"GROSS RHÜDEN 19 / 7" - blue two ring cancel, almost perfect centered on Prussia 1 Sgr., two slight creases and spot lightly place
"GROSS RHÜDEN 19/7" - blauer K2, fast ideal zentrisch auf Preussen 1 Sgr., zwei leichte Büge und punkthelle Stelle
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
The 136th auction’s more than 12,000 lots contain the following highlights:
German states: extensive supply with around 1,500 lots, including - among others - many values in mint condition, Bavaria with Mi.-No. 1Ia*, Saxony with cancelled Sachsendreier (1,000); furthermore, dissolution of a special collection Hanover, Württemberg containing numerous mint condition rarities and a perfect, cancelled 70 Kr. (1,700), also in mint condition.
German empire: greatly differentiated supply with numerous colours, types, varieties, including - among others - small breast plates in mint condition, 5 Pfg Krone/Adler as a four-colour trial proof, unissued Burg Rheinstein; furthermore, an extensive supply of stamp booklets and se-tenant printings
German colonies / post offices abroad: impressive supply with numerous forerunner rarities, cover uses, also mint issues and unusual features; among others also Kiautschou Mi.-Nr. 26A cover, Togo with Mi.-Nr. 19I, cancelled (550). ...
WWI occupation/ Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/Saar: outstanding selection with numerous types, unusual features etc., also including Danzig with mnh “kleiner Innendienst“ (1,000) , * “großer Innendienst” (1,500), Memel with Mi.-Nr. 13e mnh (1,400) and mint issue green overprint (1,100).
WW II/Fieldpost: the customary extensive supply with numerous rarities and good standard issues, including
German local issues: among others, a special catalogue “Special Auction >>DIAMANT<<” with 600 selected lots of the presumably best collections “Großraeschen“ and “Spremberg“ containing exceptional rarities!
West zones/Bund/Berlin: extensive supply with all standard issues, including - among others - Bund with numerous varieties and unusual features, 80 Pfg Posthorn from the upper left sheet corner in exceptional mint condition (500), and Berlin with Währungsgeschädigten-Blocks.
SBZ/DDR: strongly differentiated supply with many types, varieties and unusual features, rare block issues, etc., including watermark varieties, se-tenants and imprints ...
Europe: selective supply with exciting Swiss, Austrian and Liechtenstein offerings as well as other states.
a multi-faceted supply of collections with nearly 2,000 lots originating primarily from private ownership, including complete estate collections, our traditional “great estate” section with the dissolution of 5 major estates, equally specialised country collections, treasure trove boxes and letter bundles with material from all over the world!
Coins: around 1,000 selected lots with numerous collector’s coins and gold coins. An extensive number of medallions are also available! Total opening bid value approximately 240,000 Euros
You can "inspect" more than 500 collections entirely on the internet – the images of all the album pages convey a very accurate impression.
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Lot #402 - altdeutschland staten hannover nachverwendungen
Lot #403 - altdeutschland staten hannover nachverwendungen
"Northeim at night 23 11 (1870) " - two ring cancel, clear on NDP correspondence card 1 Gr. to Stadtoldendorf (arrival cancel), card slight crease and small fissure, in total fine example
"NORTHEIM NACHTS 23 11 (1870)" - K2, klar auf NDP-Korrespondenz-Karte 1 Gr. nach Stadtoldendorf (Ankstpl), Karte leichter Bug und kleiner Spalt, insgesamt schöner Beleg
Lot #404 - altdeutschland staten hannover nachverwendungen
"STOTEL" - blue two ring cancel, centric clear on Prussia 1 Sgr., above middle small closed tear
"STOTEL" - blauer K2, zentrisch klar auf Preussen 1 Sgr., oben Mitte kleiner verschlossener Einriss
Lot #405 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
1 / 2 Sch. dark bluish green / carmin, I. issue, unused with lighter place, otherwise nice exemplar, signed Buehler, photo expertize Estelmann BPP
1/2 Sch. dunkelbläulichgrün/karmin, I. Auflage, ungebr. mit heller Stelle, ansonsten schönes Exemplar, sign. Bühler, Fotobefund Estelmann BPP
Lot #406 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
1 S. rose-carmine / dark green, used, left and below scissors separation, expertized Lemberger BPP
1 S. rosakarmin/dunkelgrün, gestempelt, links und unten Scherentrennung, geprüft Lemberger BPP
Lot #407 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
2 Shilling perforated, Berlin reprint 1879, III. issue, complete sheet to 50 stamps, as well the in the cabbage handbook described plate flaw on the fields, 42 and 48. the sheet includes 40 in perfect condition mint never hinged reprints includ ing which with plate flaw, the vertical middle row is with hinges reinforced
