SALVADOR. 1883. ACAJUTLA a LONDRES. 1 ctvo. verde y 5 ctvos. azul (2). Carta circulada por MENSAJERIA PRIVADA y depositada directamente al barco, sellos matasellados en tránsito en NEW YORK. Probablemente UNICA CONOCIDA.
Stamps and Covers of the World - Day 1
By: Soler Y Llach
Soler Y Llach Stamps and Covers of the World - Day 1
Part One
Tuesday, February 6th 2024
2.30 pm (local time)
Lots 1 - 1227
Part Two
Wednesday, February 7th 2024
3 pm (local time)
Lots 1501 - 1767
To the total price a 22% will be charged as buyer's premium
February 1st - 5th
9.30 am – 1 pm | 2.30 pm – 5.30 pm
Saturdays and Sundays closed
Lots can be collected from February 9th
Sale Terms
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Filtrar por
- Albania (3) Apply Albania filter
- Argentina (12) Apply Argentina filter
- Austria (15) Apply Austria filter
- austrian levant (5) Apply austrian levant filter
- Belgium (9) Apply Belgium filter
- bolivia (6) Apply bolivia filter
- bosnia and herzegovina (7) Apply bosnia and herzegovina filter
- brazil (26) Apply brazil filter
- british colonies (166) Apply british colonies filter
- Bulgaria (4) Apply Bulgaria filter
- Chile (9) Apply Chile filter
- China (11) Apply China filter
- Colombia (24) Apply Colombia filter
- Costa Rica (4) Apply Costa Rica filter
- Crète (2) Apply Crète filter
- Cuba (89) Apply Cuba filter
- Czechoslovakia (2) Apply Czechoslovakia filter
- danish west indies (8) Apply danish west indies filter
- Denmark (7) Apply Denmark filter
- dominican republic (15) Apply dominican republic filter
- Ecuador (2) Apply Ecuador filter
- Egypt (10) Apply Egypt filter
- Ethiopia (5) Apply Ethiopia filter
- Finlland (2) Apply Finlland filter
- France (55) Apply France filter
- french colonies (143) Apply french colonies filter
- German Colonies (13) Apply German Colonies filter
- german states (18) Apply german states filter
- germany (12) Apply germany filter
- Great Britain (15) Apply Great Britain filter
- Greece (8) Apply Greece filter
- guatemala (9) Apply guatemala filter
- haiti (11) Apply haiti filter
- Honduras (7) Apply Honduras filter
- Hungary (3) Apply Hungary filter
- Iceland (2) Apply Iceland filter
- Ionian Islands (3) Apply Ionian Islands filter
- irak (1) Apply irak filter
- iran (16) Apply iran filter
- Israel (1) Apply Israel filter
- italian colonies (40) Apply italian colonies filter
- italian states (27) Apply italian states filter
- Italy (14) Apply Italy filter
- Japan (12) Apply Japan filter
- korea (1) Apply korea filter
- Liberia (5) Apply Liberia filter
- Mexico (33) Apply Mexico filter
- Morocco (4) Apply Morocco filter
- Nepal (48) Apply Nepal filter
- Netherlands (6) Apply Netherlands filter
- netherlands colonies (3) Apply netherlands colonies filter
- nicaragua (3) Apply nicaragua filter
- Norway (6) Apply Norway filter
- palestine (3) Apply palestine filter
- Panama (12) Apply Panama filter
- Paraguay (2) Apply Paraguay filter
- Peru (25) Apply Peru filter
- Philippines (17) Apply Philippines filter
- Poland (2) Apply Poland filter
- Portugal (20) Apply Portugal filter
- portuguese colonies (32) Apply portuguese colonies filter
- Puerto Rico (34) Apply Puerto Rico filter
- Russia (5) Apply Russia filter
- russian levant (2) Apply russian levant filter
- salvador (11) Apply salvador filter
- serbia (34) Apply serbia filter
- Sweden (8) Apply Sweden filter
- Switzerland (8) Apply Switzerland filter
- thailand (3) Apply thailand filter
- Turkey (15) Apply Turkey filter
- United States of America (12) Apply United States of America filter
- Uruguay (10) Apply Uruguay filter
- Venezuela (7) Apply Venezuela filter
- Viertnam (1) Apply Viertnam filter
- zeppelin (3) Apply zeppelin filter
Lot #1126 - salvador
SALVADOR. 1886. LA UNION a FRANCIA. 1 ctvo. verde y 5 ctvos azul (2). MAGNIFICA. Sc.13,15(2).
