Preise Realisiert


lot # 11056 - Germany - 1871 to 1945 1933-45

Wednesday Jan 08, 2025 17:00 Europe/London

Very good Third Reich coln presented on Lindner hingeless album pages, largely complete and mostly FU though some later Mint sets or vals noted, with many of the better issues incl 1933-41 Hindenburg mesh wmk set, 1933 Wagner set, 1934 Air set, 1935 Costumes set, 1936 Olympics MS pair, 1937 Hitler MS rouletted, 1937 Brown Ribbon MS, 1938 Brown Ribbon 42pf, 1938 Party Official set, 1939 Nurenburg ovpt set, 1939 Danzig ovpt set to 2Rm, 1942-44 large Hitler set to 5Rm perf 12½, 1945 SS Trooper pair, condition is generally very good though some typical faults noted, a fine coln for further improvement. (100s) Cat £2950 (image available) {MX} [US2] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £720.80)

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