1914. Petar 15 p II redovno izd. sa pretiscima 10 f, 20 f, 40 f i 50 f, sve cetiri poznate vrednosti upotrebljene u Slavoniji kao zamena za sitne apoene novca, kaširane na papir Frankove štamparije u Osijeku, retko u kompletu.
1914 Petar 15 p 2nd regular issue with overprint 10 f, 20 f, 40 f and 50 f, all four known denominations used in Slavonia as change for small money denominations, lined back with paper of Frank's printing house in Osijek, rare as a complete set.
SFK - auctioneer & dealer of stamps, postal history, coins, banknotes, shares, badges, insignia and other ephemera items with emphasis on Balkan area.
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