1985-1990 (approximate) : very extensive, clean cancelled Blocklager with three-figure amount; souvenir sheets and KB, mostly last years, little also previously, have a look, Michel 800.-
1985-1990 (ca.): sehr umfangreiches, sauber gestempeltes Blocklager mit dreistelliger Anzahl ; Blocks und KB, meist letzte Jahre, weniges auch vorher, ansehen, Mi. 800.-
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #135 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #135 on
The 135th auction’s more than 8,000 lots contain the following highlights:
German states: extensive supply with many cancelled lots, items in mint condition, including many from Helgoland, as well as further Preußen, Thurn & Taxis and all other states with equally attractive offers.
German Empire: interesting selection from the breastplate issues on, very extensive in regard to types, varieties, colours, etc., further se-tenant printings, stamp booklets, etc.; also Nothilfe-Blocks, rare trials, unissued “Burg Rheinstein”, imperforated four-colour proofs of Mi.-Nr. 45, to name only a few highlights.
German colonies / Post offices abroad: extensive supply with many top items and rarities, very strong in forerunner issues, covers and in mint, never hinged issues; equally interesting is the comprehensive supply of “cancellations”.
Occupation I. World War/Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/
WW II/Fieldpost: premium supply with many types, rare stamps and varieties, also including Mi.-Nr. 8A cancelled (1,350), Mi.-Nr. 10BbIDDKI/3 mnh (450), Mi.-Nr. 12II mnh (400) and also Mi.-Nr. 12V mnh (400), as well as others.
German local issues: more than 300 lots with interesting covers, sought-after standard issues and varieties, including nearly all cities represented - from A like Arnsberg to W like Wittenberg.
West zones/Bund/Berlin: extensive selection with many varieties, rarities and top pieces, including among others Bund with numerous varieties, and mnh standard issues, Berlin with sought-after overprint items, numerous Währungsbeschädigten-Blocks, etc.
SBZ/DDR: more than 500 lots, including many rarities, sought-after standard issues, watermark varieties, colours, etc., also includes Mi.-Nr. 439aIIgXI mnh (750), Mi.-Nr. 3091F mnh (130), etc.
Europe: contains among other items a very interesting series (Strecke) of lots from Austria, incl. Rosa Merkur, Wipa-Blocks, Dollfuss, furthermore Switzerland with good initial issues, classics and specialities, also Liechtensteinwith sought-after sets.
Varied collections offerings: a total of more than 900 collections, ranging from items from treasure troves to specialized stamp collections, from brief items to kilo ware, just about everything is represented.
Coins: more than 400 selected lots with numerous collectors’ coins and gold coins. That includes an extensive number of medallions.
Please note that conditions have changed - a buyers premium of 20% will be added to the final price, as well as a lot fee of 2,50 and postage. VAT of 19 % applies only on buyers premium, lot fee and postage and only if shipped in the EC. Please see this page for all terms and conditions
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Lot #8565 - liquidation ddr
Lot #8566 - liquidation ddr
Souvenir sheets, 1967-1990, complete mint never hinged collection from in total 76 souvenir sheets provenance. Souvenir sheet 26-101, nothing calculated
BLOCKAUSGABEN, 1967-1990, kpl. postfrische Sammlung von insgesamt 76 Blockausgaben ex. Bl. 26-101, nichts gerechnet
Lot #8567 - liquidation ddr
1953 / 1965, collection sender¦s meter cancel on 12 covers and 15 letter cut, in the supplement still numerous further Briefabschnitte with sender¦s meter cancellations from later years till 2002, as well different stamp pad ink and motives
1953/1965, Sammlung Absenderfreistempel auf 12 Briefen und 15 Briefabschnitten, im Anhang noch zahlreiche weitere Briefabschnitte mit Absenderfreistempeln aus späteren Jahren bis 2002,dabei...
Lot #8568 - liquidation ddr
10 Pf. yellow emerald green, complete round cancelled (Berlin 1085 29. 10. 80) unfolded and unbeschrifteter original sheet (50) with figure of value of rows wrongly from 20 Pf. value 1.00 M till 10, 00 M, issue 32000 piece, in perfect condition, for the complete hard shoulder by Michel without valuation (former starting price 30)
