1) Apply Thailand | Banknoten filter
- Tonga | Banknoten (2) Apply Tonga | Banknoten filter
- Trinidad & Tobago | Banknoten (2) Apply Trinidad & Tobago | Banknoten filter
- Tunisia / Tunisien | Banknoten (2) Apply Tunisia / Tunisien | Banknoten filter
- Turkey / Türkei | Banknoten (2) Apply Turkey / Türkei | Banknoten filter
- Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten (3) Apply Ukraina / Ukraine | Banknoten filter
- United Arab Emirates / Vereinigte Arabische Emirate | Banknoten (2) Apply United Arab Emirates / Vereinigte Arabische Emirate | Banknoten filter
- United States of America - Confederate States | Banknoten (1) Apply United States of America - Confederate States | Banknoten filter
- United States of America | Banknoten (39) Apply United States of America | Banknoten filter
- Uruguay | Banknoten (1) Apply Uruguay | Banknoten filter
- Uzbekistan / Usbekistan | Banknoten (1) Apply Uzbekistan / Usbekistan | Banknoten filter
- Vanuatu | Banknoten (1) Apply Vanuatu | Banknoten filter
- Venezuela | Banknoten (2) Apply Venezuela | Banknoten filter
- Vietnam | Banknoten (2) Apply Vietnam | Banknoten filter
- West African States / West-Afrikanische Staaten | Banknoten (1) Apply West African States / West-Afrikanische Staaten | Banknoten filter
- Yemen / Jemen | Banknoten (2) Apply Yemen / Jemen | Banknoten filter
- Yugoslavia / Jugoslavien | Banknoten (4) Apply Yugoslavia / Jugoslavien | Banknoten filter
- Zaire | Banknoten (2) Apply Zaire | Banknoten filter
- Zambia / Sambia | Banknoten (2) Apply Zambia / Sambia | Banknoten filter
Lot #2825 - Austria / Österreich | Banknoten
Lot #2826 - Austria / Österreich | Banknoten
Austria / Österreich: Österreichische Nationalbank 20 Schilling 1956 SPECIMEN, P.136s with red overp
Österreichische Nationalbank 20 Schilling 1956 SPECIMEN, P.136s with red overprint and perforation "Muster", regular serial number on reverse, taken from a presentation book with thinning paper and tiny missing part at left, lightly toned paper with a few rusty spots and traces of glue on back, Condition: VF.
Value Add Taxes (19%)...
Lot #2827 - Austria / Österreich | Banknoten
Austria / Österreich: Österreichische Nationalbank 100 Schilling 1960 SPECIMEN, P.138s with red over
Österreichische Nationalbank 100 Schilling 1960 SPECIMEN, P.138s with red overprint and perforation "Muster", regular serial number on reverse, taken from a presentation book with thinning paper and rusty spots at left border, lightly toned and traces of glue on back, otherwise unfolded and still strong paper and bright colors, Condition...
Lot #2828 - Austria / Österreich | Banknoten
Austria / Österreich: Oesterreichische Nationalbank 500 Schilling 1965 Specimen, P.139s with portrai
Oesterreichische Nationalbank 500 Schilling 1965 Specimen, P.139s with portrait of Joseph Ressel, Specimen Note Nr. 000189, overprint and perforation "MUSTER" and zero serial number. With some black stains due to incorrect storage. condition: XF+.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
Lot #2829 - Austria / Österreich | Banknoten
Austria / Österreich: Österreichische Nationalbank 1000 Schilling 1983 SPECIMEN, P.152s with red ove
Österreichische Nationalbank 1000 Schilling 1983 SPECIMEN, P.152s with red overprint "Muster", regular serial number on reverse, excellent condition with a few tiny pinholes at upper right and soft vertical fold at center, Condition: XF/XF+.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
Lot #2830 - Austria / Österreich | Banknoten
Austria / Österreich: Stände der Böhmischen und Österreichischen Erblande, payment obligation of 15
Stände der Böhmischen und Österreichischen Erblande, payment obligation of 15 Gulden 1763 Formular, P.NL (Richter W5a) in aUNC/UNC condition. Rare!
Lot #2831 - Austria / Österreich | Banknoten
Austria / Österreich: Wiener Verkehrsbetriebe, Gutschein über 5 Groschen 1947, P.NL in kassenfrische
Wiener Verkehrsbetriebe, Gutschein über 5 Groschen 1947, P.NL in kassenfrischer Erhaltung.
Lot #2832 - Azerbaijan / Aserbaidschan | Banknoten
Azerbaijan / Aserbaidschan: Azərbaycan Milli Bankı 10 Manat ND(1992) SPECIMEN, P.12s with serial num
Azərbaycan Milli Bankı 10 Manat ND(1992) SPECIMEN, P.12s with serial number A/1 00000000 and perforation "Specimen" in almost perfect condition with a small imprint of a paper clip at upper margin, Condition: aUNC/UNC.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
Lot #2833 - Bahamas | Banknoten
Bahamas: The Bahamas Government 5 Dollars L.1965, P.20a, PMG graded 65 EPQ. Excellent condition!
The Bahamas Government 5 Dollars L.1965, P.20a, PMG graded 65 EPQ. Excellent condition!
For this lot an additional 7% for Import Expenses (Taxes) will be charged.
Lot #2834 - Bahamas | Banknoten
Bahamas: set of 8 notes containing 2x 50 Cents L.1974 P. 42 (aUNC & UNC), 2x 1 Dollar L. 1974 P. 43
set of 8 notes containing 2x 50 Cents L.1974 P. 42 (aUNC & UNC), 2x 1 Dollar L. 1974 P. 43 (UNC and UNC with writing in watermark area), 3 Dollars L. 1974 P. 44 (one crease at lower border, aUNC), 5 Dollars L.1974 P. 45 (crisp UNC) and 2x 1 Dollar "Columbus" P. 50 (UNC), nice set. (8 pcs)
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added...
