
Gert Mueller Auktion

lot # 6716 - deutschland n.1945 berlin

Friday Feb 17, 2017 10:00 to Saturday Feb 18, 2017 17:00 Europe/Berlin
Last date for bids: 
Feb 17, 08:00 CET

4 Pfg. Bauten 1949, vierseitig breitrandig ungezähnt, nahezu postfr. mit nur leichter Haftspur links, seltene Abart, geprüft Richter. Mi. 1200,- €.
4 Pfg. Buildings in 1949, four-sided wide margin Unserrated, nearly postfr. with Only of light imprisonment trace on left hand, rare modification, checked judge. Mi. 1200, - .

Michel 43U