Beendete Auktionen


lot # 831 - New Zealand

Wednesday Mar 24, 2021 12:00 Europe/London

1855-1994 M & U collection housed in two spring back albums commencing with 1855 2d wmk large star FU, 1862-64 wmk large star 1d unused, 6d U, generally with three margins or touching, 1s green (fault), rouletted 6d, Perf Chalons good to FU range 1d, 2d blue (2), 6d red brown (2), 1s green (2), 1871-73 1d (2), 2d (3), 3d (2), 4d orange, 4d yellow, 6d blue (2), 1873 ½d newspaper (4) U, QV Profile Heads various perfs with vals to 1s (3), 1898 Pictorial Defin set FU (5s - fiscal), 1906 Christchurch Exhib set M, 3d & 6d with some tones, KEVII defins to 1s (2) U, 1913 Auckland Exhib set M (6d corner perf fault), 1920 Victory set M (1d value is U), KGV defins to 1s (2), 1926 Admiral 2s U (2) & 3s U, 1925 Dunedin set M, 1931 Air set M, 1935 defin to 3s U, 1935 Air set M, 1935 Jubilee set M, 1936-42 Defin set U, 1940 Centenary set M, Healths, appear complete mainly M incl. 1931 smiling boys, later ranges to 1990's UM etc. finally page Postal Fiscals U. (many 100's)

Estimate: £600 - 750


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