GJ.183 + 185, 1896 Belgrano 30c. + 80c. + unissued value of 15c., 4 MULTIPLE DIE PROOFS in different colors, printed on thin wove paper, excellent quality, rare!
Auction # 2436 ARGENTINA: Special September auction - part 2
By: Guillermo Jalil - Philatino
Guillermo Jalil - Philatino Auction # 2436 ARGENTINA: Special September auction - part 2
Outstanding selection of rare, significant and scarce material, from classics to modern, also a lot of postal history, and much more!! As our clients know, looking through this sale you will find rarities that are almost impossible to find on the market, all with very low and attractive prices!
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Lot #102 - Argentina general issues
GJ.194, 1896 5c. Rivadavia, perf 12, block of 4 used with rare cancel of "ESTACION EL TRÉBOL" (Santa Fe), VF quality!
Lot #103 - Argentina general issues
GJ.207PV, 1896 5c. Rivadavia with large sun watermark and compound perf 12¼ x 11½ x 12¼ x 12¼, horizontal PAIR IMPERFORATE BETWEEN, mint, very fine quality, very rare!
Lot #104 - Argentina general issues
GJ.217/238, 1899 Seated Liberty, ACCUMULATION FOR STUDY of used stamps (including some mint), with several blocks of 4 including many with perforation 12 (it includes a used 50c. block of 4 perforation 12!, very scarce!), wide range of rare cancels: La Poma, Estación Oliveros, Peyrano, one "ROSARIO POR EXPRESO" on 30c. (value US$50), traveling POs, and more!, there also some interesting varieties in used: imperforate on fragment, partially...
Lot #105 - Argentina general issues
GJ.220, 1899 3c. Liberty, very rare COLOR PROOFS on normal paper with watermark, perforated and with original gum, 3 blocks of 4 in different colors, VF!
Lot #106 - Argentina general issues
GJ.230, 1899 24c. Liberty franking ALONE a cover sent from Buenos Aires to England, with Leeds arrival backstamp. Very fine quality, it is VERY RARE to see this stamp alone on cover!
Lot #107 - Argentina general issues
GJ.237, 1899 10P. Seated Liberty, fantastic block of 4, mint with full original gum, very fresh, bright colors, excellent!
Lot #108 - Argentina general issues
GJ.246, perf 12¼, pair, on fragment with cancel of PUERTO CALETA OLIVIA (Santa Cruz) in violet, VF!
Lot #109 - Argentina general issues
RARE RATE of 3c. for international printed matter: GJ.290, 3c. San Martín in oval, franking ALONE an unsealed cover (it contained printed matter) sent from B.Aires to England on 3/FE/1909, very fine quality!
Lot #110 - Argentina general issues
GJ.317, 1911 5c. Plowman, block of 4 with VERY SHIFTED VERTICAL PERFORATION, excellent and unusual!
Lot #111 - Argentina general issues
GJ.321, 1911 2c. Plowman, wavy rays watermark, large block of 50 with COMPLETE OFFSET IMPRESSION ON BACK, mint without gum, VF and unusual"
Lot #112 - Argentina general issues
GJ.590/593, 1923 San Martín with honeycomb watermark, the 4 high values in blocks of 4 of excellent quality, very fresh and attractive!
Lot #113 - Argentina general issues
GJ.594CD, 1924 ½c. San Martín w/o period, block of 4 WITH RIGHT LABELS, MNH (+50%), excellent!
Lot #114 - Argentina general issues
GJ.599EV, 1924 5c. San Martín w/o period, horizontal GUTTER pair, used, very fine quality!
Lot #115 - Argentina general issues
(GJ.599 + 600), extremely rare MULTIPLE DIE ESSAY of stamps San Martín w/o period of 5c. and 10c. DIFFERENT from the adopted design (mainly in the shading of the face) printed on thick glazed paper and with "SIN VALOR" overprint, excellent quality!
Lot #116 - Argentina general issues
GJ.759, 1935 50c. Petroleum, PROOF in the issued color, imperforate block of 9 printed on special paper for specimens, on back it bears other impressions of the same value + Plowman 25c. + Grapes 10P., VF quality!
Lot #117 - Argentina general issues
GJ.788P, 30c. Wool, with straight rays wmk, IMPERFORATE BLOCK OF 4, superb!
Lot #118 - Argentina general issues
GJ.812, 1P. Map of South America, pair IMPERFORATE AT TOP, mint with tiny hinge mark (it appears unmounted), excellent quality!
Lot #119 - Argentina general issues
GJ.815b, 10P. Grapes without watermark, 3 examples with 3 different RETOUCHES in the lined background, above "..URA", mint with very light hinge marks, VF quality!
Lot #120 - Argentina general issues
GJ.816, 20P. Cotton without watermark, fantastic used block of 4, excellent quality, very scarce!
Lot #121 - Argentina general issues
GJ.853, 1941 Banco de la Nación, 9 different TRIAL COLOR PROOFS, 4 perforated (very rare), VF quality
Lot #122 - Argentina general issues
GJ.874CZ, 1942/52 20c. Bull on paper with wavy rays watermark, WITH LEFT LABEL, used, VF quality, scarce!
Lot #123 - Argentina general issues
GJ.1057, fantastic example with sheet corner, MNH, beautiful!
Lot #124 - Argentina general issues
GJ.1104, 1958 40c. Transmission of Presidential power, block of 4 with variety: OFFSET IMPRESSION ON BACK, excellent, rare!
Lot #125 - Argentina general issues
GJ.1134, 2P. San Martín with LINED FACE instead of dotted, VF quality!