Beendete Auktionen

Status International

lot # 721 - COLLECTIONS & LOTS World

Thursday Oct 29, 2020 12:00 Australia/Sydney

Sweden: 1856-1911 Classic Mint collection inc 1856-62 Local for Stockholm (3o) brown. 1858-72 Arms 30o. 1872-79 Numeral 3o & 5o. 1886-91 Numeral 2o & 6o, with posthorn on back. 1889 10o Surch set 12o & 24o. 1891-1911 Numeral & King to 25o. 1889 Official 10o on 12o. 1874-79 Postage Due to 1Kr. All diff. Most G-VF M/UN, odd fault. SG cat £1750+ = A$3100+. (30). (P)

Estimate: A$150 - 250

Sale Terms