Coil strips & pairs Coil Joins wmk s/ways very fine with: ½d green SG462 strip of 5 u.m. & wmk S/ways strip of 5 u.m. ½d pale orange SG503 strip of 5 u.m. & 3x coil joins, 2 pairs & strip of 4, Spec Q3j, v.f. u.m. 1d scarlet SG463 strip of 5 u.m. 1d pale scarlet SG486 strip of 5 u.m. & s/way strip of 5 u.m. with offset on gum & faint tone spots on couple of perfs. 1d light ultramarine SG504 s/ways strip of 5 x 2. 1½d red brown SG464 strip of 5 u.m. & s/ways strip of 5 x 3. 1½d pale red brown SG487 coil join pair u.m. 1½d pale green SG505 s/way strip of 5 x 2 u.m. & coil join strip of 3 m.m. 2d pale orange SG488 s/ways strip of 5 v.f. u.m. 2d pale red brown SG506 s/ways strip of 5 x 2 u.m. 2½d light ultramarine SG489 s/ways strip of 5 u.m. with offset on gum. 2½d pale scarlet SG507 s/ways strip of 5 u.m. 3d violet SG467 coil join pair x 2 u.m. Spec Q16g. 3d pale violet SG490 coil join strip of 5 u.m. & coil join pair x 2 u.m. & m.m. 4d light ultramarine SG508 strip of 5 x 2, coil join strip of 4 & coil join pair x 2. u.m. Spec Q20d. 6d SG470 coil vertical pair u.m. Very fine & difficult to assembly today. (35 items) (image available) {CC} [US4] (Start Price / Minimum Bid = £187.20)
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Universal Philatelic Auctions
2008 saw us celebrating our first 50 years of supplying stamps to discerning collectors. Omniphil and Avon Approvals were both launched in 1958. In those days it was not uncommon for 3000 young... Read More
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