Beendete Auktionen

Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG

lot # 16118 - australien

Thursday Feb 25, 2021 09:00 Europe/Berlin

Australien: 1926-32 Four central bottom marginal gutter blocks of four with ASH imprint of KGV. 1½d.
1926-32 Four central bottom marginal gutter blocks of four with ASH imprint of KGV. 1½d. scarlet, 1½d. red-brown, 2d. scarlet, all with Small Mult Wmk, and 3d. ultramarine with 'C of A' Wmk. The 1½d. and 2d. scarlet blocks unmounted mint, the 1½d. red-brown block cancelled "BROADWAY QUEENSLAND/19 FE 37", the 3d. block with "REGISTERED BRISBANE/15 ... 37" c.d.s., good/fine. In addition similar blocks of four (4), pairs (3) and block of eight of KGV. 1½d. scarlet, Small Mult Wmk, various 'Electros'/printings, all showing ASH or MULLETT imprint, all unmounted mint.

SG 96, 97, 99, 128


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