1929 (10 July): Stampless cover, making its journey with the transatlantic 'Pathfinder' flight of the US pilots Roger Q. Williams and Capt. Lewis A. Yancey, starting the Bellanca J airplane at Old Orchard Beach, Maine, forced down at Santander Spain and continued to Rome, front with strike of "ROMA AEROPORTO LITTORIO POSTA AEREA 10. 7. 29" arrival cds. An airmail rarity, cert. Sieger (2001) American Air Mail catalogue vol. 1, no. 1092...
Auction 321 - 332 Romania – Special Catalogue, Worldwide Rarities – The ERIVAN Collection – 2nd Auction, Schweiz & Liechtenstein - Day 5
By: Corinphila Auction AG
Corinphila Auction AG Auction 321 - 332 Romania – Special Catalogue, Worldwide Rarities – The ERIVAN Collection – 2nd Auction, Schweiz & Liechtenstein - Day 5
Montag 3. Juni 2024 / Monday 3 June 2024
9:00 h 40001 – 40488 332: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part IV) New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Westaustralia
14:00 h 2001 – 2392 322: St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South Africa, South West Africa, Sudan – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland
18:30 h 3001 – 3134 323: Brazil 1843 –1870 – The Fritz Heimbüchler Collection (part I)
Dienstag 4. Juni 2024 / Tuesday 4 June 2024
9:00 h 40489 – 40726 332: Australian States & Commonwealth of Australia – The ‘DUBOIS’ Collection (part IV) Commonwealth of Australia
11:30 h 3201 – 3318 324: New South Wales – including the „Mint“ Collection of Peter Campbell
13:00 h 2393 – 2840 322: St. Helena, Basutoland, Bechuanaland, Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South Africa, South West Africa, Sudan – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection Swaziland, New Republic, Union of South frica, South West Africa, Sudan
18:00 h 3501 – 3782 325: Panama – The Classic Period 1807–1904 – The Álvaro Castro-Harrigan Collections
Mittwoch 5. Juni 2024 / Wednesday 5 June 2024
9:00 h 1 – 556 321: Europe & Overseas Great Britain & British Commonwealth
- Australian States “Unused” – The Peter Campbell Collection (part III)
- The “Huntingfield” Block – Australia‘s unissued Edward VIII Stamp 1936
- The “Lady Bridget Blue-Bell” Collection – “The smallest and most complete collection of Lady McLeod possible”
- African Airmail 1911–1945 – The Mike Roberts Collection
14:00 h 557 – 740 321: Europe & Overseas Americas (North, Central & South America)
16:00 h 4001 – 4376 326: Great Britain 1840–1910 – The ‘BESANÇON’ Collection (part V)
Donnerstag 6. Juni 2024 / Thursday 6 June 2024
9:00 h 741 – 841 321: Europe & Overseas Asia / Africa
842 – 1361 321: Europe & Overseas Europe A –Z - Spain 1850 – 6 cuartos black – Specialised Collection (part II)
14:30 h 1362 – 1418 321: Europe & Overseas Collections & Accumulations
15:00 h 5001 – 5422 327: Worldwide Postal History – The Enzo Carnio Collection (part I)
Freitag 7. Juni 2024 / Friday 7 June 2024
9:00 h 6001 – 6413 328: Romania – Special Catalogue
12:30 h 7001 – 7174 329: Worldwide Rarities – The ERIVAN Collection – 2nd Auction
14:30 h 9001 – 9335 331: Schweiz & Liechtenstein Schweiz ab 1862, Soldatenmarken, Flugpost Schweiz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein - Schweiz – Ziffermuster 1882–1889 – Die Sammlung Dr. James Johnstone (Teil III)
17:30 h 9336 – 9534 331: Schweiz Sammlungen und Posten Schweiz
Samstag 8. Juni 2024 / Saturday 8 June 2024
9:00 h 8101 – 8207 331: Altschweiz Vorphilatelie - Wehrwesen in der Schweiz – Die Sammlung Rolf Leuthard
10:00 h 8001 – 8053 330: Schweiz Bundespost – Seltene Frankaturen 1849–1854 – Die Sammlung Richard Schäfer Sr. (Teil II)
11:00 h 8208 – 8532 331: Altschweiz Kantonalmarken, Ortspost, Poste Locale, Rayonmarken (Rayon I dunkelblau und Rayon II gelb)
14:30 h 8533 – 8772 331: Altschweiz Rayonmarken (Rayon I hellblau bis Rayon III rot), Strubel
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Lot #7115 - Overseas usa
1968: APOLLO 6, cover postmarked Kennedy Space Center, April 4, 1968, launch day of the Apollo 6 unmanned flight, illustrated Apollo-6 cachet in blue at lower left, signed by eighteen astronauts including Alan Shepard, as well as Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, an exceptional and rare cover.rnrnrn
Lot #7116 - Overseas usa
1969: APOLLO 11 Flown Cover, with mission patch cachet, numbered "EEA-27" (Edwin Eugene Aldrin), signed by Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, and Michael Collins, cancelled by Webster, TX August 11, 1969 machine cancel with adjacent "DELAYED BY QUARANTAINE AND LUNA RECEIVING LABORATORY M.S.C.-HOUSTON, TEXAS", an exceptional cover, one of a small number of examples that were both flown on Apollo 11 and signed by the three crew members, an...
