Beendete Auktionen

lot # 1186 - Peru revenue stamps

Thursday Sep 24, 2020 19:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires

RARE DOCUMENT: Original letter sent to the Postmaster in Lima on 25/AU/1866 with the following text: "The secretary of Finance, on the 23rd, says the following: it has been agreed that the stamps be sent to all the Departments by mail, and that they be escorted by soldiers. For this reason you will instruct the General Postmaster that each time that the office of Contribuciones sends stamps to any of the Treasuries, the package or packages that contain them be carried by registered mail...". It referes to the first revenue stamps, of 1866/7, unique and very interesting piece! We also include another document of 27/AU/1866 asking to suspend the delivery of the stamps to Pasco until measures are taken for them to be taken to destination with complete security. Ex-Herbert Moll


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