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Wednesday Aug 04, 2021 12:00 Europe/London

BRITISH AFRICA collection in leaves from Rhodesia 1892 vals to £1 FU incl. 6d block of four & 1s strip of three, 1892-94 vals to 4s FU, 1895 2d & 4d, 1896-97 Arms to 4s, 1896-97 Arms to 5s FU, 1897 Arms to 8d, 1898-1908 vals to £2 FU, 1909 optd vals to 3s, few double heads, Admirals to 4d, Southern Rhodesia incl. 1924 ½d admiral imperf ex Waterlow archive, 1924 admirals good to FU vals to 2/6d, KGV heads to 2s FU, 1937 Coronation set M & FDC, 1937 KGVI def set etc, Rhodesia & Nyasaland 1954 set FU, 1959 set (ex ½d) FU, Basutoland 1933 vals to 1s FU, 1938 KGVI set VFU incl. 2d, 4d & 2/6d in pairs etc finally K.U.T. 1950-52 1s booklet - blue on yellow cover/stapled SG.SB4 v.fine & scarce (352 stamps, 5 covers & booklet). Cat. £3500+

Estimate: £500 - 600

Sale Terms