6 different plantation tokens (ondernemingsgeld) and medal Kerstvlucht Pelikaan including documentation in small box
Coins, medals, banknotes
Auction 250-253 - Day 2 - Coins, medals, Netherlands and former colonies
By: Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen Auction 250-253 - Day 2 - Coins, medals, Netherlands and former colonies
AUCTION 250-253: 15-18 SEPTEMBER 2021
Middle East, Swaziland, USA incl. Duck stamps, Specialized prephilately worldwide, China Liberated Areas, Netherlands and former colonies
· French Military Post in the Netherlands 1795-1813, Masson Postmarks 1809-1811 and Swaziland – The Fred Boom Collection
· Netherlands 1852, USA 1847-1940 and USA «Duck Stamps» specialized – The Hans Caarls Collection
· Proofs of Netherlands former colonies – The Kees Vlot Collection
· Europe & Overseas, incl. Middle East, China Liberated Areas,
Prephilately worldwide – The Con Frank Collection,
Postal History of Zeeland 1795-1815 – The Kees de Baar Collection
The auction days are not open to the public due to the distancing measures against the spread of the corona virus.
Upfront bidding is not possible. You can bid through the following methods: Bid methods.
9.00 a.m. lots 1 - 374 Foreign countries - Single lots
11.00 a.m. lots 400 - 1198 Foreign countries - Collections and lots
18.00 p.m. lots 1200 - 1399 Foreign countries - Boxes and literature
9.30 a.m. lots 1400 - 1549 Coins, medals and banknotes
10.30 a.m. lots 1600 - 2155 Netherlands and former colonies - Collections and lots
16.30 p.m. lots 2160 - 2298 Netherlands and former colonies - Boxes and literature
9.30 a.m. lots 2300 - 2849 Netherlands and former colonies - Single lots
14.00 p.m. lots 2900 - 3177 Picture postcards
9.00 a.m. lots 3300 - 3444 Proofs of Netherlands former colonies - The Kees Vlot Collection
11.00 a.m. lots 3500 - 3720 French Military Post in the Netherlands 1795-1813 - The Fred Boom Collection
13.30 p.m. lots 3800 - 4302 Netherlands 1852 - The Hans Caarls Collection
Viewing is only possible by appointment. You may call or email us to make an appointment. Please indicate your desired viewing day and time, which lots you want to view and an indication of the time you think you will need.
In our online catalogue more than 12,000 high quality images are available!
If you would like to request additional images, send us an e-mail to info@corinphila.nl
4 September 2021
9.30 a.m. - 17.00 p.m.
6 September 2021
9.30 a.m. - 17.00 p.m.
7 September 2021
9.30 a.m. - 17.00 p.m.
8 September 2021
9.30 a.m. - 17.00 p.m.
9 September 2021
9.30 a.m. - 17.00 p.m.
10 September 2021
9.30 a.m. - 17.00 p.m.
11 September 2021
9.30 a.m. - 17.00 p.m.
13 September 2021
9.30 a.m. - 20.00 p.m.
14 September 2021
9.30 a.m. - 17.00 p.m.
Sale Terms
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- (-) Remove Netherlands and former colonies filter Netherlands and former colonies
- (-) Remove Netherlands and former colonies filter Netherlands and former colonies
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- Japanese Occupation Dutch Indies Java (1) Apply Japanese Occupation Dutch Indies Java filter
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- Netherlands and Former Territories (59) Apply Netherlands and Former Territories filter
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Lot #1495 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands Indies
Lot #1496 - Netherlands and former colonies Overzee
Kleine collectie in album, waarbij veel betere kwaliteiten en zilvergeld
Coins, medals, banknotes
Lot #1537 - Netherlands and former colonies indonesia
including fantasy products and some coins in small box
Coins, medals, banknotes
Lot #1600 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
mooie voorraad port */** gespecialiseerd op typen en tandingen met veel beter materiaal w.b. plaatfouten, P6IB, P7IIIB ** met attest Vleeming 2012, P7IIID, P8fbD met certificaat NVPH 1997, P9fgA en P10fgA beide met attest Vleeming 2016, P28II en P28III in paar met attest Vleeming 2013, P41 en P41fa in paar met certificaat Vleeming 2017, 48Aaf als middelste zegel in blok van 9, P63 met sterk verschoven opdruk etc. Tevens iets luchtpost en...