Lot #2835 - Barbados | Banknoten
Barbados: 20 Dollars ND (1973) Specimen P. 34s with red "Specimen" overprint in center on front and
20 Dollars ND (1973) Specimen P. 34s with red "Specimen" overprint in center on front and back, specimen number "42" printed at lower border, one cancellation hole and oval De La Rue overprints in corners. The note is in perfect crisp and colorful condition: UNC.
Lot #2836 - Belgium / Belgien | Banknoten
Belgium / Belgien: 500 Francs = 100 Belgas 1943 P.124 soft horizontal fold and a few spots and 100 F
500 Francs = 100 Belgas 1943 P.124 soft horizontal fold and a few spots and 100 Francs 1946 P.126 also great condition with a horizontal fold only. Condition: XF. (2 pcs.)
Lot #2837 - Belgium / Belgien | Banknoten
Belgium / Belgien: set of notes 1000 Francs containing the issue P. 131 (F+), P. 136 (pressed F to V
set of notes 1000 Francs containing the issue P. 131 (F+), P. 136 (pressed F to VF) and P. 144 (VF+ to XF-, not pressed), nice set. (3 pcs)
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
Lot #2838 - Belgium / Belgien | Banknoten
Belgium / Belgien: 20 Francs 1950 Specimen P. 132as, a rarely seen specimen note with red overprint
20 Francs 1950 Specimen P. 132as, a rarely seen specimen note with red overprint at upper right, zero serial numbers. The note has crisp original paper and only 2 rusty traces of paper clips at upper border and a residual of glue on back right side from former attachment to presentation book. Never folded, 2 pinholes at left. First time...
Lot #2839 - Belgium / Belgien | Banknoten
Belgium / Belgien: Banque Nationale de Belgique 500 Francs ND(1982-98), P.143, PMG graded 65 EPQ. Gr
Banque Nationale de Belgique 500 Francs ND(1982-98), P.143, PMG graded 65 EPQ. Great item!
For this lot an additional 7% for Import Expenses (Taxes) will be charged.
Lot #2840 - Belize | Banknoten
Belize: The Government of Belize 2 Dollars 1975, P.34b, tiny spot at upper margin, PMG graded 64 Cho
The Government of Belize 2 Dollars 1975, P.34b, tiny spot at upper margin, PMG graded 64 Choice Uncirculated.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
Lot #2841 - Belize | Banknoten
Belize: The Government of Belize 10 Dollars 1975, P.36b, PMG graded 67 EPQ. Highly Rare in this grea
The Government of Belize 10 Dollars 1975, P.36b, PMG graded 67 EPQ. Highly Rare in this great condition!
For this lot an additional 7% for Import Expenses (Taxes) will be charged.
Lot #2842 - Belize | Banknoten
Belize: The Monetary Authority of Belize 5 Dollars 1980, P.39a, excellent condition and PMG graded 6
The Monetary Authority of Belize 5 Dollars 1980, P.39a, excellent condition and PMG graded 67 Superb Gem Unc EPQ.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
Lot #2843 - Bermuda | Banknoten
Bermuda: Bermuda Government 10 Shillings 1st October 1966, P.19c, PMG graded 35 Choice Very Fine.
Bermuda Government 10 Shillings 1st October 1966, P.19c, PMG graded 35 Choice Very Fine.
For this lot an additional 7% for Import Expenses (Taxes) will be charged.
Lot #2844 - Bermuda | Banknoten
Bermuda: The Bermuda Government 10 Pounds 1964, P.22 with portrait of QEII and signatures Lumsden an
The Bermuda Government 10 Pounds 1964, P.22 with portrait of QEII and signatures Lumsden and Davidson, highest denomination of this series in great condition, some soft folds and minor spots, WBG graded 25 Very Fine.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
Lot #2845 - Bermuda | Banknoten
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority 5 Dollars 1st April 1978, P.29b in perfect UNC condition.
Bermuda Monetary Authority 5 Dollars 1st April 1978, P.29b in perfect UNC condition.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
Lot #2846 - Bermuda | Banknoten
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority 2 Dollars 2007, P.50b, rare issue of a modern Caribbean banknote
Bermuda Monetary Authority 2 Dollars 2007, P.50b, rare issue of a modern Caribbean banknote, minor handling traces from circulation but still nice, Condition: VF.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
Lot #2847 - Bermuda | Banknoten
Bermuda: Bermuda Monetary Authority, pair with 2 Dollars 2009 SPECIMEN (P.57as, UNC) and 5 Dollars 2
Bermuda Monetary Authority, pair with 2 Dollars 2009 SPECIMEN (P.57as, UNC) and 5 Dollars 2009 SPECIMEN (P.58s, UNC). (2 pcs.)
Lot #2848 - Bhutan | Banknoten
Bhutan: Royal Government of Bhutan 5 Ngultrum ND(1974), P.2, some discoloration, graffiti, small bor
Royal Government of Bhutan 5 Ngultrum ND(1974), P.2, some discoloration, graffiti, small border tears and pinholes at left, Condition: F-.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
Lot #2849 - Bhutan | Banknoten
Bhutan: Royal Government of Bhutan 10 Ngultrum ND(1974), P.3, toned paper, tiny margin splits and so
Royal Government of Bhutan 10 Ngultrum ND(1974), P.3, toned paper, tiny margin splits and some pinholes at left, Condition: F.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG is an established dealer in Germany. For many years the company published direct sale list of stamps and covers from all the world. In 2006 they... Read More
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