2 Schilling gezähnt, Berliner Neudruck 1879, III.Auflage, kpl. Bogen zu 50 Marken, dabei die im Kohl-...
Lot #408 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
6 Sch. dark gray green / lilac-rose with blue double circle of the Hamburger city post office from 31. 7. 67, left above round corner, otherwise nice and faultless exemplar provenance. Collection captain Saxon, signed W. Angel, certificate with photograp h Estelmann BPP
6 Sch. dunkelgraugrün/lilarosa mit blauem Dkr. des Hamburger Stadtpostamtes vom 31.7.67, links oben Eckrund, ansonsten schönes und tadelloses Exemplar ex. Sammlung...
Lot #409 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
1 / 2 Sch. centralbluish-green / carmin, used, defects, abridged certificate with photo Estelmann BPP, Michel 320,-
1/2 Sch. mittelbläulichgrün/karmin, gest., Mängel, Fotokurzbefund Estelmann BPP, Mi. 320,-
Lot #410 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
1 S. perforated, Berlin reprint 1875, I. issue, complete sheet to 50 stamps with Arabic numeral "6" in the lower margin of sheet under field 46. partly separated upper margins, reverse at different places with hinges reinforced. 42 stamps mint never hing ed, 8 unused
1 S. gezähnt, Berliner Neudruck 1875, I.Auflage, kpl. Bogen zu 50 Marken mit arabischer Ziffer "6" im unteren Bogenrand unter Feld 46. Teils angetrennte Oberränder, rücks...
Lot #411 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
1 / 4 S printing error green / carmin in perfect condition unused with original gum, photo expertize Schulz BPP, Michel 120.-
1/4 S Fehldruck grün/karmin tadellos ungebraucht mit Originalgummi, Fotobefund Schulz BPP, Mi. 120.-
Lot #412 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
1 / 4 S. printing error perforated, Leipzig reprint 1888, complete unhinged mint sheet to 50 stamps, always a vertical and horizontal fold trace through the perforation
1/4 S. Fehldruck gezähnt, Leipziger Neudruck 1888, kpl. postfrischer Bogen zu 50 Marken, je eine senkr. u. waager. Faltspur durch die Zähnung
Lot #413 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
1 / 4 Shilling dark red crimson / bright yellowish green in perfect condition unused with full original gum and small hinge, Michel 400.-
1/4 Schilling dunkelrotkarmin/lebhaftgelblichgrün tadellos ungebraucht mit vollem Originalgummi und kleinem Falz, Mi. 400.-
Lot #414 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
1 / 4 Sch. lilac-rose / bright gray green, having bright colors and vollzähniger block of four with lower margin, unused with full original gum and slight hinge traces, photo expertize Schulz BPP, Michel 250.-
1/4 Sch. lilarosa/lebhaftgraugrün, farbfrischer und vollzähniger Viererblock mit Unterrand, ungebraucht mit vollem Originalgummi und leichten Falzspuren, Fotobefund Schulz BPP, Mi. 250.-
Lot #415 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
3 F in b-colour in perfect condition mint never hinged, expertized Lemberger BPP, Michel 160.-
3 F in b-Farbe tadellos postfrisch, gepr. Lemberger BPP, Mi. 160.-
Lot #416 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
3 F / 5 Pf bright carmine / green in perfect condition unused, expertized Lemberger BPP
3 F / 5 Pf lebhaftkarmin/grün tadellos ungebraucht, gepr. Lemberger BPP
Lot #417 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
1 1/2 P. medium green / medium purple carmin, used in good legitimate condition, photo expertize Schulz BPP
1 1/2 P. mittelgrün/mittellila-karmin, gestempelt in guter Bedarfserhaltung, Fotobefund Schulz BPP
Lot #418 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
10 Pfg V. issue, unhinged mint original sheet, on the left margin of sheet with pencil superscribes, between 3. and 4. sheet row in the perforation slightly folded, one stamp with Strange body inclusion (field 43), as well the in the cabbage handbook des cribed plate flaw on the fields 4.33.37 and 46
10 Pfg V.Auflage, postfrischer Originalbogen, auf dem linken Bogenrand mit Bleistift beschriftet, zwischen 3. u. 4. Bogenreihe in der...