Lot #1601 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
postzegelboekjes zeer uitgebreide en gespecialiseerde collectie Lebeau (vliegende duif) w.b. veel complete boekjes, variëteiten, veldelen, kaftreconstructies, schutblaadjes, kaftjes etc. mooi opgezet in blanco album
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1602 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
mooie collectie 1852-1940 gestempeld gespecialiseerd op typen en tandingen w.b. veel betere ex. (o.a. nrs. 48, 61c, 80, 130-131), roltanding (behoudens R32 compleet), LP12-13, port gespecialiseerd, Dienst, postbewijs, telegram, poststukken etc. netjes opgezet in Davo album
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1603 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
roltanding mooie gesorteerde voorraad */** w.b. veel betere ex. (R7 in verticaal paar, nrs. R46 en R54 in blokken van 4, R89 in strip van 4), blokken, paren, velranden, iets variëteiten etc. in insteekboek
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1604 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
voorraad 1852-1960 (*)/*/** (in deels gemengde kwaliteit w.b. nagegomd) met veel betere ex. en series (o.a. nrs. 1 en 3 met attest Vleeming 2021, emissies 1864, 1867 en 1872, Wapentjes, Hangend Haar, Bontkraag, Jubileum 1913, nrs. 104-105, Jubileum 1923, Veth, Van Konijnenburg, En Face etc.) Tevens Armenwet in insteekboek
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1605 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
collectie 1852-1999 gestempeld, later */** op hoofdnummers compleet met tevens LP12-13, Postbewijs, Roltanding behoudens R32 compleet, Port, Brandkast, Armenwet, Telegram behoudens TG7 compleet etc. in 3 Davo albums in doosje
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1606 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
nominaal w.b. ca. EUR 1470, NL1 (ca. 2160x), Kerst (ca. 400x), Internationaal (ca. 320x), NL2 (ca. 50x) in 2 albums en jaarsets in doosje
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1607 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
nominaal w.b. ca. EUR1650, NL1 (ca. 1480x), NL2 (ca. 50x), Kerst (ca. 270x), Internationaal (ca. 420x) en Aangetekend (15x) in 9 albums/insteekboeken en mapje in verhuisdoos
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1608 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
voorfilatelie, uitgebreide collectie debourséstempels (ca. 120 ex.) (departementstempels, départements conquis) alle gebruikt tussen 1814-1860 w.b. veel betere afdrukken, gekapte en betere stempels (o.a. Déboursé Valkenburg, 118 Medemblick, 118 Naarden, 118 Schoonhoven, 119 La Brielle, gekapt Hellevoetsluis, 119 Dirksland, 119 Schiedam, 121 Doesbourgh, 121 Thiel, 122 Heerenveen (zonder voorzijde),123 Meppel, gekapt Helmont, 126 Heusden,...
Lot #1609 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
collectie 1852-2000 meest gestempeld iets gespecialiseerd en behoudens nr. 101 op hoofdnummers compleet w.b. verder o.a. nr. 105 gestempeld 17-8-1920 (1e dag) gebreken, uitgebreid Back of the Book etc. in 4 Davo albums
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1610 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
luchtpost Nederland - Nederlands-Indië en vice versa, zeer uitgebreide collectie van ruim 750 poststukken met betere ex. en relatief weinig philatelistisch geinspireerd materiaal in 12 ringbanden in verhuisdoos. Tevens map documentatie.
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1611 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
voorraad meest ** 1906-1940 w.b. veel betere ex. en series (o.a. Tuberculose ** met certificaat NVPH 2001, Kind, Van Konijnenburg), blokken van 4 etc. in over het algemeen mooie kwaliteit in ringband
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1612 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
nominaal w.b. ca. EUR1150, NL1 (ca. 1640x), NL2 (ca. 60x), NL5 (3x), Kerst (ca. 230x), Internationaal (ca. 290x) en Aangetekend (2x) in 7 Davo albums en envelop in verhuisdoos
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1613 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
collectie 1852-1975 (*)/*/** met veel betere ex. en series (o.a. Veth, Fotomontage, Van Konijnenburg, En Face), roltanding nagenoeg compleet, port, dienst etc. in Davo album
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1614 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
uitgebreide collectie port gestempeld gespecialiseerd op typen en tandingen w.b. veel plaatfouten, emissie 1881 kamtanding 11½:12, gecombineerde tanding P10C+P10B in paar etc. Tevens iets Dienst en luchtpost in insteekboek en map
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1615 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
gespecialiseerde collectie 1852-1999 geheel gestempeld met o.a. platen 1e emissie, types, tandingen, roltanding (behoudens R32 compleet), postbewijs (compleet), telegram (behoudens TG7 compleet) etc. in 2 ringbanden
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1616 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
collectie 1852-2000 na 1900 meest */** met veel beter materiaal w.b. nrs. 1-41, 47, 49*, 56-76 */**, 80 met certificaat Moeijes, Veth */** etc. in 3 Leuchtturm albums
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1617 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
Tentoonstellingscollectie met 375 briefkaarten van/naar buitenland 1871-1891 met a-kaarten, puntstempels (tegen voorschriften), particulier bedrukt (inclusief droogstempels), spoorwegstempels, rubberstempel Avenhorn, naamstempels, zeldzame bestemmingen (inclusief 2½ cent bijfrankering wegens zeetarief naar Brazilië, Virgin Islands, Ecuador, Singapore), SPECIMEN briefkaarten (waarbij formulier II) en betere kaarten, 5 cent met puntstempel 5...
Lot #1618 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
collectie 1852-1990 gestempeld, later */** met betere ex. en series (o.a. nr. 48, Jubileum 1913*, 130-131*, Van Konijnenburg*, LP12-13* en beter Back of the Book (Roltanding, Port, Brandkast, Telegram) in 2 Importa albums
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1619 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
collectie 1852-2000 gestempeld op hoofdnummers compleet w.b. tevens uitgebreid Back of the Book (o.a. Roltanding, LP12-13, Port, Internering, Postbewijs, Telegram en Dienst) deels in gemengde kwaliteit in 4 Davo albums
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1620 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
collectie 1852-1982 gestempeld, later */** met beter materiaal w.b. nrs. 1-79, 101, 130-131 (nr. 130 met attest Vleeming 2020), Van Konijnenburg, En Face) en beter Back of the Book (o.a. LP12-13, Roltanding nagenoeg compleet met variëteiten etc.) in Davo album
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Lot #1621 - Netherlands and former colonies Netherlands
nominaal ca. EUR760, NL1 (ca. 930x), NL2 (ca. 50x), Kerst (ca. 200x), Internationaal (ca. 150x), Aangetekend (3x) in 3 Davo albums en jaarpakketten in doosje
Netherlands and former colonies - Collections & lots
Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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