1996 Guanyin with Golden Lotus and Guanyin with Jade Vase 5 Yuan Silver Coins, - both UNC. Graded NGC PF68 & PF69, Ultra Cameo.
1996年觀音5元加厚精製銀幣一套2枚,分別評分為NGC PF68及PF69。
Inventory number: 2113000002
China, Asia & Worldwide Coins and Banknotes
By: John Bull Stamp Auctions
John Bull Stamp Auctions China, Asia & Worldwide Coins and Banknotes
John Bull Spring Sale featuring Coins and Banknotes:
A Collection of Kiangse Government Bank
China, Asia & Worldwide Banknotes
The W.H. Lu Collection of Hong Kong Bank of China Banknotes
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Lot #176 - coins and medals
Lot #177 - coins and medals
1996 Guanyin with Golden Lotus and Guanyin with Jade Vase 5 Yuan Silver Coins, - both UNC. Graded NGC PF68 & PF69, Ultra Cameo.
1996年觀音5元加精製銀幣一套2枚,分別評分為NGC PF68及PF69。
Inventory number: 2113000006
Lot #178 - coins and medals
1996 Guanyin with Golden Lotus and Guanyin with Jade Vase 5 Yuan Silver Coins, - both UNC. Graded NGC PF68 & PF67, Ultra Cameo.
1996年觀音5元加精製銀幣一套2枚,分別評分為NGC PF68及PF67。
Inventory number: 2113000007
Lot #179 - coins and medals
1996 The Great Panda 5 Yuan Silver Coins x 8, - all graded by NGC. UNC Details x 2, MS64 x 2, MS65 x 3 MS67 x 1.
1996年熊貓5元銀幣一組8枚,NGC評分分別有UNC Details兩枚,MS64兩枚,MS65三枚和MS78一枚等。
Inventory number: 2113000017
Lot #180 - coins and medals
1996 Silk Road 5 Yuan Silver Coins set of 4, - all graded NGC PF69. Ultra Cameo.
1996年中國絲綢之路5元精製精製銀幣4枚一套。均評NGC PF69。
Inventory number: 2110400044
Lot #181 - coins and medals
1996 Long March Commemorative 10 Yuan Silver Coins set of 2, - graded NGC PF68 & PF69. Ultra Cameo.
1996年紅軍長征勝利60周年1盎司精製銀幣二枚一套,分別評NGC PF68及PF69。
Inventory number: 2110400037
Lot #182 - coins and medals
1996 Stampex and Centennial of China Post 10 Yuan Silver Coins, - NGC graded MS66 and MS68 respectively.
1996年郵展及郵政百年10元紀念銀幣各一枚,分別評NGC MS66及MS68。
Inventory number: 2110400042
Lot #183 - coins and medals
1997 Auspicious Matters 10 Yuan Silver Coins x 10, - all graded by NGC. Two of them graded MS66, other all MS67.
Inventory number: 2113000009
Lot #184 - coins and medals
1997 Auspicious Matters Piefort 10 Yuan Silver Coins x 5, - all graded NGC MS67.
1997年吉慶有餘2盎司加厚銀幣5枚,均評NGC MS67。
Inventory number: 2113000018
Lot #185 - coins and medals
1997 Auspicious Matters Piefort 10 Yuan Silver Coins x 5, - all NGC MS67.
Inventory number: 2113000010
Lot #186 - coins and medals
1997 Auspicious Matters Piefort 10 Yuan Silver Coins x 5, - all graded by NGC. MS66 x 1 and MS67 x 4.
Inventory number: 2113000013
Lot #187 - coins and medals
1997 Auspicious Matters Piefort 10 Yuan Silver Coins x 5, - all graded by NGC. MS66 x 1 and MS67 x 4.
Inventory number: 2113000015
Lot #188 - coins and medals
1997 Minority Culture 10 Yuan Silver Coins set of 4, - two graded NGC PF67 and two graded PF69. Ultra Cameo.
Inventory number: 2110400029
Lot #189 - coins and medals
1998 Celebration of Spring 10 Yuan Silver Coins x 10, - all graded NGC MS69.
1998年迎春圖10元銀幣一組10枚,均評NGC MS69。
Inventory number: 2113000019
Lot #190 - coins and medals
1998 Celebration of Spring 10 Yuan Silver Coins x 10, - all graded NGC MS69.
1998年迎春圖10元銀幣一組10枚,均評NGC MS69。
Inventory number: 2113000020
Lot #191 - coins and medals
1998 Celebration of Spring 10 Yuan Silver Coins x 10, - all graded NGC MS69.
1998年迎春圖10元銀幣一組10枚,均評NGC MS69。
Inventory number: 2113000016
Lot #192 - coins and medals
1999 Year of Rabbit 1 Oz 10 Yuan Silver Coin, - with box and certificate. UNC.
Inventory number: 2113000003
Lot #193 - coins and medals
1999 Lunar Series Rabbit 10 Yuan 1 Oz Silver Coin. - With certificate. UNC.
Inventory number: 2113000068
Lot #194 - coins and medals
2002 "20 Year Panda" Panda-Diamond-Set Gold Coins package, - containing 1Oz, 1/2Oz, 1/4Oz & 1/10Oz Gold Coins with diamond. Only 500 set mintage. All UCN with luxury box and certificate.
Inventory number: 2110400006
Lot #195 - coins and medals
2014 Lunar Series Horse Colorized 10 Yuan Silver Coin and 50 Yuan Gold Coin. - Both graded NGC PF69, Ultra Cameo.
2014年生肖系列馬年10元彩色銀幣及50元彩色金幣,均評NGC PF69。
Inventory number: 2113000045
Lot #196 - coins and medals
2014 Lunar Series Horse Colorized 10 Yuan Silver Coin and 50 Yuan Gold Coin. - Both graded NGC PF69, Ultra Cameo.
2014年生肖系列馬年10元彩色銀幣及50元彩色金幣,均評NGC PF69。
Inventory number: 2113000025
Lot #197 - coins and medals
2014 Lunar Series Horse 10 Yuan Silver Coin and 50 Yuan Gold Coin. - Graded NGC PF69 and PF70, Ultra Cameo.
2014年生肖系列馬年10元銀幣及50元金幣,分別評分為NGC PF69及PF70。
Inventory number: 2113000024
Lot #198 - coins and medals
2014 Lunar Series Horse Fan Shape 10 Yuan Silver Coin and 150 Yuan Gold Coin. - Both graded NGC PF69, Ultra Cameo.
2014年生肖系列馬年扇形10元銀幣及150元金幣,均評NGC PF69。
Inventory number: 2113000043
Lot #199 - coins and medals
2014 Lunar Series Horse Fan Shape 10 Yuan Silver Coin and 150 Yuan Gold Coin. - Both graded NGC PF69, Ultra Cameo.
2014年生肖系列馬年扇形10元銀幣及150元金幣,均評NGC PF69。
Inventory number: 2113000046
Lot #200 - coins and medals
2014 Lunar Series Horse 5 Oz 50 Yuan Colorized Silver Coin. - Graded NGC PF68, Ultra Cameo.
2014年生肖系列馬年5盎司50元彩色銀幣,評NGC PF68。
Inventory number: 2113000079