1912, HolyLand Ottoman Palestine / Israel '1912 Beni Saab / Important Correspondence' rectangular negative seal, Black C/S #OF1 (Tahirat Muehimme), and official negative purple seal
Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Coins & Banknotes #34
By: Romano House of Stamp sales ltd
Romano House of Stamp sales ltd Worldwide Stamps, Postal History, Coins & Banknotes #34
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Lot #27 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices
1915, Turkish Postal Administration Postmark Jerusalem 5 Hexagonal With Office Number 5, Cancelled 16/11/1915, Bale: 871/33, Cat: $165,
Lot #28 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices
1916, Ottoman Post in Holy Land: 1916 imprinted cover 'Otto Fischer, Hiffa' sent registered from Haifa to Germany bearing 1914 issue strip of three and single 20 p.+ pair 10 p. (Michel 246+234) tied by bilingual 'Caiffa 1' postmarks Steichcle fig PM10 alongside 'UPU/TURQUIE/R 531' registration cachet in black St. RC1 + single line violet 'RECOMMANDEE' cachet +all Arabic star and crescent type 'Beyrouth Military censor /has been examined'...
Lot #29 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices
Ottoman post in Palestine. Commercial cover of Moschab Sekenim franked 2x5para stamps tied by Bale 754v tri-lingual postmark. Extremely clear and centered postmark. Cover in good condition with fold and age signs.
Lot #30 - holyland forerunners ottoman post offices
Postcard franked 20 para tied by QUART. ISRAELITE (JERUSALEM) Bale 843 with Ottoman censor cachets. Reasonably aged.
Lot #31 - holyland forerunners jewish colonies
1909, Petach Tikva 14 Para Local stamp, Palestine Jewish Colonies, Fig#378, Hinged No Gum. Some Rust Around.
Lot #32 - holyland forerunners hotel post
1907, Germany Israel Jaffa Walhalla local free mail Jerusalem Hotel, Litho picture postcard illustrated of Hardegg Jerusalem Hotel in Jaffa Used Locally inside of the city with Very Rare German post local mail free delivery service showing a very clear circular 'Jaffa * Deutsche Post' c.d.s. (Bale #401, 9 November 1907) Photo Certificated by Yakup Nakri.
Lot #33 - holyland forerunners hotel post
1908, Bellevue Hotel Jericho Austrian post, Postcard to Switzerland, September 1907 H-illustrated postcard showing color picture of the Hotel (by Edition Fr. Vester & Co., Jerusalem). and Black (Very Rare) Hotel Cachet (2 lines) Bale #40.3 "Hotel Belle-Vue. Jericho" Initially postmarked by Ottoman post in Jericho - September 2, 1909 (Bale #798) In Jerusalem affixed Austrian issue for Crete stamp Bale #97 tide by Austrian postmark in...
Lot #34 - holyland forerunners hotel post
1909, England to Jerusalem Ottoman Palestine / Israel 1909, Returned to sender Stationary Postcard send from Kilburn London England to Jerusalem at 30.3.1909 to HOTEL FAST were was postmarked with violet Handstamp of the hotel at 11.4.1909. Sent back to England via the Austrian post at 20.5.1909, Labeled "Abgereist Parti". The Cover arrived at Kilburn on 28.5.1909 and TAXED by with UK stamp as postage due.
Lot #35 - holyland forerunners hotel post
1910, Germany post Postcard Paulus Hotel Jerusalem sent from The Kath. Deutschen Hospizes (St. Paulus hospice hotel) in Jerusalem to Bohemia German post in holyland stamp Bale #48 (5c); Tied with German postmark in Jerusalem - a (Bale #403, April 21, 1910 - Late use) The postcard has also a blue private cachet: "Direktor des kath. Deutchen Hospizes Jerusalem" Director of the Kath, German Hospice – Jerusalem The postcard shows a B/W...
Lot #36 - holyland forerunners hotel post
1910, Hotel Picture Postcard Sent From Jerusalem By Osterr.Post On 7/IV/1910, To Berlin. Franked With 20Par, With Special Violet Ellipse Cachet Grand New Hotel A&J Morcos Jerusalem, On Reverse Picture Of Mosque Of Omar. Bale: 3.1v, 131, Cat: $150.
