
Ira & Larry Goldberg Coins & Collectibles, Inc.

lot # 2097 - Byzantine Coins

Sunday Jun 05, 2016 09:00 to Tuesday Jun 07, 2016 17:00 America/Los_Angeles
Last date for bids: 
Jun 05, 10:00 PDT

Basil I, the Macedonian, 867-886. Gold Solidus (4.35g) EF. Mint of Constantinople. Christ enthroned facing, wearing numbus, pallium and colobium, raises right hand in beneditction. Reverse: Facing busts of Basil, with short beard (on l.) and Conswtantine, beardless (on r.), both crowned, holding patriarchal cross. Basil wears loros, his son is clad in chlamys. Sear 1704; DO 2; BMC 2-4. Boldly struck on a slightly short round flan and delicately toned. Extremely Fine. Estimated Value $800 - 900
