collectie 1944-2006 meest ** in 3 Leuchtturm albums
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
223rd Auction
By: Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen 223rd Auction
A spectacular auction including a recent archive find of incoming mail to Amsterdam with valuable covers from France, Great Britain and its colonies (including Hong Kong), Portugal, Switzerland and more. The air mail collection from Hans E. Aitink. Postcards including a unique collection of Surinam.
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- Coins - Medals - Paper money (1) Apply Coins - Medals - Paper money filter
- European Countries (686) Apply European Countries filter
- France and Former Territories (109) Apply France and Former Territories filter
- Germany and Former Territories (324) Apply Germany and Former Territories filter
- great britain and former territories (350) Apply great britain and former territories filter
- Netherlands and Former Territories (1828) Apply Netherlands and Former Territories filter
- Outside Europa (350) Apply Outside Europa filter
- Topics and Miscellaneous (394) Apply Topics and Miscellaneous filter
Lot #374 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
Lot #375 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
nominaal ca. EUR 600 in doosje
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #376 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
port voorraad met betere ex. zowel gestempeld als */**, cat.w. 3000
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #377 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
gelegenheids series gestempeld engros tussen 1906 en 1946, cat.w. ruim 4800 in insteekboek
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #378 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
stempels w.b. betere puntstempels, klein en grootrond w.b. postbewijszegels
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #379 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
kleinrondstempels met veel betere ex. in gemengde kwaliteit, totaal ruim 800 ex. in insteekboek
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #380 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
ca. 1000 poststukken met blokstempels met betere ex. en trajectletters in 2 plastic bakken
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #381 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands and Former Territories
w.b. klassiek en betere ex. in 3 insteekboeken
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #382 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
jaren 2005-2007 **(w.b. ruim EUR 525 nominaal) en gestempeld in 3 insteekboeken
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #383 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
ca. 1100 aangetekende poststukken vanaf 1900 w.b. enkele met ingestempeld strookje en veel modern in 5 albums in doos
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #384 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
voorraad */** vanaf 1876 w.b. nagegomd in dik insteekboek
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #385 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
voorraad vanaf 1920 */** w.b. nagegomd (o.a. 104-105) in 2 insteekboeken
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #386 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
voorraad vanaf 1924 */** w.b. nagegomd in 2 insteekboeken
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #387 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
voorraad vanaf 1898 */** w.b. nagegomd (o.a. Kroningsgulden) in dik insteekboek
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #388 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
voorraad vanaf 1922 */** w.b. nagegomd (o.a. 136-138) in 2 insteekboeken
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #389 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
jaarsets tussen 2001 en 2014 (totaal 10 ex.) in doosje
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #390 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
voorraad */** vanaf ca. 1935 in 2 insteekboeken
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #391 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
puntstempels, collectie tussen 2-244 op diverse waarden emissie Port 1882, totaal ca. 165 ex. in gemengde kwaliteit in insteekboek
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #392 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
** nominaal EUR 410 in doosje
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #393 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie fdc's vanaf E3 met adres (enkele interessante buitenlandse bestemmingen) en na 1965 onbeschreven, ca.375 stuks in 3 albums
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #394 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1940 t/m 1964 zowel gestempeld als */** w.b. luchtpost Meeuwen gestempeld, iets roltanding etc. in Leuchtturm album en insteekboek
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #395 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
De Canon van Nederland met nominaal EUR 404
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #396 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
collectie 1936-2000 ** en enkele oudere ex. gestempeld, in 5 albums
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #397 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
10 mapjes en 1 insteekboek ** 1943-1974, veel vel(de)len en betere ex. w.b. 655-659(29x) en 1054 in vel in doos
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Lot #398 - Netherlands and Former Territories Netherlands
postzegel- en automaatboekjes **, nominaal EUR 468 in kistje
Netherlands and former colonies, collections, lots etc.
Corinphila Veilingen
Corinphila Veilingen is one of The Netherlands' leading auctioneers specializing in first-class stamp auctions. Online live auction bidding. Partner in the Global Philatelic Network.
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