Lot #1127 - serbia
SERBIA. 1844 (30 Oct.). Entire letter from ALEKSINAC with cyrillic straight line handstamp on black and NAPLACEN (Post Paid) handstamp below; mailed to SEBENICO (Dalmatia) via Austrian P.O. with fine 27 NOV/BELGRAD handstamp on black (manuscript 12 kreuzer charge). Thence via Quarantine Station at SEMLIN with NETTO DI FUORA E DI DENTRO handstamp on reverse and red wax seals of disinfection. AN EXTREMELY RARE and fine entire. Cert. J....
Lot #1128 - serbia
SERBIA. 1866. 2 pa. reddish copper brown on lilac blue, plate position 8, cancelled by boxed NAPLACENO. One of the very few examples known with original cancellation. Ex. P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.8.
Lot #1129 - serbia
SERBIA. 1866 (31-8). BEOGRAD to SMEDEREVO. 20 pa. rose Wien printing. VERY FINE. Mi.2.
Lot #1130 - serbia
SERBIA. 1868. NERESNICA. Folded letter franked by 20 pa. rose tied by manuscript PLACENO from NERESNICA. Fine and very rare. Ex P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.5x.
Lot #1131 - serbia
SERBIA. 1868 (17-May). SABAC. Entire letter franked by 20 pa. rose and 40 pa. ultramarine strip of three. Cancelled by oval NAPLACENO in blue. Very rare and outstanding 140 paras franking. Cert. V. KARDOSCH and J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.5x, 6x (3).
Lot #1132 - serbia
SERBIA. 1868. 2 pa. red brown, tied by BEOGRAD cds. Light paper transparency at upper right, scissor cut in top margin outside design. Fresh colour and good appearance. A major rarity. Less than ten used stamps are recorded. Ex P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.10Bb.
Lot #1133 - serbia
SERBIA. 1868. 40 pa. ultramarine ordinary paper, block of four with some hinge re-inforcements. Usual gum crease. Mi.6y (4). Michel.+1.280€.
Lot #1134 - serbia
SERBIA. 1867. 2 pa. yellow brown, variety ´F´ inverted instead of ´E´ (plate pops. 36). Fine and VERY RARE. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.10Aa var.
Lot #1135 - serbia
SERBIA. 1867 (3 March). OBRENOVACKE to BEOGRAD. Entire letter franked with two singles 10 pa. ochre tied by boxed NAPLACENO. On reverse BEOGRAD arrival cds. Outstanding and very rare. No more of four covers known with this stamp. Ex P. Bordtbeck. Mi.1 (2).
Lot #1136 - serbia
SERBIA. 1867 (3 July). ALEKSINAK to GRAGUJEVAC. Entire letter franked with two single BELGRADE PRINTING 10 pa. ochre and VIENNA PRINTING 40 pa. blue, cancelled by boxed NAPLACENO and PREPORUCENO. An outstanding mixed franking Vienna and Belgrade printings. UNIQUE KNOWN. Cert. V. KARDOSCH and J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.3, 4x (2).
Lot #1137 - serbia
SERBIA. 1868 (II-X). NEGOTIN to BELGRADE. Entire letter franked with a pair of 10 pa. deep orange and two singles 40 pa. ultramarine, tied by straight line NAPLACENO and adjacent NEGOTIN cds on registered letter with delivery notification. BEOGRAD arrival cds on reverse. Outstanding letter, one of the most important entires of Serbian Philately.
Ex collection P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.4x (2), 6x (2).
Lot #1138 - serbia
SERBIA. 1868 (6 Feb.). Outer letter sheet from BELGRADE to VIENNA, sent registered, franked by Austria 1867 5 kr. red and 10 kr. blue tied by very fine strike of BELGRAD cds in black with straight line RECOM alongside. A magnificent and rare cover. Cert. FERCHENBAUER. Mi.37/I, 38/I.
