
lot # 929 - Coins & Medals israel coins

Thursday Feb 28, 2019 00:00 Asia/Jerusalem

Israel's 33rd Anniversary of Independence Coin
"The People of the Book"
The "Book of Books" was given to the Jewish people who are therefore called, "The People of the Book". The Bible was written in Hebrew and over the generations scribes and scholars copied letters, sentences and passages, thus preserving the spiritual independence and culture of the nation, even during the long period that it was dispersed among other nations.
The 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet formed the basis of two Jewish languages spoken in the Diaspora - Yiddish and Ladino. Proof / Marked "MEM" (מ) Nomenal Value. SH. 10/Gold 900. 30mm, 17.28g



About The Seller

Romano Sale House of Stamps Ltd.

The Romano Sale House was established in early 1998. After years in the stamp business, as Images/Auctioneers and sole suppliers of LINDNER philatelic accessories in Israel, Romano Sale House has... Read More

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