
SFK Auctions

lot # 1738 - yugoslavia 1921 - 2010

Saturday Nov 29, 2014 12:00 to Sunday Nov 30, 2014 18:00 Europe/Belgrade
Last date for bids: 
Nov 29, 09:00 GMT

1940. II avionka 1 d + 2 d + 5 d na avio pismu iz Zagreba za Nemacku sa tranzitom putujuce pošte LJUBLJANA - BEOGRAD 3 i Zemuna i dolaznom cenzurom i banderolom, sve na poledini.
1940 2nd airmail issue 1 d + 2 d + 5 d on airmail letter from Zagreb to Germany with travelling post office LJUBLJANA-BEOGRAD 3 and Zemun transits, arrival censor mark and tape, all on back.

¼img src="/syms/airmail.png">