ancient greek coins - Coin Auctions

Lot 3019 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3019 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Macedonian Kingdom. Alexander III "the Great". Silver Tetradrachm (17.1 g), 336-323 BC. Babylon I, under Seleukos I, ca. 311-300 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin headdress. Reverse: , Zeus seated left, holding eagle and scepter; in left field, monogram in wreath; below throne, MI. Price 3747; SC 82.5b; HGC 9, 10f. Nicely toned. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $400 - 500

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3035 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3035 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Pontos, Amisos. Silver Siglos (5.7 g), 500-400 BC. Aris, magistrate. Head of Hera left, wearing ornate polos and pearl necklace. Reverse: Eagle standing facing on shield, with spread wings; top left field, grain ear; top right field, sword in sheath (?); across field -; below, . Hoover 229; SNG BM Black Sea 1054 var.; SNG Copenhagen 121; SNG von Aulock -; HGC 7, 229. Struck in high relief. Lightly toned. Choice Very Fine. Estimated Value $800 - 900

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3003 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3003 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Celtic, Britain. Durotriges. Silver Stater (5.31 g), ca. 45-40 BC. Abstract head of Apollo right. Reverse: Disjointed horse left; above, pellets; behind, pellet in ring. Van Arsdell 1246-1. Choice Very Fine. Estimated Value $350 - 400 Ex Isle of Wight Hoard 2005.

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3030 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3030 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Attica, Athens. Silver Tetradrachm (17.17 g), ca. 454-404 BC. Helmeted head of Athena right, frontal eye. Reverse: , owl standing right, head facing; above to left, olive-spray with berry and crescent; all within incuse square. Kroll 8; Svoronos pl. 14; SNG Copenhagen 31-40. Well-centered. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $700 - 800

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3046 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3046 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Cilicia, Aigeai. Silver Tetradrachm (14.57 g), ca. 1st Century BC. Civic year 18, unknown era. Turreted and veiled bust of Tyche right. Reverse: , Athena standing left; holding, Nike in right hand, who holds a wreath, and a spear in left while hand rest on grounded spear; left field, and club; right field, ; below, (date). Cf. SNG Levant 1655 (different date). Lighly toned. Rare. NGC grade Choice Extremely Fine; Strike: 4/5, Surface: 5/5. Estimated Value $500 - 600

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3014 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3014 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Sicily, Syracuse. Deinomenid Tyranny. Silver Didrachm (8.7 g), ca. 485-466 BC. Under Gelon I, ca. 484-483 BC. Nude horseman leading a second horse right. Reverse. V-RAQ--, head of Arethusa right, wearing a pearl diadem and necklace. Boehringer 51 (V28, R34), Jameson 745. Lovely fine style. Perfectly centered and delicately toned. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $4,000 - 5,000

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3025 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3025 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Acarnania, Anaktorion. Silver Stater (8.56 g), ca. 350-300 BC. Pegasos flying left; below, monogram. Reverse: Head of Athena left, wearing Corinthian helmet; above, ; below truncated neck, monogram; behind, monogram and filleted bucranium. Pegasi 71; BCD Akarnania 86. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $700 - 800

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3041 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3041 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Ionia, Phokaia. Electrum 1/24 Stater (0.7 g), ca. 600-500 BC. Griffin head left. Reverse: Incuse square. BMC 15; Bodenstedt 12. Perfectly centered. Remarkable little jewel. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $1,200 - 1,500

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3009 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3009 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Calabria, Tarentum/Taras. Silver Didrachm (6.19 g), ca. 272-235 BC. Evans Period VIII. Nude youth on horseback, crowning horse with wreath; behind rider, . Reverse: [], Tarsos seated on dolphin left, holding cornucopia and trident; behind, bee. SNG ANS 1183; Vlasto 855-6. Lightly toned with some deposits of corrosion. NGC grade Choice VF; Strike: 4/5, Surface: 3/5. Estimated Value $300 - 350

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins
Lot 3020 - ancient greek coins  -  Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Lot 3020 - ancient greek coins - Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

Macedonian Kingdom. Alexander III "the Great". Silver Drachm (4.1 g), ca. 336-323 BC. Miletus, ca. 325-323 BC. Head of Herakles right, wearing lion's skin headdress. Reverse: , Zeus seated left, holding eagle and scepter; in left field, monogram. Price 2090. Lightly toned. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $250 - 300

Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc. Pre-Long Beach Auction #85

ancient greek coins