Lot #7117 - Overseas usa
1971: APOLLO 15, flown Lunar Mission cover, postmarked at the Kennedy Space Center (26 July, 1971) and again on the U.S.S. Okinawa (7 August, 1971), the day of the splashdown of the Command Module Endeavor, signed by the three crew members Alfred M. Worden, David R. Scott, and James B. Irwin, with accompanying notarized statement signed by the three attesting to the cover having been carried by them to the moon, numbered 235 of 300, extremely...
Lot #7118 - Overseas Argentina
1858: Confederación Argentina 5 c. red, left sheet margin single, chiefly good margins all around, showing small portion of adjoining stamp at base, tied by blue oval "FRANCA" to 1858 folded cover to Rosario, internally dated 23 July, blue oval "Administracion / de / Corres / de Sante Fe" at lower left, typical filing folds, a scarce and fine franking, signed Kneitschel.
Lot #7119 - Overseas Argentina
1858: 10 centavos green and 1860, large numeral 5 centavos red, both with large margins and in nice fresh colour, each a single franking tied by oval "CORREO NACIONAL DEL ROSARIO / FRANCA" cancellation to 1st and 2nd rate letter sheets from the Tucuman correspondence, very fine and attractive, a beautiful pair. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1999) for the 10c. cover.
Lot #7120 - Overseas Argentina
1858: 15 c. blue, nice colour and full to large margins, used on entire letter and tied by clear oval marking "CORREOS NACTIONALES DE SAN JUAN / FRANCA" to Rosario. Very fine and scarce, especially in this condition. Signed Kneitschel; cert. Philatelic Foundation (2018).rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 70 (March 1984), lot 3932; Corinphila sale 116 (Oct. 1999), lot 2035.
Lot #7121 - Overseas Argentina
1862: 5 c. pale rose, four large margins all around, tied by Buenos Aires cds to 1863 (25 Oct) folded cover to Rosario, small scissor cut to top margin well clear of design, a choice franking, remarkably fresh and very fine. Cert Holcombe (1991).
Lot #7122 - Overseas Argentina
1862: 5 c. rose, horizontal strip of 4 and single stamp, all with fresh colour and with good to mostly large margins, tied by three fine strikes of blue "CORREO NACIONAL del ROSARIO" handstamps to entire letter to Buenos Aires, a marvellous cover in beautiful condition. Cert Alberto Diena (1963) and Philatelic Foundation (1994).
Lot #7123 - Overseas Argentina
1862: 10 c. green and 15 c. blue, both in nice fresh colour and with good to very large margins, 10 centavos showing portion of two adjoining stamps, the 15 centavos showing part of adjoining stamp at left, each as single franking on different rate 1862 lettersheets from the Tucuman correspondence, both tied by fancy "CORREO NACIONAL del ROSARIO" cancellations, the 10 centavos cover with some ink corrosion in the lower address, 15 centavos...
Lot #7124 - Overseas Argentina
1863: 5 c. rose, deep shade and four exceptional large balanced margins, tied to folded cover to Rosario by Buenos Aires c.d.s. (18 Jun), a fresh and lovely cover. Cert Philatelic Foundation (1999).
Lot #7125 - Overseas Argentina
1864: 5 c. rose red, Narrow "C" in "CENTAVOS", horizontal strip of three, large to very large margins all around, tied to small piece by crisp strike of blue oval "Paso De Los Libres" (Jalil PAS 1), a scarce and choice multiple, very fine. rnProvenance: Collection Alfred H. Caspary, Harmers, New York, June, 1958, lot 48; Collection Alfredo Segantini La Paz, Corinphila, 16-21 November, 1969, lot 3686.