10 Pf. gelbsmaragdgrün, kpl. rundgestempelter (Berlin 1085 29.10.80) ungefalteter u. unbeschrifteter...
Lot #8569 - liquidation ddr zusammendrucke
1919-21, unhinged mint superb lot, mostly better combinations, as well booklet pane 23, W7, RL 1.3.9, etc., Michel 1060.-
1919-21, postfrischer Prachtposten, meist bessere Kombinationen, dabei H-Blatt 23, W7, RL 1, 3, 9, etc., Mi.1060.-
Lot #8570 - liquidation ddr zusammendrucke
92 LD combinations from 901 / 1219 including four and blocks of six, youth, fair (all 4 different Blicks) Olympic Games and costumes on stock pages, Michel 1. 400.-
92 LD-Kombinationen aus 901/1219 inklusive Vierer- und Sechserblocks, Jugend, Messe (alle 4 versch. Blicks) Olympia und Trachten auf Einstecktafeln, Mi. 1.400.-
Lot #8571 - liquidation ddr zkd
Cover lot with 22 stamped respectively without prepaid postage documents, as well two covers with VD1, ZKD postmark different departments, covers with gelbbraunen respectively red Stickers "delivery as plain Postal service shipment", Zähl respectively ce nsorship stamp, ZKD notification card, interesting lot, not alone for the specialists.
Brieflot mit 22 frankierten bzw. unfrankierten Belegen, dabei zwei Briefe mit VD1, ZKD-Stempel...
Lot #8572 - liquidation berlin
1956-1990, cancelled superb collection, the in the number of a major listing complete is including souvenir sheet stamps, C / D items and coil stamp for vending machine in the illustrated album, Michel approximate 1. 300.-
1956-1990, gestempelte Pracht-Sammlung, die in den Hauptnummern komplett ist inkl. Blockmarken, C/D-Werte und Automatenmarken im Vordruckalbum, Mi. ca. 1.300.-
Lot #8573 - liquidation berlin
1980-1990, the last years in the number of a major listing complete, in perfect condition used, Michel 680.-
1980-1990, die letzten Jahre in den Hauptnummern komplett, tadellos gestempelt, Mi. 680.-
Lot #8574 - liquidation französische zone - württemberg
1865-68, interesting, mostly superb lot, rummages, coat of arms with no. 30(8), 31(9), 32-33(3), 35(2), colours, postmark, and so on. Not calculated, Michel approximate 1000.-
1865-68, interessant, meist Prachtposten, durchsucht, Wappen mit Nr. 30(8), 31(9), 32-33(3), 35(2), Farben, Stempel, etc. unbewertet, Mi. ca. 1000.-
Lot #8575 - liquidation französische zone - württemberg
1865-68, neat cancelled (no. 30 additional 1 time *), mostly superb lot coat of arms provenance 30-35 with 30(6), 31(8), 32(4), 33(3), 35(2), color shades (not calculated), postmark, and so on. Michel 1050.-
1865-68, sauber gestempelt (Nr. 30 zusätzlich 1 Mal *), meist Prachtposten Wappen ex 30-35 mit 30(6), 31(8), 32(4), 33(3), 35(2), Farbnuancen (unbewertet), Stempel, etc. Mi. 1050.-
Lot #8576 - liquidation bizone
Neat cancelled superb lot Arb.-Posthörnchen (including some numerals), over 300 items, with also better alike 41I (6), 49I on on piece choise copy, 45II (4) etc., not be searched, Specialist lot, Michel at least 1050
Sauber gestempelter Prachtposten Arb.-Posthörnchen (inkl. einigen Ziffern), über 300 Werte, dabei auch bessere wie 41I (6), 49I a. Kab.-Briefstück, 45II (4) etc., undurchsucht, Spezialistenlos, Mi. mindestens 1050...
Lot #8577 - liquidation bizone
1948-1949: clean round cancelled superb lot, only commemorative issues, as well no. 101-02 (4), 103-05 (5), souvenir sheet 1, no. 106-110 (3), etc., Michel over 750.-
1948-1949: sauber rundgestempelter Prachtposten, nur Sonderausgaben, dabei Nr. 101-02 (4), 103-05 (5), Bl. 1, Nr. 106-110 (3), etc., Mi. über 750.-
Lot #8578 - liquidation bizone
1948-49: clean round cancelled very fine inventory, special issue with no. 69-72 (2), 101-102 (3), 103-05 (5) . Souvenir sheet 1.106-110 (2), Michel 670.-
1948-49: sauber rundgestempelter Prachtbestand, Sondermarken mit Nr. 69-72 (2), 101-102 (3), 103-05 (5). Bl.1, 106-110 (2), Mi. 670.-
Lot #8579 - liquidation bizone
1945 / 1949, round cancel collection with some complete sets on Schaubek album pages
1945/1949, rundgestempelte Sammlung mit einigen kpl. Satzausgaben auf Schaubek-Albumblättern
Lot #8580 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland / berlin
Sports Aid stamp booklet, 1979-1999, complete mint never hinged collection from 56 stamp booklet, as well Federal Republic of Germany SMH 1-31, Olympic Games stamp booklet OMH I, 1-7; Berlin SMH 1-12, Philex (10 issue) 785,- Euro, high acquisition pri ce, rare in this complete offered! (former starting price 80)
SPORTHILFE-MARKENHEFTCHEN, 1979-1999, kpl. postfrische Sammlung von 56 Markenheftchen, dabei Bund SMH 1-31, Olympia-MH...
