1860, transit postage cover from Örnskölsvik / Sweden over Stettin and Hamburg, there to the royally Danish upper post office hand over, to Helsingör / Denmark. On face boxed handstamp of one line "from Sweden" and rate marking "8" Sgr. for Prussian dome stic postage and transit as well in raddle "43" Lüb. Schillinge, which the grand total beziffert and from receiver to pay was. Reverse appropriate transit- and arrival postmark, complete...
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #137 on
The 136th auction’s more than 12,000 lots contain the following highlights:
German states: extensive supply with around 1,500 lots, including - among others - many values in mint condition, Bavaria with Mi.-No. 1Ia*, Saxony with cancelled Sachsendreier (1,000); furthermore, dissolution of a special collection Hanover, Württemberg containing numerous mint condition rarities and a perfect, cancelled 70 Kr. (1,700), also in mint condition.
German empire: greatly differentiated supply with numerous colours, types, varieties, including - among others - small breast plates in mint condition, 5 Pfg Krone/Adler as a four-colour trial proof, unissued Burg Rheinstein; furthermore, an extensive supply of stamp booklets and se-tenant printings
German colonies / post offices abroad: impressive supply with numerous forerunner rarities, cover uses, also mint issues and unusual features; among others also Kiautschou Mi.-Nr. 26A cover, Togo with Mi.-Nr. 19I, cancelled (550). ...
WWI occupation/ Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/Saar: outstanding selection with numerous types, unusual features etc., also including Danzig with mnh “kleiner Innendienst“ (1,000) , * “großer Innendienst” (1,500), Memel with Mi.-Nr. 13e mnh (1,400) and mint issue green overprint (1,100).
WW II/Fieldpost: the customary extensive supply with numerous rarities and good standard issues, including
German local issues: among others, a special catalogue “Special Auction >>DIAMANT<<” with 600 selected lots of the presumably best collections “Großraeschen“ and “Spremberg“ containing exceptional rarities!
West zones/Bund/Berlin: extensive supply with all standard issues, including - among others - Bund with numerous varieties and unusual features, 80 Pfg Posthorn from the upper left sheet corner in exceptional mint condition (500), and Berlin with Währungsgeschädigten-Blocks.
SBZ/DDR: strongly differentiated supply with many types, varieties and unusual features, rare block issues, etc., including watermark varieties, se-tenants and imprints ...
Europe: selective supply with exciting Swiss, Austrian and Liechtenstein offerings as well as other states.
a multi-faceted supply of collections with nearly 2,000 lots originating primarily from private ownership, including complete estate collections, our traditional “great estate” section with the dissolution of 5 major estates, equally specialised country collections, treasure trove boxes and letter bundles with material from all over the world!
Coins: around 1,000 selected lots with numerous collector’s coins and gold coins. An extensive number of medallions are also available! Total opening bid value approximately 240,000 Euros
You can "inspect" more than 500 collections entirely on the internet – the images of all the album pages convey a very accurate impression.
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Lot #578 - altdeutschland staten preussen transitpost
1861, transit sea mail cover from Hamburg to Stockholm / Sweden, vorders. Two ring cancel "K. S. P. A. Hamburg 2 9 1861" (royally Schwedisches post office), one-line cancel "63 °re" and one-line cancel "VIA Stettin", complete letter contents. Fine exampl e with not frequent postmarks
1861, Transit-Seepost-Brief aus Hamburg nach Stockholm/Schweden, vorders. K2 "K.S.P.A. HAMBURG 2 9 1861" (Königl. Schwedisches Postamt), L1 "63 Öre" und...
Lot #579 - altdeutschland staten preussen portobriefe in das ausland
1854, cash more paid transatlantic cover from Stettin with box cancel of 2 lines "Stettin 28 1" per Prussian Closed Mail to New York USA, vorders. Rate marking "13" (Sgr. ) in red stiff and always in red stamp pad ink transit single circle postmark "Aach en" dateless, box cancel of 2 lines "PAID 25 cts. " and single circle postmark "BOSTON 30 Br PKt FEB 18" as well reverse red semicircle cancel "Americ: parcel". In spite of of the reverse...
Lot #580 - altdeutschland staten preussen portobriefe in das ausland
1854 / 1865, nice collection with six Portobriefen from Stettin to France, of it two pieces with red boxed handstamp of one line "pr. 3 R. " as well tax cancel "7" respectively "10" decimes and four with tax cancel "6" decimes, as well different posting and transit stamp
1854/1865, schöne Kollektion mit sechs Portobriefen von Stettin nach Frankreich, davon zwei Stück mit rotem Ra1 "PR. 3 R." sowie Taxstempel "7" bzw. "10" decimes und...
