Great Britain: Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles Volume 29. Merseyside County Museums. Ancient British Issues & later coins from English, Irish & Scottish mints to 1279 & associated Foreign coins by M Warhurst. 1982. 132 pages inc 39 plates. Ex Libris B S Perry. As New. Estimate A$90
Public Auction #310 - Coins and Banknotes on
By: Status International
Status International Public Auction #310 - Coins and Banknotes on
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Lot #8205 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Great Britain: Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles Volume 31. The Norweb Collection. Tokens of the British Isles 1575-1750 Part 1 Bedfordshire to Devon by R Thompson. 1984. 40 pages plus 35 plates. As New. Estimate A$75
Lot #8206 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Great Britain: Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles Volume 35. Scottish Coins in the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford & the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow by J D Bateson 1987. 246 pages inc 116 plates. Ex Libris B S Perry. VGC. Estimate A$160
Lot #8207 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Great Britain: Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles Volume 36. State Museum Berlin Coin Cabinet. Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman & Hiberno Norse coins by B Kluge. 1987. 182 pages 41 plates. Ex Libris B S Perry. As New. Estimate A$150
Lot #8208 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Great Britain: Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles Volume 38. The Norweb Collection. Tokens of the British Isles 1575-1750. Part 2 Dorset, Durham, Essex & Gloucestershire by R Thompson. 1988. 171 pgs & 41 plates. VGC. Estimate A$75
Lot #8209 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Great Britain: The Provincial Token Coinage of the 18th Century Illustrated by R Dalton & S H Hamer 1910-1918. Reprinted 1990 with prefatory update by Alan Davisson. With update materials for 2004 printing. 567 pgs. As new. One of the standard references. Advertised retail US$250. Estimate A$300
Lot #8210 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Great Britain: The Series of English Coins in Copper, Tin & Bronze. By J Henry 1879, 27 pgs. "WL" in entwined letters seal on fly page. GC with no foxing. Estimate A$75
Lot #8211 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Greek Coins & Their Values Vol 1. Europe. By D R Sear. 2004 reprint of the 1978 edition. Lists 3,395 coins with valuations & 1,500 illustrations. 316 pgs. Current edition. New. Estimate A$120
Lot #8212 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Greek Coins & Their Values, Vol 1 Europe, Vol II Asia & Africa by D R Sear 1978-79 (these are still the current editions that have been reprinted several times). Roman Silver Coins Vol I Republic to Augustus. Roman Coins & Their Values (4th revised edition). A Classical Deception, Counterfeits, Forgeries & Reproductions of Ancient Coins by W Sayles 2001. Used, VG to near new condition, retail $400+ (5) Estimate A$180
Lot #8213 - literature and catalogues byzantine
India: Punch-marked Coins of Early Historic India by Dilip Rajgor. 2001. 221 pages plus 16 plates with illustrations throughout the catalogue. Inc rarity guide. Covers 200 years of Indian numismatic history from c600BC to c400BC listing 83 series & 1288 varieties of coins. Out of print. New. Estimate A$150
Lot #8214 - literature and catalogues byzantine
India: The Coinage & History of Southern India Part 1 Karnataka - Andhra by M Mitchiner. 1998. 280 pages with over 1200 coins catalogued & illustrated with valuations. Covers the period 30BC to the mid 1800s. NEW. Estimate A$180
Lot #8215 - literature and catalogues byzantine
India: The Coinage & History of Southern India Part 2 Tamilnadu - Kerala by M Mitchiner 1998 288 pages with over 1250 coins catalogued & illustrated with valuations. Covers C1st AD to mid 1800s. NEW. Estimate A$180
Lot #8216 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Indian Tokens: Popular Religious & Secular Art from the ancient period to the present day by M Mitchiner 1998. 240 pages, 1084 mainly silver pieces catalogued & illustrated with valuations. Inc Temple tokens, imitation Venetian ducats, Independence tokens, festival tokens, canteen tokens & many more. NEW. Estimate A$180
Lot #8217 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Islamic: Akches Vol 3. Suleyman I Kanui 926-974AH (1520-66AD) by Slobodan Sreckovic. 2003. 241 pages with line drawings & photographs throughout. The definitive work on the silver akches covering all the different types, varieties & mints. Signed by the author. New. Estimate A$120
Lot #8218 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Islamic: Akches Vol 4. Selim II Sari - Murad III 974-1003AH (1566-95AD) by Slobodan Sreckovic. 2003. 163 pages with line drawings & photographs throughout. The definitive work on the silver akches covering all the different types, varieties & mints. Signed by the author. New. Estimate A$120
Lot #8219 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Islamic: Die Munzpragungen Des Islams by E von Zambaur. 1968. Hard cover. 286 pages, plus large section of fold out tables at the back. Scarce book. GC. Estimate A$200
Lot #8220 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Islamic: Sylloge of Islamic Coins in the Ashmolean Vol 10 Arabia & East Africa by S Album 1999 128 pages & 34 plates. Major work with over 550 coins of Arabia including many published for the first time & 180 coins from East Africa. GC. Estimate A$120
Lot #8221 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Islamic: The Coinage of Bukhara (Transoxiana) in the British Museum from the time of Timur to the Present Day. Classes XXII, XXIII by S L Poole. 1972 reprint of the original 1882 work. 131 pages plus 5 plates. Scarce. Estimate A$100
Lot #8222 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Islamic: The Coins of the Eastern Khaleefehs in the British Museum by S L Poole. 1967 reprint of the original 1875 work. 263 pages plus 8 plates. Scarce. Estimate A$100
Lot #8223 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Italy: Proofs & Essays of Italian Coins from the French Invasion. 1796-1955 by A Pagani, Milan 1957. 159 pages. Inc popular Governments, Napoleonic, restorations, Kingdoms, Duchies, Grand Duchies, Papal States, Governments Provisori, Kingdom of Italy & Colonies, San Marino, Vatican City & Italian Somalia. Card cover. GC. Scarce book Estimate A$60
Lot #8224 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Jetons, Medalets & Tokens. The Medieval Period & Nuremberg Vol 1 by M Mitchiner 1988. 704 pages, illustrated throughout with valuations. Covers artifacts from C1st AD & jetons, medalets & tokens from Medieval England, Western Europe, France, Low Countries, Nuremberg to the C19th. Excellent condition. Out of Print. Estimate A$300
Lot #8225 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Magic Coins of Java, Bali & the Malay Peninsula by J Cribb. 1999. 288 pages plus 80 plates. Covers these coin shaped charms from the late 1300s to the 1900s listing 333 types based on 1050 examples. New. Estimate A$180
Lot #8226 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Monnaies Royales Francaises 1610-1792 by V Gadoury 654 pages 1986. Invaluable & still the standard reference still on sale. As new, current retail €150. Estimate A$120
Lot #8227 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Ottoman: A New Table of Countermarks by Hans Wilski 2002. 136 pages. Illustrated throughout. Part 1 Countermarks on Ottoman Copper Coins of the 19th Century. Part 2 Countermarks from all Parts of the Ottoman Empire. New. Estimate A$100
Lot #8228 - literature and catalogues byzantine
Otto-Adelheid Pfennige Commentationes De Nummis Saeculerum IX-XI. In Suecia Repertis. Nova Series 7 by G Hatz & ors. 146 pgs 1991. Important "Sylloge". Distributed by Spink. Estimate A$75
Status International
Status International from Sydney, Australia is holding 4 - 6 auctions a year of Philatelic & Numismatic items. The emphasis is on Australian and area material as well as All World stamps,... Read More