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lot # 6210 - sammlungen/posten weltweit Briefe Posten

Wednesday Nov 27, 2024 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Worldwide Balance of Incoming Mail to the Netherlands: 1855/1899; Covers (16), with New South Wales (2) incuding a fine 1855 6 d. single franking on cover to Amsterdam; Austria 1889 uprated 5 kr. postal stationery cover to pat the 10 kr. rate, with Ferchenbauer certificate; Brazil (2) including 200 r. black Dom Pedro single franking via Bordeaux; Cape of Good Hope 1884 7½ d. rate sent via the RMS Garth Castle; El Salvador 1884 10 c. + 1 c. Coat of Arms cover from San Salvador; Liberia (2) 1889 & 1896 covers at the 5 c. and 8 c. rate, both sent by British Packet via Liverpool; Mexico (2), both 1899 registered usages to the Hague, one with A/R; unusual 1882 Philippines telegraph receipt for a telegram sent from Manila to Rotterdam; Sao Tomé 50 r. blue Carlos 1899 single franking to the Hague; Turkey (2) including a striking 1892 uprated stationery cover paying the second weight class rate to Apeldoorn and 1898 lithographed postcard from Zanzibar; some with small faults, but a fascinating group.

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Corinphila Auctions Ltd.

Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More

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