
Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc.

lot # 4193 - world crowns and minors cont'd Great Britain

Tuesday Jan 27, 2015 10:00 to Wednesday Jan 28, 2015 17:00 America/Los_Angeles
Last date for bids: 
Jan 28, 10:00 PST

Great Britain. Crown, 1551. S.2478; Dav-8245. Edward VI, 1547-1553. Third period. Fine issue. EF and nicely toned. King crowned and in armour with a sword over his shoulder, galloping right on a richly caparisoned horse. Date 1551 below. Reverse, long cross fourchee over royal shield. A beautiful specimen with an attractive old cabinet tone. Struck on a large flan, well centered, and with superb detail on the portrait of the king and the ornamental trappings of the horse. This is the Dr Robert Hesselgesser Collection specimen offered for sale in the fall of 2007. The first dated English coin, Edward VI crowns are very rare in high grade and this specimen compares well with the Cheshire Collection piece, also graded XF45, which fetched $23,000 in 2005. One of the finest extant examples of a truly historic coin. NGC graded EF-45.

* Edward VI was the son of his more famous father Henry VIII, and Jane Seymour. He became king on the death of Henry in 1547 aged ten. The government was entrusted to his uncle the Duke of Somerset (who fell from power in 1549) and then to the Earl of Warwick, later created Duke of Northumberland. Edward was a staunch Protestant and during his brief reign the Reformation progressed. He died from tuberculosis in 1553, and was succeeded by his Catholic sister Mary I ('Bloody' Mary). One of Edward's legacies is a fascinating series of coins, and this, the first English silver crown.
Estimated Value $12,000 - 14,000.