Lot #7126 - Overseas buenos aires
1858: Barquitos CUATO Rs (4 rs.) brown, horizontal pair with ample to very large margins, used with Ponchito cancel on entire letter from Rosario to Montevideo, with blue shipping agent's mark "BERNAL Y CAREGA BUENOS-AYRES" with manuscript date "27/12/58", a very fine and rare letter and a beautiful item of South American ship mail. Cert Holcombe (1992).rnProvenance: John F. Seybold ( with his owner's mark on reverse)
Lot #7127 - Overseas buenos aires
1859: Barquitos 1 Peso blue, ample to large margins all around, showing part of adjoining stamp at left, tied by "CORREOS DE BUENOS AIRES 7 SET 59" c.d.s. to lettersheet to Goya, very fine.rnProvenance: John Boker Jr. (Edgar Mohrmann 1979)
Lot #7128 - Overseas buenos aires
1859: Barquitos 1 (To rs) pesos blue, showing the "Cuato rs" variety, with characters partly printed, good to large margins on three sides, just into at upper left, tied to 1869 (4 Aug) folded cover to Montevideo by rimless Buenos Aires c.d.s., the odd light toning spot and small stain at right margin, of little importance given the rarity of this variety on cover.
Lot #7129 - Overseas buenos aires
1859: Cabecitas 4 r. green on bluish paper, four large to very large margins, tied to folded cover to Canuelas by blue oval fancy "Franco" handstamp, blue oval "MENSAGERIAS DEL COMERCIO / PIEDRAS 81 / BUENOS AIRES" stagecoach marking at left, cover with some soiling, vertical filing fold barely touching right margin of adhesive, yet a rare franking. rnProvenance: Collection Dale-Lichtenstein, Part 9, Harmers, New York, May, 1970, lot 401.
Lot #7130 - Overseas buenos aires
1859: Cabecitas 1 peso blue and 2 pesos red, both in bright fresh colour and with good to very lare margins, tied by clear "BUENOS AYRES 27 OCT. 62" to lettersheet to Rosario, very fine and fresh, signed Jakubek.rnProvenance: Dr. R. Elicabe (Stanley Gibbons 1973)
Lot #7131 - Overseas buenos aires
1862: Cabecitas 2p blue, large to very large margins all around, showing portion of adjoining stamp at top, tied to undated folded cover to Goya by Buenos Aires c.d.s., endorsed to be carried "p. Paraguari", manuscript "con Diario" notation at lower left, horizontal filing fold just touching top of adhesive, an impressive franking.
Lot #7132 - Overseas bolivia
1867/68: 5 c. green, irregular block of nine, including the scarce position 12, large margins all around, tied by text written on reverse of document dated 1867, approx. 220mm x 330mm, with Bolivian Coat of Arms at top, "VIVA LA UNION AMERICANA" above, signed above block "Ignacio Justiniano", Notary of Tarija, with his Condor-illustrated handstamp above, an impressive and scarce franking.rnProvenance: Collection Norman Hubbard, Corinphila,...
Lot #7133 - Overseas brasil
1843: Bulls's Eyes 30 r. black, intermediate impression, horizontal pair, ample to large margins, showing outer frameline at right, tied to piece by fair strike of "CORREIO GERAL DA CORTE" c.d.s. (August 1844), a scarce and fine multiple.
Lot #7134 - Overseas brasil
1843: 30 reis black and 90 reis black, Intermediate impressions, each with ample to large margins on all sides, each separated on one side by hand, tied to Jan 17, 1844 cover to Maranhao endorsed "Vapor Pernambucana", each tied by CORREIO GERAL DA CORTE circular datestamps (Jan 20) in black. Central file fold well away from the adhesives, a fine and scarce single Maritime rate cover. Illustrated in Bernd Juchert "Bull's Eyes on Covers" on...
Lot #7135 - Overseas brasil
1843: 60 r. black, early impression, good to large margins all round, showing vertical and horizontal frameline at right, cancelled by neat strike of circular CORREIO DE CAMPINAS in brown, fine.
Lot #7136 - Overseas brasil
1843: 60r. black on yellowish paper, early impression, showing outer framelines at top and right, cancelled with neat partial strike of c.d.s., (2 Aug), a lovely stamp in all respects. rnThe "Bulls Eye" stamps of Brazil were issued on August 1, 1843. By the same time the following year, plates were showing significant signs of wear; the "Inclinados" issues were also released in July 1844. While it is possible that this early printing was kept...
Lot #7137 - Overseas brasil
1843: 60r. black, horizontal pair with large to enormous margins, showing marginal frame lines at left and bottom, cancelled by centrally-struck shield postmark of Pernambuco (20 May, 1844), a very fine pair. Cert Juchert BPP (2020).
Lot #7138 - Overseas brasil
1843: 60 reis black, horizontal pair with large margins, used with central strike of red fancy " DIAMT" of Diamantino and additional part strike of Cuiaba single circle date stamp, the right stamp with faint vertical crease and tiny sand grain hole, a very attractive pair with a rare cancellation. Cert Juchert BPP (2020).rnProvenance: Collection "Amazon" (Habsburg, Feldman S.A. 1987)
Corinphila Auctions Ltd.
Corinphila Auctions is one of the world's leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.... Read More