1892-1935, clean, unused collection with numerous good values, alike no. 83.154-56.213-14y, 316-46.454, etc., Red Cross 1927-35 complete, Michel 1750.-
1892-1935, saubere, ungebrauchte Kollektion mit zahlreichen guten Werten, wie Nr. 83, 154-56, 213-14y, 316-46, 454, etc., Rotkreuz 1927-35 komplett, Mi. 1750.-
Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #139 on
By: Dr. Reinhard Fischer
Dr. Reinhard Fischer Public Stamps (Briefmarken) Auction #139 on
The 139th auction nearly 11.000 lots, including the special “Horst Kühner Collection” will be on sale September 5/6, 2014.
The “Horst Kühner” collection of numerous rarities from the “German Colonies and Post Offices Abroad” and the “German Occupation WW II” including Sudetenland, field post and propaganda forgeries. One can find among many others items, a 50 Pfg China with double handstamp overprint, Heydrich-Block with protective cover, protective jacket and tissue paper!, OSS propaganda block in red, just to name only a few of the great rarities.
The philatelic section includes:
German states: more than 1,400 lots, with Bavaria two Schwarzer Einser, Prussia - interesting cancellation section, Saxony - cancellation collection. The second part of a Thurn & Taxis exhibition collection, including recently certified rarities! Numerous country and general collections.
German Empire: offerings of among others - interesting “breast plate” lots; all periods with types, colours, rare records and varieties, “se-tenants and stamp booklets”. Zeppelin philately selection of rare items.
German colonies / Post offices abroad: over 1,200 lots, including numerous mnh issues, unusual features, and full sheets, full sheets; DOA 39IIAIIa mnh (500); interesting forerunner issues, covers and cancellation from all areas.
Occupation World War I./Plebiscites/Danzig/Memel/
WW II./Fieldpost: contains an attractive supply of many varieties and unusual features, GG I/IIIL mnh (1,200), Kotor I/VI mnh (2,000), Laibach 45/60 cancelled (750), Alexanderstadt 12X cancelled (1,800), Fieldpost 6DD mnh (850), 6K mnh (850) , 8A cancelled (1.350), Cuban package stamp Type I (*) (2,400) and numerous propaganda forgeries WW II.
German local issues: interesting supply with Spremberg, forerunner covers, Bad Schmiedeberg, Grossräschen, etc.
West zones/Bund/Berlin: varieties, rarities, sought-after initial issues, stamp booklets Bund/Berlin with many rare types
SBZ/DDR: specialized types, colours, varieties including Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 26b mnh (1,500), block issues, Mi.-Nr. 86xb and 86yb each mnh; furthermore, postmaster divisions, proofs, and so on.
Europe: interesting offers form Austria, Belgium, Croatia, France, Italy, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Switzerland, Yugoslavia and more.
Overseas: lots from the People's Republic of China, “Peony” block; “British Colonies” collection with numerous items, many of the offered items are scarcely to be found.
The Numismatic section includes:
Coins: approximately 600 lots, including investment gold, collectors’ coins from antiquity to modern times and a section of medallions.
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Lot #12771 - liquidationslose Portugal
Lot #12772 - liquidationslose Portugal
1945-1981: superb collection, extensive in the Schaubek album with useful early issues alike 730-37.856-59 and so on. The period 1961-71 almost complete clean unused, please take a look, Michel, . 1650,--
1945-1981: Prachtsammlung, umfangreich im Schaubek-Album mit bess. frühen Ausgaben wie 730-37, 856-59 etc. der Zeitraum 1961-71 fast kpl. sauber ungebraucht, bitte ansehen, Mi,. 1650 ,--
Lot #12773 - liquidationslose Portugal
1870-84, neat cancelled superb lot, Luis provenance no. 35-61, many medium and better items, amongst other things no. 35-36 (2), 39 (4), 40 (3), 45 (2), 47.49 (4), 60, 61 (2), Specialist lot, Michel at least 1200.-
1870-84, sauber gestempelter Prachtposten, Luis ex Nr. 35-61, viele mittlere und bessere Werte, u.a. Nr. 35-36(2), 39(4), 40(3), 45(2), 47, 49(4), 60, 61(2), Spezialistenlos, Mi. mindestens 1200.-
Lot #12774 - liquidationslose Portugal
1931-1980: clean gest: superb beginning collection on Blancobl. In the album including means material alike 602-605 and so on, Michel 400
1931-1980: Sauber gest: Pracht-Aufbausammlung a. Blancobl. im Album incl. Mittelmaterial wie 602-605 etc, Mi. 400
Lot #12776 - liquidationslose rumänien
1945-1966: neat cancelled superb collection, many 100 items with numerous better sets, many subjects, including the Tiersatz 1565-76, etc., Michel 800.-
1945-1966: sauber gestempelte Prachtsammlung, viele 100 Werte mit zahlreichen besseren Serien, vielen Motiven, inkl. dem Tiersatz 1565-76, etc., Mi. 800.-
Lot #12777 - liquidationslose rumänien
1948-1975: extensive, neat cancelled collection with many 100 values, nice motive series, better issues, including the good souvenir sheet 122, etc., have a look, Michel 700.-
1948-1975: umfangreiche, sauber gestempelte Kollektion mit vielen 100 Werten, schöne Motivserien, bessere Ausgaben, inkl. dem guten Bl.122, etc., ansehen, Mi. 700.-
Lot #12778 - liquidationslose rusland
1955-1960: extensive, clean round cancelled superb in every respect (choice copy) inventory, many 100 items chronologically organized, including better values and souvenir sheet 15b, some also mint never hinged, alike 14 x 2288, examine, Michel 750.-
1955-1960: umfangreicher, sauber rundgestempelter Kabinett-Lagerbestand, viele 100 Werte chronologisch geordnet, inkl. besseren Werten und Bl.15b, einiges auch postfrisch, wie 14 x 2288...
