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Mowbray Collectables

lot # 387 - NEW ZEALAND - Definitives: 1898 Pictorials

Saturday Mar 07, 2020 13:00 Pacific/Auckland

1898-1908 3d Huias colln, incl mint London x 15; 1st local x 8; Cowan p11 x 2; Cowan p14 x 13; official x 3. Reduced p14 - 1 mint, 4 used; p14 x 13 - 10 mint (3 are MUH) 4 used; p14 x 15 - 16 mostly MUH, 10 used; 1 cover. Imperf 1898 plate block of 4 in issued colour, no wmk, ungummed; 2 x imperf at top used; 1 double perf used. Officials used block of 10 (5 x 2). Also island ovpts incl Aitutaki 1 mint, 1 used; Penrhyn 8 mint/MUH & used block of 4.


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