Lot #1139 - serbia
SERBIA. (1869 CA.). FRONT ONLY. POZEGA to UZICE. 40 pa. purple bisected, perf. 9 1/2 with 10 pa. brown and two 35 pa. green all with perf. 9 1/2 x 12, tied by boxed NAPLACENO and PROPORUCENO with POZEGA departure cds. An outstanding tricolour franking. UNIQUE combination known of 100 para rate. Ex collection P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.17IB var., 12IC, 16IC (2).
Lot #1140 - serbia
SERBIA. 1870 (18 Feb.). BELGRADE to WIEN. 15 pa. yellow and 20 pa. blue all perf. 9 1/2 x 12, tied by BEOGRAD cds. WIEN arrival cancel on reverse. Ex Sir John Wilson and P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.13IC, 14IC.
Lot #1141 - serbia
SERBIA. 1870 (25 Oct.). BELGRADE to WIEN. 10 pa. brown perf. 12 and 25 pa. rose perf. 9 1/2 x 12, tied by BEOGRAD. WIEN arrival cds. on reverse. Ex Sir John Wilson and P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.12IA, 15IC.
Lot #1142 - serbia
SERBIA. 1870 (15 March). IVANJILA to CACAK. 40 pa. purple perf. 9 1/2 x 12 vertical right half bisected, tied by boxed NAPLACENO and IVANJICA departure cds. RARE. Ex P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.17IB var.
Lot #1143 - serbia
SERBIA. 1870 (19 April). BELGRADE to PEST (Hungary). 10 pa. brown perf. 9 1/2 and 15 pa. yellow perf. 9 1/2 x 12, tied by BEOGRAD cds. PEST arrival cds. on reverse. Very rare franking, only a very few known. Ex P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.12IB, 13IB.
Lot #1144 - serbia
SERBIA. 1871 (4 June). ARANDJELOVAL to KRAGUJEVAL. Two stamps of 10 pa. brown perf. 12 x 9 1/2. VERY RARE. One of the two multiple frankings recorded with this rare perforation. Ex John Wilson and P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.12ID.
Lot #1145 - serbia
SERBIA. 1871. BELGRADE to OSIJEK (Essex, Hungary). Newspaper franked by 10 pa. brown perf. 9 1/2, tied by BEOGRAD cds. RARE. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.12IB.
Lot #1146 - serbia
SERBIA. 1872 (Jan 28). Registered cover from KARANOVATZ bearing fine usage of 1869 50 pa. green pair (perf. 9 1/2 x 12) cancelled by fine strikes of framed Paid handstamps in blue (Preporucen) with cds of despatch alongside. Reverse with arrival cds in black. A scarce franking and very fine. Scott 24. Mi.18Ic.
Lot #1147 - serbia
SERBIA. 1872 (27 Aug.). BELGRADE to VIENA. 10 pa. brown perf, 12 x 9 1/2 (rare), 25 pa. rose perf. 9 1/2 x 12 and second printing 20 pa. blue perf. 12, tied by BEOGRAD cds. UNIQUE FRANKING COMBINATION adding up to 75 para rate for Registered letter to Austria. OUTSTANDING. Ex P. Brodtbeck. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.12ID, 15IC, 14IIA (2).
Lot #1148 - serbia
SERBIA. 1872 (20 Aug.). BELGRADE to WIEN. 10 pa. brown perf 12 x 9 1/2 (very rare) and 25 pa. rose perf. 9 1/2 x 12, tied by BEOGRAD cds. WIEN arrival cds. on reverse. Ex Sir John Wilson. Cert. J. VELICKOVIC. Mi.12ID, 15IC.
Lot #1149 - serbia
SERBIA. 1873 (26 Oct.). KNJAZEVAC to IVANOVAL. Two second printing 20 pa. blue stamps perf. 12 and two 40 pa. purple stamps perf. 9 1/2 x 12, tied by KNJAZEVAC cds. in blue. Very rare franking for a 120 para rate. Ex Sir John Wilson and P. Brodtbeck. Cert. K. VELICKOVIC. Mi.17IC (2), 14IIA (2).
Soler Y Llach
SOLER Y LLACH Subastas Internacionales, S.A. was founded in October 1989 by two families closely linked to the world of collecting: SOLER y LLACH initially specialized in stamp collecting auctions... Read More
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