Lot #37 - british mandate in palestine stamps of british mandate in palestine
British Mandate In Palestine, Bale: D-8, Green 4m Postage Dues II, Pairs With Intersecting Gutter Between, Wmk Paper, MNH**
Lot #38 - british mandate in palestine british mandate postal history
1925 / 1948, To-Pay Covers Sent From USA To Palestine One From 1948, The Other From 1925, With Palestine Mandate Postage Due Stamps, Missing 12Mils & 16Mils. Both covers Are Directed to Yeshivas- "HAYE OLAM" & "ETZ-HAIM" In Jerusalem. Both Have Punch Holes. Fine condition.
Lot #39 - british mandate in palestine british mandate postal history
1934, Taxed postcard from Germany to Palestine, 1934. Pre printed postcard of 6fg+6pfg stamp tied by Kreuzburg postmarks 9.4.34. Tax cachet "T" and box cachet "TO PAY 6 MILS" (6 in pencil). 6m postage due tied by Tel Aviv cds 16 AP 34. Nice piece of postal history. With folds and stains
Lot #40 - british mandate in palestine british mandate postal history
1945, Airmail-O.A.T Cover Sent From Montreux1- Switzerland To Haifa Palestine, Passed Examiner 7202, With Red Oval Cachet Onward Air Transmission. Including the Original Letter Inside Written In German.
Lot #41 - british mandate in palestine british mandate postal history
1947, lot of two covers from Egypt and Zanzibar to Palestine.
Lot #42 - british mandate in palestine british mandate postal history
6 Postal history covers and postcards including Greek consulate cachet and postcard with mixed franking of typographed stamp and Palestine overprint. Varying grades.
Lot #43 - british mandate in palestine british mandate postal history
British mandate in palestine, 1940-1942, Album With 37 Covers to Palestine, Judaica Collection, Cat: $1400,
Lot #44 - british mandate in palestine british mandate postal history
Cover from Gilgil British internment camp for Irgun and Lehi members in Kenya. 3 Stamps of British Kenya-Tanganyika-Uganda tied by 2 clear posmarks "GILGIL 19 AP 48" addressed to Tel Aviv, Palestine. Good condition, reasonably aged.
Lot #45 - british mandate in palestine british mandate postal history
Mixed Lot Of 5 Postcards & 1 Army Post R-Letter, 4 of which to Nachlat Benjamin St. Tel Aviv, from Greece, France, Germany & Zichron Ya'aqov. 1944 PC Wien To Belgrade Passed Censorship.
Lot #46 - british mandate in palestine british mandate postal history
Postal history lot of 16 covers and postcards: British Mandate In Palestine- Israel, (few w. original letter inside). Sent From Lithuania, Russia, Canada, Italy, Australia and Local Post.
Lot #47 - british mandate in palestine british mandate postal history
1917 / 18, Registered imprinted K.G.V. letter F.D.O. 162 (Jaffa Unit) passed censor 1244 to Alexandria, bargain
Lot #48 - british mandate in palestine british mandate postal history
1944, Cover sent from FIELD POST OFFICE 574, with postmark dated May 3, 1944, and seal of Army Censorship "From H.M. Ship S.S. NILE Passed by censor". Middle East Force, cancelled in ALEXANDRIA (EGYPT) with postmark of Reception HADERA, Dated May 3, 1944, the letter was written in Hebrew.
Lot #49 - british mandate in palestine british mandate postal history
1944, Cover Sent To Tel Aviv Palestine, From A Soldier on Active Service, with Rare Black Circle cancellation Postmark, POCSTA POLOW 132, Passed Censorship Of British Mandate. Two More Violet Cachet Deputy Chief And Ellipse 539.
Lot #50 - british mandate in palestine british mandate postal history
1944, Printed cover for prisoners of the Internment Camp No 6 UGANDA, with seal P.W. (Prisoner of War) Middle East 002, with oval seal "INTERNMENT CAMP No 6 UGANDA" Dated November 16, 1944 went through censorship c/o P.W/ CENSORSHIP SECTION E.A. COMMAND, NAIROBI. Seal P.W. Middle East 133, addressed to Tel Aviv
Romano Sale House of Stamps Ltd.
The Romano Sale House was established in early 1998. After years in the stamp business, as Images/Auctioneers and sole suppliers of LINDNER philatelic accessories in Israel, Romano Sale House has... Read More
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