1944. Šesnaesterac 20 c sa pretiskom 81-88. i 91 - 98. marka u tabaku sa tipicnim greškama 81. tacka ispod c, 85. grba na krilu orla, 86. i 95 tacka ispod noge, obradeno u Michel-u, ukupna kataloška vrednost 400.-++ € Odlican kvalitet, povoljno za istraživaca. 1944 Block of sixteen 20 c with overprint 81-88 and 91-98 stamps in sheet wit typical errors: 81 - dot below c, 85 - coat of arms on eagle's wing, 86 and 95 - dot below leg, analized in Michel, total catalogue value 400.-++ €. Very fine, good opportunty for researcher.
SFK - auctioneer & dealer of stamps, postal history, coins, banknotes, shares, badges, insignia and other ephemera items with emphasis on Balkan area.
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