Lot #12779 - liquidationslose schweden
1890-1975: neat cancelled very fine inventory, mostly tools and better items (little new also mint never hinged), in 2 still good filled approval books, only perfect, as well amongst other things no. 40, 54.60, 155.164-66.169, P4.8-10 all A, etc., have a look, Michel 1. 400.-
1890-1975: sauber gestempelter Prachtbestand, meist mittel und bessere Werte (wenige neue auch postfrisch), in 2 noch gut gefüllten Auswahlheften, nur...
Lot #12780 - liquidationslose schweiz
1945-1947, all three volumes in perfect condition mint never hinged with all postal stamps Michel no. 443-478 as well souvenir sheet 11 and 12, Michel approximate 1,000.-
1945-1947, alle drei Jahrgänge tadellos postfrisch mit allen Briefmarken-Ausgaben Mi.Nr. 443-478 sowie Block 11 und 12, Mi. ca. 1.000,-
Lot #12781 - liquidationslose schweiz
1951-1954, all fours volumes in perfect condition mint never hinged with all postal stamps Michel no. 555-606 as well souvenir sheet 14, Michel 420,-
1951-1954, alle vier Jahrgänge tadellos postfrisch mit allen Briefmarken-Ausgaben Mi.Nr. 555-606 sowie Block 14, Mi. 420,-
Lot #12782 - liquidationslose schweiz
1955-1959, all five volumes in perfect condition mint never hinged with all postal stamps Michel no. 607-691 as well souvenir sheet 15, in the supplement still pro Juventute & Patria-editions 1960-1963 etc., Michel approximate 420,-
1955-1959, alle fünf Jahrgänge tadellos postfrisch mit allen Briefmarken-Ausgaben Mi.Nr. 607-691 sowie Block 15, im Anhang noch Pro Juventute- & Patria-Ausgaben 1960-1963 etc., Mi.ca. 420,-...
Lot #12783 - liquidationslose schweiz
1948-1950, all three volumes in perfect condition mint never hinged with all postal stamps Michel no. 479-554 as well souvenir sheet 13, Michel 380,-
1948-1950, alle drei Jahrgänge tadellos postfrisch mit allen Briefmarken-Ausgaben Mi.Nr. 479-554 sowie Block 13, Mi. 380,-
Lot #12784 - liquidationslose schweiz
Pro Juventute 1963.30 sets Michel no. 786y / 790y in the mint never hinged partly sheet set, Michel 195.-
PRO JUVENTUTE 1963, 30 Sätze MiNr. 786y/790y im postfrischen Teilbogensatz, Mi. 195.-
Lot #12785 - liquidationslose schweiz
1960-1970, small mint never hinged se tenants collection (only postal stamps, to printed form more then complete), very clean in the as good as new Lindner ring binder in dark red with suitable protection cassette, nice supplement for each Switzerland co llection!
1960-1970, kleine postfrische Zusammendruck-Sammlung (nur Freimarken-Ausgaben, nach Vordruck überkomplett), sehr sauber im neuwertigen Lindner Ringbinder in dunkelrot mit...
Lot #12786 - liquidationslose spanien
1961-1995, evident complete mint never hinged superb in every respect (choice copy) collection, very clean in two brown special albums with matching protection cassettes, Michel approximate 1,100.- Euro accessories!
1961-1995, augenscheinlich komplette postfrische Kabinett-Sammlung, sehr sauber in zwei braunen Spezial-Alben mit passenden Schutzkassetten, Mi. ca. 1.100,- Euro + Zubehör!
Lot #12787 - liquidationslose spanien
1900-2007, four-volume, itself designed exhibit collection "Spain a Country at the edge Europe - not alone a holiday country", very clean brought up on approximate 140 page, in addition to it an used doublets stock in 2 thick good filled stockbooks with at abundance at material.
