Beendete Auktionen
By: Mowbray Collectables
lot # 129 - collections and accumulations
Saturday Mar 07, 2020 13:00 Pacific/Auckland
NZ 1874-1980s largely MUH colln. Incl (MUH): SSF 2½d, 3d, 5d, 8d; 1898 2d, 2½d Wakatipu 3d, 4d, 8d, 9d 1/-, 1/- Official; 6d Kiwi red; 1st Express Delivery (2); Edwards complete (some gum yellowing); 1913 Auckland Exbn set (3d gum spot) GV complete, Healths (excl Red & Blue Boy) & 9d Official green etc.
Sale Terms
Mowbray Collectables
Mowbray Collectables is New Zealand’s leading philatelic and numismatic auction house.
Postal stamp auctions are held monthly, with sale catalogues mailed out to about 3,500 customers... Read More
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