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1 kopeke - 1 rouble large quantity approx. 1930-1980 including better dates and -qualities in small box
4 better ex. including 50 kopeke 1896 (2 copies - VF+), Rouble 1921 VF+ and 5 kopeke 1936 rare date XF- in small box
Rouble 1913 Coronation XF
Rouble 1913 XF
Rouble 1921 VF-XF
lot with better ex. including 2 kopeke 1957 EM (vf-), 5 kopeke 1763 EM (F+), 5 kopeke 1777 EM (VF/XF), 5 kopeke 1790 AM (star on reverse F/VF/XF) and 10 kopeke or grivennik copper 1836 EM (Schulman auction 280) in small box
10 rubles 1899, gold, KM.64, vf
2 and 3 kopeke copper 1814-1897, 19 copies with some better date and/or qualities in small box
Rouble 1912 XF
1904AP 5 Rouble. Fully lustrous Choice UNC. (P)Estimate A$600