1979 J42M Hong Kong Stamp Exhibition MS (Scott 1541),fresh MNH. Very Fine.
The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The people's republic of china
By: John Bull Stamp Auctions
John Bull Stamp Auctions The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343 - The people's republic of china
Interactive Live Auction
The 2024 Summer Auction - Sale 343
June 27th - June 30th 2024, Hong Kong
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Lot #3700 - prc
Lot #3701 - prc
1979 J42M Hong Kong Stamp Exhibition MS (Scott 1541),graded ASG XF 90, mint OG.
1979年J42M山茶花加金小型張新,評ASG XF 90,mint OG。
Lot #3702 - prc
1979 J44 30th Anniv. of Fonding of PRC (1st series) complete set x 2 sheets of 40 (Scott 1498-1499),totally 80 sets. Fresh MNH with light toning. VF-F.
Lot #3703 - prc
1979 J46 30th Anniv. of Founding of PRC (3rd series) sheet of 28 (Scott 1510),fresh MNH. Very Fine.
Lot #3704 - prc
1979 J46 30th Anniv. of Founding of PRC (3rd series) sheet of 28 (Scott 1510),MNH with toning. VF-F.
Lot #3705 - prc
1979 J49 Centenary of Birth of Stalin complete set in sheets of 50 (Scott 1555-1556),totally 100 sets. Fresh MNH with light toning. VF-F.
Lot #3706 - prc
1979 J50 40th Anniv. of Death of Dr. Norman Bethune complete set in sheets of 50 (Scott 1542-1543),fresh MNH with light toning. VF-F.
Lot #3707 - prc
1979 J51 International Archives Week complete set in sheets of 50 (Scott 1544-1546),fresh MNH with light toning. VF-F.
Lot #3708 - prc
1979 T35 Golden Pheasant complete set in sheets of 40 (Scott 1465-1467) and 1988 T132B Milu (Deer) imperf set in sheets of 50,fresh MNH with light toning. VF-F.
Lot #3709 - prc
1979 T36 Railway Construction complete set x 2 sheets of 50 (Scott 1527-1529),fresh MNH with light toning. VF-F.
Lot #3710 - prc
1979 T37 Camellias of Yunnan complete set in marginal blocks of 10 (Scott 1530-1539),fresh MNH, some with minor light toning. Generally VF.
Lot #3711 - prc
1978 T31M Highway Archs Bridges MS (Scott 1452) and 1979 T37M Camellias of Yunnan MS (Scott 1540),both fresh MNH, T37M with minor scratch on surface, T31M VF.
Lot #3712 - prc
1979 T37M Camellias of Yunnan MS and 1980 T54M Lotus MS (Scott 1540, 1617),both MNH with light toning. VF-F.
Lot #3713 - prc
1979 T38M Great Wall MS x 100 in original pack,very rare in original pack.
Lot #3714 - prc
1979-84 a group of 7 JT series MS,including J103M, T38M x 2, T72M, T79M, T82M x 2, some with light toning. Mostly VF.
1979-84年一組7枚新中國JT小型張,包括J103M第23屆奧林匹克運動會、T38M長城 x 2、T72M藥用植物、T79M益鳥及T82M西廂記 x 2等。部分微黃,大多品相極佳。
Lot #3715 - prc
1979 T40 Manchurian Tigers complete set in sheets of 50 (Scott 1484-1486),fresh MNH with light toning. VF-F.
Lot #3716 - prc
1979 T41M Study Science from Childhood MS (Scott 1518),fresh MNH. Very Fine.
Lot #3717 - prc
1979 T41M Study Science from Childhood MS (Scott 1518),fresh MNH. Very Fine.
Lot #3718 - prc
1979 T41M Study Science from Childhood MS (Scott 1518),fresh MNH. Very Fine.
Lot #3719 - prc
1979 T41M Study Science from Childhood MS (Scott 1518),fresh MNH, tiny intrinsic paper flaw on revese. Very Fine.
Lot #3720 - prc
1979 T41M Study Science from Childhood MS (Scott 1518),fresh MNH. Minor paper stuck at top of edge. Still Very Fine.
Lot #3721 - prc
1979 T41M Study Science from Childhood MS (Scott 1518),fresh MNH with toning. F-VF.
Lot #3722 - prc
1979 T41M Study Science from Childhood MS (Scott 1518),MNH with toning. F-VF.
Lot #3723 - prc
1979 T41M Study Science from Childhood MS (Scott 1518),graded ASG XF 90, mint OG.
1979年T41M從小愛科學小型張新,評ASG XF 90,mint OG。
Lot #3724 - prc
1979 T41M Study Science from Childhood MS (Scott 1518),graded ASG XF 90, mint OG.
1979年T41M從小愛科學小型張新,評ASG XF 90,mint OG。