en iets O.R. 1872-1950c. */** meest plaatfouten, velrandbijzonderheden etc. met beter materiaal in ringband
Auction 259 September 2024 - Day 1 Netherlands and Colonies
By: Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen Auction 259 September 2024 - Day 1 Netherlands and Colonies
Varieties Netherlands. Many original country collections. Large selection of good quality classic coins.
Auction order
Friday 13 September
Times (all times CET)
Lot numbers
Auction part
Netherlands and Colonies, collections & stock
Netherlands and Colonies, collections & stock in large boxes
Foreign countries, collections & stock
Foreign countries, collections & stock in large boxes
Saturday 14 September
Times (all times CET)
Lot numbers
Auction part
2000 – 2223
Netherlands and colonies single lots
2300 – 2342
Foreign countries single lots
2500 – 2759
2800 – 2893
Picture Postcards
2900 – 2933
Sale Terms
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Filtrar por
- Andorra (1) Apply Andorra filter
- Australia (3) Apply Australia filter
- Austria (2) Apply Austria filter
- belgian colonies (1) Apply belgian colonies filter
- Belgian military post in the Rhineland (1) Apply Belgian military post in the Rhineland filter
- British Commonwealth (50) Apply British Commonwealth filter
- Canada (1) Apply Canada filter
- China Empire and Republic (1) Apply China Empire and Republic filter
- Denmark (2) Apply Denmark filter
- dutch colonies (21) Apply dutch colonies filter
- Dutch West Indies (24) Apply Dutch West Indies filter
- europe (227) Apply europe filter
- France (12) Apply France filter
- french colonies (14) Apply french colonies filter
- GDR (1) Apply GDR filter
- german east africa (1) Apply german east africa filter
- german occupation issues 1939/45 (2) Apply german occupation issues 1939/45 filter
- germany (32) Apply germany filter
- germany after 1945 (6) Apply germany after 1945 filter
- Great Britain (5) Apply Great Britain filter
- Issues for International Institutions (4) Apply Issues for International Institutions filter
- italian post offices abroad (1) Apply italian post offices abroad filter
- Main catalogue (138) Apply Main catalogue filter
- malaysia (1) Apply malaysia filter
- netherlands and colonies (195) Apply netherlands and colonies filter
- Netherlands and Dutch Colonies (12) Apply Netherlands and Dutch Colonies filter
- occupations in world war i. and related areas (1) Apply occupations in world war i. and related areas filter
- Overseas (108) Apply Overseas filter
- Plesbicites Areas (1) Apply Plesbicites Areas filter
- Portugal (2) Apply Portugal filter
- portuguese colonies (4) Apply portuguese colonies filter
- south africa (3) Apply south africa filter
- Spain (2) Apply Spain filter
- stamps (1) Apply stamps filter
- Triest A and B (1) Apply Triest A and B filter
- united kingdom - channel islands (1) Apply united kingdom - channel islands filter
- USA Issues (1) Apply USA Issues filter
- yemen (1) Apply yemen filter
Lot #77 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1852-1952 meest betere ex. en series gestempeld en */** op 4 insteekkaarten op albumblad in map
Lot #78 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1852 en later stempels w.b. betere ex. en mooie afdrukken, totaal ruim 650 stuks in insteekboek
Lot #79 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1876-2000 collectie */** met beter materiaal in 2 Davo albums
Lot #80 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1906-1958 series gestempeld engros w.b. roltanding, cat.w. 4000
Lot #81 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1945-1967 complete series gestempeld engros, cat.w. ruim 8700 in dik insteekboek
Lot #82 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1999-2023, boekjes ** meest nominaal in ringband
Lot #83 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1770-1850ca. voorfilatelie (ca. 85 ex.) w.b. o.a. 3-stuiver, grens- en departementstempels in album
Lot #84 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1830-2000ca. ruim 350 poststukken meest Veldpost w.b. iets Indië (kerst- en nieuwjaarswensen), W.O.I, Rode Kruis, censuur, veldpoststempels (expeditiekantoren), zwerfpost, bestemmingen, moderne missies (o.a. Libanon, Joegoslavië). Tevens scheepspost (prentbriefkaarten), postgeschiedenis Harderwijk etc. op albumbladen en iets literatuur in 11 ringbanden in verhuisdoos
Lot #85 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1850-1920, ca. 30 poststukken w.b. 1e en 2e emissie, kwitantie, pakketkaart etc. in map en envelop
Lot #86 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1852 1e emissie nrs. 1-2 (42x w.b. één paar en nr.1 op brief) zowel met franco en halfrondstempels w.b. betere ex., breedgerand etc. op 3 insteekkaarten in envelop
Lot #87 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1852-1864, 5 halfrond-franco stempels w.b. Delft, Vlaardingen, Enschede, Assen en Maastricht. Tevens nr. 5 op couvert in envelop
Lot #88 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1852-1944 collectie met beter materiaal (nr. 29 met puntstempel 152) in Davo album
Lot #89 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1852-1962 voorraad gestempeld w.b. beter ex. in voorraadboek
Lot #90 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1852-1980ca. collectie gestempeld w.b. iets betere ex. in Importa album
Lot #91 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1852-1981 collectie gestempeld, later */** w.b. iets betere ex. en Back of the Book (luchtpost) in Davo album
Lot #92 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1852-1984 collectie gestempeld, later */** w.b. iets betere ex. in Leuchtturm album
Lot #93 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1852/1960 stempelcollectie, deels in gemengde kwaliteit in 3 stockboeken
Lot #94 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1864 Willem III engros gestempeld w.b. paren in deels gemengde kwaliteit op 2 insteekbladen in map
Lot #95 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1867 en later collectie plaatfouten, druktoevalligheden etc. in insteekboek
Lot #96 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1869 Rijkswapen ½ cent bruin t/m 2½ cent violet alle * met opdruk specimen in gemengde kwaliteit met certificaat NVPH 2004, cat.w. 1950 in envelop
Lot #97 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1869-1871 Wapenzegels engros gestempeld in deels gemengde kwaliteit op 3 insteekkaartjes in envelop
Lot #98 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1869-1899 * en iets ** met doubletten op 8 insteekkaartjes op albumbladen in map
Lot #99 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1870 en later postwaardestukken met veel beter materiaal w.b. particulier bedrukt, luchtpostblad zonder waarde inschrift en landsnaam zowel ongebruikt als gebruikt in schoenendoosje
Lot #100 - netherlands and colonies Netherlands
1870-1900ca. port w.b. proeven, plaatfouten o.a. P8E, P20fb in blok van 4, P28fd, P48AaF-P49AbF, P30F met certificaat NVPH 1993 op 6 insteekkaartjes in envelop
Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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