By: Mowbray Collectables
lot # 436 - NEW ZEALAND - Definitives - 1898 Pictorials
1902 6d Kiwi rose-red "Lisbon Superfine" paper, block of 60 (6 x 10) being the left 6 columns of the sheet with selvedge on 3 sides. Rows 7 & 8 show LIS(BON)/SUPER(FINE) wmk invtd covering part of 8 stamps. R 1/1-2 with re-entries mint, nearly all MUH. The LH margin strengthened & about 8 stamps affected with small fox marks. Rare & important multiple. SG 265c, 265cd. Cat £3900.
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Mowbray Collectables
Mowbray Collectables is New Zealand’s leading philatelic and numismatic auction house.
Postal stamp auctions are held monthly, with sale catalogues mailed out to about 3,500 customers... Read More