Lot #581 - altdeutschland staten preussen portobriefe in das ausland
1854, postage cover with box cancel of 2 lines "Stettin 12 8 (1854) " to Bordeaux / France, vorders. Red boxed handstamp of one line "pr. 3. R. " and blue Grenzübergangs two ring cancel "PRUSSE 3 VALENCIENNES" as well rate marking "10" in ink, complete l etter contents
1854, Porto-Brief mit Ra2 "STETTIN 12 8 (1854)" nach Bordeaux/Frankreich, vorders. roter Ra1 "PR.3.R." und blauer Grenzübergangs-K2 "PRUSSE 3 VALENCIENNES" sowie...
Lot #582 - altdeutschland staten preussen portobriefe in das ausland
1855, postage cover with two ring cancel "Stettin 23 2 to 8 U. ABS. " together with red one-line cancel "P. R. threefold R. " (Aachen) and red Grenzübergangs two ring cancel "PRUSSE 3 VALENCINNES" to Toulouse, rate marking "17" (decimes) for an overweigh t "8" g heavy cover (appropriate weight note)
1855, Porto-Brief mit K2 "STETTIN 23 2 NACH 8 U. ABS." nebst rotem L1 "P.R. 3er R." (Aachen) und rotem Grenzübergangs-K2 "PRUSSE 3...
Lot #583 - altdeutschland staten preussen portobriefe in das ausland
1855, postage cover with box cancel of 2 lines "Stettin 15 2 (1855) " to Rheims / France, vorders. Always in red stamp pad ink one-line cancel "P. R. threefold R. " (Saarbrücken), tax cancel "55" (by mistake and manuscript on "7" decimes corrected) and G renzübergangs two ring cancel "PRUSSE 3 FORBACH", complete letter contents
1855, Porto-Brief mit Ra2 "STETTIN 15 2 (1855)" nach Rheims/Frankreich, vorders. je in roter Stempelfarbe L1...
Lot #584 - altdeutschland staten preussen portobriefe in das ausland
1855, transit postage cover with box cancel of 2 lines "Stettin 10 11" via Hamburg, there to the royally Danish head post office hand over, to island FEHMARN (in the at that time Denmark) . In detail certificate with photograph James van the Linden
1855, Transit-Porto-Brief mit Ra2 "STETTIN 10 11" über Hamburg, dort an das Königl. dänische Oberpostamt übergeben, nach Insel Fehmarn (im damaligen Dänemark). Ausführliches Fotoattest...
Lot #585 - altdeutschland staten preussen portobriefe in das ausland
1858, transit franco cover from St. Petersburg / Russia via post steamship "Vladimir" to Stettin and per railway mail further to Hamburg, there to the royally Danish head post office hand over and then to Copenhagen / Denmark. On face red box cancel of 2 lines "from Russia franco", reverse rhombus cancel St. Petersburg and railway mail L3 Stettin / Berlin. Nice cover with complete contents
1858, Transit-Franco-Brief aus St. Petersburg...
Lot #586 - altdeutschland staten preussen portobriefe in das ausland
1858, transit franco cover from St. Petersburg / Russia via post steamship "prussian eagle" to Stettin and per railway mail further to Hamburg, there to the royally Danish head post office hand over and then to Copenhagen / Denmark. On face red box cance l of 2 lines "from Russia franco", reverse rhombus cancel St. Petersburg and railway mail L3 Stettin / Berlin. Nice cover with complete contents
1858, Transit-Franco-Brief aus St....
Lot #587 - altdeutschland staten preussen portobriefe in das ausland
1860, cash more paid international letter with box cancel of 2 lines "Stettin 15 8 (1860) " together with in red stiff law "12" (Sgr. ) bezahltes postage, red single circle postmark "P. " (Paid) of the border post office Aachen and red tax cancel "10" ov er London, vorders. Mounted red single circle postmark "London IT AU 17 60 PAID", to Melbourne / Victoria / Australia to the there Prussian consulate. Reverse red single circle postmark "...
Lot #588 - altdeutschland staten preussen portobriefe in das ausland
1863, Franco-letter with box cancel of 2 lines "Stettin 11 4 (1863) " together with red boxed handstamp of one line "P. D. " to Bordeaux / France, complete letter contents
1863, Franco-Brief mit Ra2 "STETTIN 11 4 (1863)" nebst rotem Ra1 "P.D." nach Bordeaux/Frankreich, vollständiger Briefinhalt
Lot #589 - altdeutschland staten preussen portobriefe in das ausland
1865, postage cover with better framed cancel of 3 lines "SPED. COMTOIR no 3 Stettin 18 4 (1865) " together with red frame cancel "Prusia" and red tax cancel "32" (Real) to Mßlaga / Spain (arrival cancel)
1865, Porto-Brief mit besserem Ra3 "SPED. COMTOIR No 3 STETTIN 18 4 (1865)" nebst rotem Ra "Prusia" und rotem Taxstempel "32" (Reales) nach Malaga/Spanien (Ankstpl)
Lot #590 - altdeutschland staten preussen portobriefe in das ausland
1866, cash more paid foreign countries accompanying letter for parcels with box cancel of 2 lines "Stettin 17 12" together with red single circle postmark "Stettin F. N1 17 / 12 66" and package accompanying slip of paper "816 from Stettin" to Vernex Mont reux / Switzerland at the Geneva-based lake. Envelope reverse insignificant small defect in the upper flap, otherwise faultless document. It is a matter of the earliest known cover with this...
