Preise Realisiert


lot # 7354 - Czechoslovakia 1934

Wednesday Jan 08, 2025 17:00 Europe/London

Centenary of the National Anthem Souvenir Music Sheets of 15 stamps both with genuine folders (Ex Horne collection), Scott 200a/201a, Mi 330x/331x decorative sheets, accompanied by 2 sets of Music sheet forgeries & a 2000 Prague Stamp show reproduced set for reference. Both Genuine sheets expertized Franek & Gilbert, group comes with the key on how to spot forgeries. Unused & without gum as issued. (4 sets, 1 set genuine, 2 sets forged with one forged folder, 1 set reproductions) Cat £1250 (image available) {CC} (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £400.00)

SG MS333a/334a


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