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Mowbray Collectables

lot # 95 - collections and accumulations

Saturday Mar 07, 2020 13:00 Pacific/Auckland

Netherlands Colonies collns in 3 albums & 3 folders. Suriname 1873-1975 in Davo hingeless, mix mint & used to c1920s then mint, MUH from c1960. Noted 1873 50c & 1g FU. Mint: 1955 m/s plus many useful sets, virtually complete from mid 1940s. Netherland Indies in Davo hingeless. Noted 1865 10c perf FU; 1908 20c, 30c & 50c "Java" invts mint. New Guinea (in same album) appears complete mint, incl 1950 Defins set. Netherlands Antilles in pre-printed page album, virtually complete, nearly all mint to late 1980s (MUH from early 1970s). Noted 1950 Defins (but 5g no gum, 10g thin). Also Aruba 1986-8 MUH.


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