Lot #8581 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland - ganzsachen
Sights, 1989-1997, inventory from approximate 340 unused postal stationeries from provenance P140-P157, as well amongst other things P140 and P143 (je10 St. ), P146 (40 St. ), P148 (10 St. ), etc., Michel approve approximate 550.- (former starting price 50)
SEHENSWÜRDIGKEITEN, 1989-1997, Bestand von ca. 340 ungebrauchten Ganzsachen aus ex P140-P157, dabei u.a. P140 und P143 (je10 St.), P146 (40 St.), P148 (10 St.), etc., Mi. billigst...
Lot #8582 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland - ganzsachen
Castle & palace, 1977-1982, inventory from approximate 360 unused postal stationeries from provenance P121-P137, as well amongst other things P122 and P123 (always 18 St. ), P132 (13 St. ), P135 (47 St. ), P 136 (55 St. ), P137 (29 St. ), Michel approve approximate 500.- (former starting price 50)
BURGEN & SCHLÖSSER, 1977-1982, Bestand von ca. 360 ungebrauchten Ganzsachen aus ex P121-P137, dabei u.a. P122 und P123 (je 18 St...
Lot #8583 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland - ganzsachen
Special postal stationeries, 1971-2002, almost complete collection from 70 different unused postal stationeries (provenance no. 3-77), as well to Philex no. 3 a-e till 47 complete, no. 49-53, etc., nothing calculated
SONDERGANZSACHEN, 1971-2002, fast kpl. Sammlung von 70 versch. ungebrauchten Ganzsachen (ex Nr. 3-77), dabei nach Philex Nr. 3 a-e bis 47 komplett, Nr. 49-53, etc., nichts gerechnet
Lot #8584 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland - ganzsachen
Special postal stationeries, 1971-2002, almost complete collection from 72 different used postal stationeries (provenance no. 3-77), often with philatelic agency cancel, as well to Philex no. 3 a-e till 47 complete, essentially missing only the large siz ed, nothing calculated (former starting price 40)
SONDERGANZSACHEN, 1971-2002, fast kpl. Sammlung von 72 versch. gebrauchten Ganzsachen (ex Nr. 3-77), oftmals mit...
Lot #8585 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland - ganzsachen
Special postal stationeries, 1971-2002, almost complete collection from 65 different unused postal stationeries (provenance no. 3-77), as well to Philex no. 3 a-e till 45 complete, no. 49-53, etc., nothing calculated
SONDERGANZSACHEN, 1971-2002, fast kpl. Sammlung von 65 versch. ungebrauchten Ganzsachen (ex Nr. 3-77), dabei nach Philex Nr. 3 a-e bis 45 komplett, Nr. 49-53, etc., nichts gerechnet
Lot #8586 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland
Unhinged mint choice copy inventory, from the second half the 70s, of all mostly complete issues, often in blocks of four, many better, extensive souvenir sheets, have a look, Michel over 1750.-
Postfrischer Kabinettbestand, aus der zweiten Hälfte der 70ziger Jahre, aller meist komplette Ausgaben, oft in Viererblocks, viele bessere, reichhaltige Blocks, ansehen, Mi. über 1750.-
Lot #8587 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland
1960-1975: very extensive mint never hinged superb in every respect (choice copy) inventory, chronologically organized, upon hundreds from values with almost all issues about the 5-7x, also the better, Michel 1600.-
1960-1975: sehr umfangr. postfr. Kab.-bestand, chronologisch geordnet, Aberhunderte v. Werten mit fast allen Ausgaben um die 5-7x, auch die besseren, Mi. 1600.-
Lot #8589 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland
1994-1001, unhinged mint choice copy inventory the last "DM"-Ausgaben, in the best way sorted, hardly permanent issues, the good surtax sets in the best way existing, Michel 1250.-
1994-1001, postfrischer Kabinettbestand der letzten "DM"-Ausgaben, bestens sortiert, kaum Dauerserien, die guten Zuschlagssätze bestens vorhanden, Mi. 1250.-
Lot #8590 - liquidation bundesrepublik deutschland
1949-1953: unused superb lot, only good beginning valued, as well amongst other things no. 111-12 (2), 116 (2), 120-121 (2), 141.146.159 (2), and so on.
1949-1953: ungebrauchter Prachtposten, nur gute Anfangswerte, dabei u.a. Nr. 111-12 (2), 116 (2), 120-121 (2), 141, 146, 159 (2), etc.
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More