Lot #419 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
3 Pfg. dark green / brownish yellow / vermilion, used, perforation defects and slightly light, an used very rare stamp, signed Pfenninger, photo expertize Estelmann BPP, Michel 2. 000.-
3 Pfg. dunkelgrün/bräunlichgelb/zinnoberrot, gest., Zähnungsmängel und leicht hell, eine gebraucht sehr seltene Marke, sign. Pfenninger, Fotobefund Estelmann BPP, Mi. 2.000.-
Lot #420 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
2 1/2 F / 3 Pf in perfect condition mint never hinged with upper- and lower margin, certificate with photograph Karl Henry Schulz BPP (for former strip of three) : "mint never hinged. . In perfect condition. " Michel 360,--
2 1/2 F / 3 Pf tadellos postfrisch mit Ober- und Unterrand, Fotoattest Karl-Heinz Schulz BPP (für ehemaligen 3er-Streifen): "postfrisch .. in einwandfreier Erhaltung." Mi. 360,--
Lot #421 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
2 1/2 P. lilac carmine / yellow / blue-green, used in good legitimate condition, photo expertize Schulz BPP
2 1/2 P. lilakarmin/gelb/blaugrün, gestempelt in guter Bedarfserhaltung, Fotobefund Schulz BPP
Lot #422 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
2 1/2 P. rose-carmine / dark brown yellow / dark green, unused without gum, photo expertize Schulz BPP
2 1/2 P. rosakarmin/dunkelbraungelb/dunkelgrün, ungebraucht ohne Gummi, Fotobefund Schulz BPP
Lot #423 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
2 1/2 P. rose-carmine / dark brown yellow / dark green, used, thin, amongst other things expertized C. Brettl BPP
2 1/2 P. rosakarmin/dunkelbraungelb/dunkelgrün, gestempelt, helle Stelle, u.a. geprüft C. Brettl BPP
Lot #424 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
1 Sh. dark green / black / carmin, unused, in perfect condition, expertized Lemberger BPP
1 Sh. dunkelgrün/schwarz/karmin, ungebraucht, tadellos, geprüft Lemberger BPP
Lot #425 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
1 M. dark green / black / carmin used, small stamp from upper margin of sheet in perfect condition, old signs, abridged certificate with photo Estelmann BPP
1 M. dunkelgrün/schwarz/karmin gest., kleine Marke von oberem Bogenrand tadellos, Altsignaturen, Fotokurzbefund Estelmann BPP
Lot #426 - altdeutschland staten helgoland
5 M. numeral of value in oval, used, the stamp point at paper and perforation defects on which in part corrected were, used rare, old signs, photo expertize Estelmann BPP, Michel 1500,-
5 M. Wertziffer in oval, gest., die Marke weist Papier- und Zähnungsfehler auf welche z.T. korrigiert wurden, gebraucht selten, Altsignaturen, Fotobefund Estelmann BPP, Mi. 1500,-
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More