Dr. R. Fischer


Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand auflösen, die in aufwendigen Luxuskatalogen ausführlich präsentiert werden. Hochwertige Fotos der Lose geben zusätzliche wichtige Informationen. Dr. R. Fischer - Six times a year we carry out auctions, which are highly regarded in the philatelistic world, when we liquidate – preferably - valuable, intact collections from private individuals, presented in an elaborate, luxury catalog. High-quality, often color photos provide additional information. Furthermore, you have the opportunity to buy stamps at fixed prices from our extensive stock during the year. A continuously updated list of our stock is sent to our clients up to ten times a year. Particularly German areas are strongly represented: The Old German States, German Reich, Third Reich, German Post Offices abroad, Occupation issues World Wars I. and II.. Dansk, Memel, Saar, all post-war areas beginning with local issues up to the Federal Republic of Germany. In addition, we carry a large stock from West Europe; at auctions we also offer all other areas including USA and the Commonwealth. If you collect German stamps, we are your ideal partner, because you can buy all German stamps from a single source! You benefit from our huge stock and our more than twenty years’ experience in dealing with thousands of satisfied customers all over the world.

Aktuelle Auktions

Friday Sep 15, 2017 13:30 to Saturday Sep 16, 2017 18:00 Europe/Berlin


Friday Jul 14, 2017 13:30 Europe/Berlin
Friday May 26, 2017 13:30 to Saturday May 27, 2017 20:00 Europe/Berlin
Friday Mar 17, 2017 13:30 to Saturday Mar 18, 2017 20:00 Europe/Berlin
Saturday Jan 14, 2017 13:00 Europe/Berlin