perfect strike of red datestamp with matching "40" rate handstamp on cover to Milton, New York, light wrinkling, very fine appearance
The "Erivan" Collection of Western Postal History
By: H. R. Harmer Inc
H. R. Harmer Inc The "Erivan" Collection of Western Postal History
United States Postal History
July 6-12, 2023 in New York City
The "Erivan" Collection of Western Postal History July 6, 10am EST
The Van Koppersmith Collection of Ship Mail July 12, 10am EST
The Mark Schwartz Collection of Essex County Postal History (Coming Soon)
The Nancy Clark Collection of Maine Postal History (Coming Soon)
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- Carriers’ and Local Stamps (4) Apply Carriers’ and Local Stamps filter
- civil war postal history (1) Apply civil war postal history filter
- Independent Carriers and Express Companies (126) Apply Independent Carriers and Express Companies filter
- u.s. postal history (197) Apply u.s. postal history filter
Lot #377 - u.s. postal history California Postal History
green illustrated design on cover to Uddevalla, Sweden, three 1c and 2c Small Banknotes tied by August 15, 1894 San Diego datestamps, reverse with illustration of Cabrillo landing in San Diego Harbor, very fine and attractive
Lot #378 - u.s. postal history California Postal History
datestamp with matching target on 3c Green entire to Grass Valley, California, slightly reduced at left, very fine and attractive
Lot #379 - u.s. postal history Oregon Postal History
datestamp ties 10c Green (35) to cover to West Point, New York, handstamped "Due 10", 1858 docketing at bottom, trivial reduction at right, very fine and choice territorial postmark, ex-Emerson
Lot #380 - u.s. postal history Oregon Postal History
magenta datestamp with matching target tie 1c Gray blue (partial imprint at top) to locally-addressed Valentine's envelope, original multicolored lace Valentine enclosed, very fine and attractive
Lot #381 - u.s. postal history Oregon Postal History
double circle wheel of fortune duplex ties 2c Brown Bank Note to cover to Fort Simcoe, Washington Territory, light stain at lower left and slightly reduced at left, otherwise very fine and attractive
Lot #382 - u.s. postal history Oregon Postal History
datestamp ties 1857 10c Green to cover to Troy, New York, light edge wear, fine cover, sent just a month and a half after Oregon statehood
Lot #383 - u.s. postal history Oregon Postal History
duplex with star in circle ties 2c Brown to cover front only to Walla Walla, Washington Territory, small faults, fine appearance
Lot #384 - u.s. postal history Oregon Postal History
violet wheel of fortune duplex ties 2c Brown Bank Note to cover front only to Walla Walla, Washington Territory, printed bankers' cornercard, small faults, very fine appearance
Lot #385 - u.s. postal history Oregon Postal History
cogged double circle datestamp with matching Maltese cross on 2c Brown front only to Walla Walla, Washington Territory, couple pinholes, very fine appearance
Lot #386 - u.s. postal history Oregon Postal History
datestamp on 3c Pink entire to Aldenville, Pennsylvania, slightly reduced at left and light edge wear, otherwise fine, a late use of this territorial postmark
Lot #387 - u.s. postal history Oregon Postal History
datestamp with negative smiling face fancy cancel on 2c Columbian entire to Salem, Oregon, reduced at left into cornernard and light overall aging, very fine strike
Lot #388 - u.s. postal history Oregon Postal History
double rim datestamp duplexed with eight-point star in circle, on 2c Brown Bank Note cover to Dallas, Oregon, light toning and slightly reduced at right (into perforations of stamp), very fine strike
Lot #389 - u.s. postal history Oregon Postal History
datestamp with matching negative staron 2c Brown entire to Medford, Oregon, reduced at left, otherwise very fine
Lot #390 - u.s. postal history Oregon Postal History
datestamp on 3c Green entire to Roseberg, Oregon, illustrated advertisement for "Importers of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Agricultural Implements", slightly reduced at right, very fine and attractive
Lot #391 - u.s. postal history Oregon Postal History
duplex with star in circle on 3c Green entire to Beachwood, Massachusetts, very fine and choice, Crook County (of which Prineville is the current county seat) was not established October 9, 1882
Lot #392 - u.s. postal history Oregon Postal History
purple wheel of fortune duplex on 2c Greene entire to North Yakima, Washington Territory, March 14 backstamp, docketing at left, slightly reduced at left and without side flap, very fine and rare
Lot #393 - u.s. postal history Washington Postal History
two strikes of octagonal datestamp and target on cover to North Yakima, Washington Territory, franked with 2c Brown (gum staining), "Department of the Interior, North Yakama Indian Agency" penalty clause, very fine
Lot #394 - u.s. postal history Washington Postal History
duplex with star in circle ties 2c Green to cover to Colfax, Washington Territory, light edge wear, fine use five months prior to statehood
Lot #395 - u.s. postal history Washington Postal History
circular datestamp duplexed with star ties 2c Small Banknote to cover to Colfax, Washington, very fine early statehood cover
Lot #396 - u.s. postal history Washington Postal History
double circle datestamp duplexed with kicking mule fancy cancel on legal-sized cover to La Push, Washington, Neat Bah Indian Agency printed penalty frank, slightly reduced at right, extremely fine strike
Lot #397 - u.s. postal history Washington Postal History
datestamp duplexed with "US Mail" in circle fancy cancel on 2c Green cover to Brookline, Massachusetts, very fine territorial fancy cancel
Lot #398 - u.s. postal history Washington Postal History
datestamp on yellow cover to Washington, DC, 3c Green with split cork cancel, cornercard for "Territory of Washington, Office of the Secretary.", slightly reduced at right into stamp, otherwise very fine
Lot #399 - u.s. postal history Washington Postal History
datestamp on "Department of the Interior, United States Land Office" cover to Edison, Washington Territory, pair of 1c Blue tied by split cork cancels, purple straightline "Receivers Office, Olympia. W.T." handstamp, addressed to the noted Indian fighter and United States Army Colonel Granville O. Haller, very fine and choice
Lot #400 - u.s. postal history Washington Postal History
purple datestamp duplexed with Maltese cross on 3c Green entire to South Bosque, Texas, slightly reduced at left, very fine strike
H.R. Harmer
H.R. Harmer was founded in 1918 by Henry Revell Harmer of London. In 1940, the firm opened its New York auction gallery and quickly ascended to the top ranks of philatelic auction houses... Read More
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