China (People's Republic), 1950 (15 Dec.) airmail envelope from Tientsin to Munich (27.12) bearing on reverse Tien An Men 1st printing $5000 horizontal strip of three, 2nd printing $3000, 4th printing $800, and Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship set of three (C8), cancelled by "Tientsin 11" bilingual dotted rim d.s. An attractive franking. Yang R7, R11, R25, C51-C53.
Estimate HK$ 1,200 - 1,500
Sale 76 The People’s Republic of China and Liberated Areas
By: Interasia Auctions Limited
Interasia Auctions Limited Sale 76 The People’s Republic of China and Liberated Areas
Interasia’s June 23-24 auctions of China, Hong Kong and Asian stamps and postal history will take place at the Habour Plaza North Point in Hong Kong. The two day 2,000 lot sale includes another offering of China and Hong Kong stamps and postal history, with important Ching Dynasty and Republic, substantial postal history with an original missionary correspondence, Taiwan, Local Posts, People’s Republic of China and Liberated Areas, Hong Kong with a specialized study of Postal Fiscals and Revenues, Treaty Ports, and Macau.
Day 1: 23 June 2019
Day one (June 23) commences with the early postal history of the Customs and Imperial Post periods (lots 1-35), featuring two rare examples of mail matter from Taiwan and Korea. Among the Large Dragons (lots 36-61) is what is considered to be the rarest and most remarkable of the essays and proofs: the unique complete sheet of the 5 candarins brownish ochre with trial perforation, originally owned by Sir Robert Hart, later Sir Percival David, and ultimately the Beckemans. There are also four Large Dragons covers in the auction, the undoubted highlight of which is the Large Dragon-Small Dragon mixed franking sent from Chinkiang to Denmark through the French Post Office in Shanghai. Among the Small Dragons (lots 62-70) is the remarkable double rate combination cover from the Chinese Imperial Post Office in Seoul. The 1894 Dowager Empress Birthday (lots 71-111) features the magnificent set of the Second printing in marginal or corner blocks of four offered intact. The 1897 New Currency surcharges (lots 112-245) are replete with rare multiples and varieties, including the small figures surcharge 10c. on 9ca. with surcharge double and a fresh marginal mint example of the famous “Golden Dragon”, the only such recorded with sheet or interpane margin. Two Red Revenue usages on postal stationery cards (lots 272-273) comprise a taxed usage to London and a registered mixed issue usage with the large figures 2c. on 3c. and various other values including C.I.P. 1c. horizontal imperforate between pair. A stunning mint set of the 1914-19 Junk Peking printing in blocks of four and the 1923 surcharged 2c. on 3c. with surcharge inverted are representative of the later issues, but one should also mention the eight exquisite 1942 die proofs in black of the Dr. Sun Yat-sen London printing (lots 400-407).
On the same afternoon and early evening (June 23), there will be a diverse offering of Hong Kong and Treaty Ports, and Macau. The stamps of Hong Kong (lots 1018-1114) include a mint example of the Queen Victoria 96c. olive-bistre and a further offering of modern varieties, with 1983 Hong Kong by Night $1.30 variety silver omitted in a complete sheet and the 1988 Peak Tramway miniature sheet with black omitted in a booklet. We are privileged to offer the renowned collection of Revenues and Postal Fiscals formed by Philippe Orsetti (lots 1115-1225), whose monograph represents the definitive catalogue of this subject. Macau (lots 1451-1613) includes early mail, an extensive offering of “Specimen” overprints, modern varieties, and a specialised collection of postal stationery cards (lots 1549-1587).
Day 2: 24 June 2019
Day two (June 24) includes Local Posts (lots 2086-2116) with a set of the rare Shanghai Double Dragon essays with the values in English lettering rather than Arabic numerals. Taiwan (lots 2117-2156) features rare unused multiples of the 1950 Flying Geese surcharges with the top three values in blocks of six (the two high values with sheet margins). The Foreign Post Offices in China (lots 2163-2302) are highlighted by a splendid array of combination covers, the large part of which are from the Mick Goldsmith collection. Following on from this is the correspondence of Dr. Willis Clarke Noble (lots 2254-2302), a late 19th century American missionary in Paoting who established a public health service there, which comprises mail from both the U.S.A. and China during the 1894-98 period, with much of postal history interest. In addition, there is a fine section of postal stationery (lots 2303-2360). The morning session concludes with a small but interesting section of Thailand (lots 2450-2463).
The Day two (June 24) afternoon session is devoted to the People’s Republic of China and the Liberated Areas, as has been our tradition on the second day. There is a fine representative section of the Liberated Areas, while the issued stamps of the P.R.C. are well represented throughout and showcased by the unissued large format “Whole Country is Red” cancelled by Liaoning c.d.s., one of four recorded used examples of this great rarity.
Sale 76
China and other Asian Countries
Sunday June 23, 2019 09:30 and Monday June 24, 2019 09:30
Sale 77
Hong Kong & Treaty Ports and Macau
Sunday June 23, 2019 15:00
Sale 78
The People’s Republic of China and Liberated Areas
Monday June 24, 2019 13:30
2019-06-23, 9:30am
Session 1: Lot 1 - 493, China and other Asian Countries
Session 2: Lot 1001 - 1613, Hong Kong & Treaty Ports and Macau
2019-06-24, 9:30am
Session 3: Lot 2001 - 2463, The People's Republic of China and Liberated Areas
Session 4: Lot 3001 - 3454, China and other Asian Countries
Sale Terms
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Lot #3101 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
Lot #3102 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1953 (12 Oct.) decorative airmail envelope from Harbin to San Francisco via Canton (15.10) bearing Tien An Men 2nd printing $10,000, 4th printing $1000 and Definitive $200 vertical strip of three, cancelled by c.d.s. Yang R12, R26, R37.