1900-2007, vierbändige, selbstgestaltete Ausstellungssammlung "Spanien ein Land am Rande Europas - nicht nur ein Urlaubsland", sehr sauber aufgezogen auf ca....
Lot #12788 - liquidationslose vatikan
1929-1979, collection in 2 Lindner hingeless ring binder with protection cassette, from the beginning unused amongst other things Michel no. 1-15*, 51-58*, accordingly evident all mint never hinged, from 1954 to Lindner T printed form complete.
1929-1979, Sammlung in 2 Lindner Falzlos-Ringbindern mit Schutzkassette, anfangs ungebraucht u.a. MiNr. 1-15*, 51-58*, danach augenscheinlich alles postfrisch, ab 1954 nach Lindner T Vordruck...
Lot #12789 - liquidationslose argentinien
1882-1980, (approximate. ), doublets stock with over 2. 800 cancelled values, close puted in the edge full 16 sides stock book, from old till fashionable, very confusing there criss-cross puted., focal point till 1965, treasure trove for collectors with time!
1882-1980, (ca.), Dublettenbestand mit über 2.800 gestempelten Werten, dicht gesteckt im randvollen 16 Seiten Einsteckbuch, von alt bis modern, sehr unübersichtlich da kreuz und...
Lot #12790 - liquidationslose argentinien
1888-1980, (approximate. ), brimfuled 16 sides stock book with approximate 1500 cancelled values, a little confusing, were seen a few high Pesowerte, nothing calculated.
1888-1980, (ca.), randvolles 16 Seiten Einsteckbuch mit ca. 1500 gestempelten Werten, etwas unübersichtlich, gesichtet wurden einige hohe Pesowerte, nichts gerechnet.
Lot #12791 - liquidationslose Belize
1979-1998, cancelled inventory from the 80s years, almost only topic issues, in total over 180 complete sets, all multiple existing, often in the block of four, as well Michel no. 454 / 70 1C.-10 $ mussels in the block of four, olympic games, Rotary, His t. Ships, etc., high catalog value (former starting price 100)
1979-1998, gestempelter Bestand aus den 80er Jahren, fast nur Motivausgaben, insgesamt über 180 komplette Satzausgaben,...
Lot #12792 - liquidationslose Israel
Approximate. 1948-1998, chronologically sorted doublets stock with approximate 2600 used values, in the almost edge full 24 sides stock book, surely four place catalogue value!
ca. 1948-1998, chronologisch sortierter Dublettenbestand mit ca. 2600 gest. Werten, im fast randvollen 24 Seiten Einsteckbuch, sicherlich vierstelliger Katalogwert!!
Lot #12793 - liquidationslose kolumbien
1951-1957.6 different documents, always with decorative franking, mostly from a correspondence to Germany flown (complete photos on the internet) (former starting price 50)
1951-1957, 6 verschiedene Belege, je mit dekorativer Frankatur, meist aus einer Korrespondenz nach Deutschland geflogen (Komplettfotos im Internet) (alter Ausruf 50)
Lot #12794 - liquidationslose tansania
1991-1994, (approximate. ), inventory from approximate 260 used short sets (over 1100 stamps) and 17 souvenir sheets, as well ample animals alike dogs, cats, fish, Reptiles, birds, furthermore railroad and ships, etc., all in the edge full 32 sides stock book.
1991-1994, (ca.), Bestand von ca. 260 gest. Kurzsätzen (über 1100 Marken) und 17 Blockausgaben, dabei reichlich Tiere wie Hunde, Katzen, Fische, Reptilien, Vögel, ferner...
Lot #12795 - liquidationslose usa unionsausgaben
1847-1975: extensive used old collection in the Schaubek album with useful older issues alike Michel-no. 36-45.132-37.154-58 and so on. And from approximate 1930 over larger stretch complete, please take a look, Michel 2650.-
1847-1975: Umfangreiche gest. alte Sammlung im Schaubek Album mit bess. älteren Ausgaben wie Mi.-Nr. 36-45, 132-37, 154-58 etc. und ab ca. 1930 über größere Strecken kpl., bitte ansehen, Mi. 2650.-
Lot #12796 - liquidationslose usa unionsausgaben
1861-1924: extensive. Used duplicates lot, except for 7 early items, dab no. 20, 22 only commemorative issues including 117-22.132-37.154-58.250 and so on, often multiple, Michel 2. 150 .-
1861-1924: Umfangr. gest. Dubl.-posten, bis auf 7 frühe Werte, dab Nr. 20,22 nur Sonderausgaben incl. 117-22, 132-37, 154-58, 250 etc, oft mehrfach, Mi. 2.150 .-
Dr. R. Fischer
Dr. R. Fischer - Sechs mal im Jahr veranstalten wir in der philatelistischen Welt vielbeachtete Briefmarken-Auktionen, in denen wir bevorzugt hochwertige unberührte Sammlungen aus Privathand... Read More