Lot #591 - altdeutschland staten sachsen vorphilatelie
"Plauen 17. January 1753", wonderful flourish calligraphy letter with siebenzeiliger Loyalty address together with notation "franco" to Schleiz, complete letter contents
"Plauen 17. Januar 1753", herrlicher Schnörkelbrief mit siebenzeiliger Ergebenheitsanschrift nebst Vermerk "Franco" nach Schleiz, vollständiger Briefinhalt
Lot #592 - altdeutschland staten sachsen vorphilatelie
"Plauen 7. September 1773", dreamlike nice flourish calligraphy letter with Neunzeiliger Loyalty address to Schleiz, complete letter contents
"Plauen 7. September 1773", traumhaft schöner Schnörkelbrief mit Neunzeiliger Ergebenheitsanschrift nach Schleiz, vollständiger Briefinhalt
Lot #593 - altdeutschland staten sachsen vorphilatelie
"Plauen 2. May 1813", Schirrschein for a zweispännigen carriage to Reichenbach
"Plauen 2. Mai 1813", Schirrschein für einen zweispännigen Wagen nach Reichenbach
Lot #594 - altdeutschland staten sachsen vorphilatelie
"Plauen 2. July 18" - box cancel of 2 lines, Feuser 2764-3, serrated frame cancel clear on with green "I" rated superb cover to Adorf, early use this stamp
"PLAUEN 2. Jul. 18" - Ra2, Feuser 2764-3, gezackter Rahmenstempel klar auf mit grüner "I" austaxiertem Prachtbrief nach Adorf, frühe Verwendung dieses Stempels
Lot #595 - altdeutschland staten sachsen vorphilatelie
"Plauen 2 Sept. 23" - box cancel of 2 lines, Feuser 2764-3, serrated frame cancel on rated postal service advance letter envelope to Reichenbach, reverse red varnish seal
"PLAUEN 2 Sept. 23" - Ra2, Feuser 2764-3, gezackter Rahmenstempel auf austaxiertem Postvorschuss-Briefkuvert nach Reichenbach, rücks. rotes Lacksiegel
Lot #596 - altdeutschland staten sachsen vorphilatelie
"Plauen 1829", decorative Taufbrief envelope with contents (no postal document)
"Plauen 1829", dekoratives Taufbrief-Kuvert mit Inhalt (kein postalischer Beleg)
Lot #597 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
3 Pfg red, Saxony threefold, Sperati-forgery type B with postmark Leipzig, reverse appropriate signed.
3 Pfg rot, Sachsen Dreier, Sperati-Fälschung Typ B mit Stempel Leipzig, rücks. entspr. sign.
Lot #598 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
3 Pfg red, won. Saxony threefold, almost centric mounted single circle postmark from Meissen, certificate with photograph Georg Buehler (1971) "the stamp is clean repaired and has a nice strong colour, the already almost in cerise übergeht. ", Michel 8. 000.-
3 Pfg rot, sogen. SACHSEN DREIER, fast zentrisch aufgesetzter K1 von Meißen, Fotoattest Georg Bühler (1971) "Die Marke ist sauber restauriert und hat eine schöne kräftige Farbe,...
Lot #599 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
3 Pfg pale green, later issue, neat cancelled with no. postmark "2" on offer / plea of the company Cousin & Comp, wrapper missing, a little with tape reinforced and tear, expertized Brettl, Rismondo BPP, Michel for complete cover 700.-
3 Pfg hellgrün, spätere Auflage, tadellos gestempelt mit Nr.-Stempel "2" auf Angebot/Gesuch der Firma Vetter & Comp, Streifband fehlend, etwas mit Tesa gestützt und Einriss, gepr. Brettl,...
Lot #600 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
1 / 2 Ngr. on dull gray, having bright colors, with enormous margins item in outstanding quality with centric clear mounted full grid stamp, right dividing line with corner angle below, expertized Rismondo BPP
1/2 Ngr. a. mattgrau, farbfrisches, breitrandiges Luxusstück mit zentrisch klar aufsitzendem Vollgitterstempel, rechts Trennlinie mit Eckwinkel unten, gepr. Rismondo BPP
Lot #601 - altdeutschland staten sachsen
1 / 2 Ngr. King August, black on dull gray, thin paper, about 0, 7 mm niedrigeres design of the stamp, on all sides having full to wide margins - above with part of the neighbour, in perfect condition tied by full grid stamp, photo expertize Rismondo BPP : "perfect quality. ", Michel 600.- - rare stamp!
1/2 Ngr. König August, schwarz auf mattgrau, dünnes Papier, um 0,7 mm niedrigeres Markenbild, allseits voll- bis breitrandig - oben...
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More