
Stephen Album Rare Coins

lot # 1591 - World the americas

Thursday May 14, 2015 09:00 to Friday May 15, 2015 19:00 America/Los_Angeles
Last date for bids: 
May 14, 08:00 PDT

LOWER CANADA: AE penny, 1837, Charl-PC-2A1, Mule of 1842 PC-2A obverse and 1837 LC-9A reverse (and hence has the 1837 date), City Bank on ribbon, EF, R, ex John J. Ford. Jr. Collection (with auction ticket and Ford envelope). According to Charlton, it was believed by Courteau that PC-2A1 was issued in early 1842, prior to the release of the 1842 (PC-2B) pennies. It is not a mule of the 1842/1837 penny as the obverse die is different from the 1842 obverse die used to mint PC-2B.

Estimate: $700 - 900