Estimate HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
Lot #3103 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1951 Tien An Men 5th printing $10,000 to $200,000 (R5), complete set of six, fine to very fine unused without gum as issued. Yang R30-R35.
Estimate HK$ 20,000 - 25,000
Lot #3104 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1951 Tien An Men 5th printing $10,000 to $200,000 (R5), complete set of six, fine to very fine unused without gum as issued. Yang R30-R35.
Estimate HK$ 20,000 - 25,000
Lot #3105 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1951 Tien An Men 5th printing $10,000 to $200,000 (R5), complete set of six, fine unused without gum as issued, the $200,000 has faint toning on reverse. Yang R30-R35.
Estimate HK$ 15,000 - 20,000
Lot #3106 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1951 Tien An Men 5th printing $10,000 to $200,000 (R5), complete set of six, fine used, the $200,000 has diagonal creases at lower right. Yang R30-R35.
Estimate HK$ 2,000 - 2,500
Lot #3107 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1949-52 Money Order stamps overprinted "Chinese People's Posts" $10 and $20 marginal blocks of four, unused without gum as issued, tones. Yang MO1, MO2.
Estimate HK$ 500 - 600
Lot #3108 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1952 Physical Exercise $400 complete set (S4) in se-tenant blocks of four, fine unused without gum as issued, Unit 6 block lightly toned. Yang S14-S53.
Estimate HK$ 4,000 - 5,000
Lot #3109 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1952 Physical Exercise $400 complete set (S4) in se-tenant blocks of four, fine unused without gum as issued, Unit 7 lower right stamp has perf. defects. Yang S14-S53.
Estimate HK$ 4,000 - 5,000
Lot #3110 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1952 Physical Exercise $400 complete reprint set (S4R) in se-tenant blocks of four in complete sheets of 144 making 36 complete sets, folded once horizontally in middle, fine unused without gum as issued. Yang S14R-S53R.
Estimate HK$ 3,000 - 4,000
Lot #3111 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1952 Physical Exercise $400 complete reprint set (S4R) in se-tenant blocks of four in complete sheets of 144 making 36 complete sets, folded once horizontally in middle, fine unused without gum as issued. Yang S14R-S53R.
Estimate HK$ 3,000 - 4,000
Lot #3112 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1952 Physical Exercise $400 complete reprint set (S4R) in se-tenant blocks of four in complete sheets of 144 making 36 complete sets, folded once horizontally in middle, fine unused without gum as issued. Yang S14R-S53R.
Estimate HK$ 3,000 - 4,000
Lot #3113 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1952 (7 Nov.) 35th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution $800 unissued set of four, with additional "Soviet" characters in inscription, unused without gum as issued, a couple are separated by scissors on one side, the $800 Lenin has full unpunched perfs. at left, few light bends and short creases, $800 Portrait of Stalin tiny thin at top, a fine appearing and scarce unused set of these popular errors. Yang...
Lot #3114 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1955 Workers, Peasants and Soldiers Regular Issue perf. 12½ (Shanghai printing) 8f. together with perf. 14 ½f. to 50f., complete set of ten, perf. 12½ small faults, fine appearance. Yang R50-R59.
Estimate HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
Lot #3115 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1956 Scientists of Ancient China miniature sheet sets of four (2), fine unused without gum as issued. Yang C33M.
Estimate HK$ 1,500 - 2,000
Lot #3116 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1956 Scientists of Ancient China miniature sheet sets of four (2), fine unused without gum as issued. Yang C33M.
Estimate HK$ 1,500 - 2,000
Lot #3117 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1959 P.R.C. Anniv. (5th series) 20f. (C71), fine unused without gum as issued. Yang C233.
Estimate HK$ 800 - 1,000
Lot #3118 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1960 Goldfish (S38) 4f. to 8f., complete set of 12, fine appearance unmounted mint, one 4f. has light rust spots on gum and two 8f. have tiny inclusions or slight yellowing on gum. Yang S182-S193.
Estimate HK$ 1,500 - 2,000
Lot #3119 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1960 Goldfish (S38) 4f. to 8f., complete set of 12, fine appearance unmounted mint, one 8f. has yellowed gum and small thin in margin. Yang S182-S193.
Estimate HK$ 1,500 - 2,000
Lot #3120 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1960 Goldfish (S38) 4f. to 8f., complete set of 12, fine unmounted mint, some slight gum disturbance. Yang S182-S193.
Estimate HK$ 1,200 - 1,500
Lot #3121 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1960 Pig Breeding (S40) 8f. set of five, fine unmounted mint. Yang S196-S200.
Estimate HK$ 1,200 - 1,500
Lot #3122 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1960 Pig Breeding (S40) 8f. set of five, fine appearance unmounted mint, slightly yellowed gum. Yang S196-S200.
Estimate HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
Lot #3123 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1960 Pig Breeding (S40) 8f. set of five, fine appearance unmounted mint, yellowed gum. Yang S196-S200.
Estimate HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
Lot #3124 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1960 Pig Breeding (S40) 8f. set of five, fine appearance unmounted mint, two have faint offsets of other colours and one has light vertical bend. Yang S196-S200.
Estimate HK$ 1,000 - 1,200
Lot #3125 - 5: People's Republic of China general issues
China (People's Republic), 1960 Chrysanthemums (S44) 4f. to 52f., complete set of 18, fine appearance unmounted mint, uneven gum toning and two values have foreign colour offsets on reverse. Yang S210-S227.
Estimate HK$ 2,000 - 2,500
InterAsia Auctions
InterAsia Auctions' principals bring a tradition of excellence, expertise and client service, unrivalled in China and Asian philately.
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