
HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG

lot # 1474 - großbritannien europe

Saturday Apr 29, 2017 11:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Apr 28, 12:00 BST

Seddon Diesel Vehicles Limited; 04.05.1971, Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock of £ 930, #2230, 20 x 24,7 cm, grün, weiß, Knickfalten. Seddon war ein 1919 im britischen Salford gegründeter Fahrzeughersteller. Das Unternehmen stellte Busse und Lastkraftwagen her. Anfang der 1970er fusionierte es mit dem Konkurrenten Atkinson Vehicles Ltd. zur Seddon Atkinson Vehicles Limited. 4 May 1971, Convertible Unsecured Loan Stock of £ 930, #2230, 20 x 24,7 cm, green, white, folds. Founded in 1919 in Salford, Northwest England, Seddon was a British vehicle manufacturer. The company was manufacturing buses and trucks. In the early 1970s it merged with its competitor Atkinson Vehicles Ltd. to form Seddon Atkinson Vehicles Limited.

