1000 Drachmas (15.10.1926) 1941 Emergency re-issue cancelled banknote with black box-cachet "ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ - ΕΝ ΞΑΝΘΗ" on back and six cancellation holes. (Pick 115) & (Grabowski 8a). Fine.
Public Auction 655
By: A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos Public Auction 655
A. KARAMITSOS is holding an auction of Coins, Medals & Banknotes PAPER MONEY - Governor Capodistrias, Coin Notes, National Bank of Greece WWII Issued & Banknotes issued after WWII. Coins - King Otto, George I, Paul & Constantine II. Greek Island with Crete, Ionian state and Hellenic Republic. Medals & Decorations of Greek military and Foreign countries.
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Lot #6452 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
100 Drachmas (10.7.1941) in brown with bird frieze at left and right. Suffix serial no "217264 NI". Inside plastic holder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 66 - EPQ". (Pick 116a) & (Grabowski GR 12b).
Lot #6453 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
1000 Drachmas (21.8.1942) in black on blue-gray and pale orange unpt with bust of young girl from Thassos at center. S/N: "ΚΔ 558821" with prefix letters. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 63 - Toned". (Pick 118a) & (Grabowski 15b).
Lot #6454 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
1000 Drachmas (21.8.1942) in black on blue-gray and pale orange unpt with bust of young girl from Thassos at center. S/N: 654200 ΠΘ with suffix letters. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 118a) & (Grabowski GR 15c).
Lot #6455 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
5000 Drachmas (20.6.1942) in black on pale red, blue and multicolor unpt with factories and ships at lower left, fisherman and shoreline at lower right and statue of Nike of Samothrace between male workers at center. S/N: "ΓΜ 199056". Smaller number with prefix and number of height 3,5mm on non watermarked paper. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 63 - EPQ". (Pick 119a) & (Grabowski GR14).
Lot #6456 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
50 Drachmas (1.2.1943) in brown on blue unpt with woman from Paramythia at left. S/N: "AN 648587". Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick 121a) & (Grabowski GR 17).
Lot #6457 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
Vertical pair of 50 Drachmas (1.2.1943), final proof of back. Uniface. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ - PROOF - Uncut Pair". (Pick 121p).
Lot #6458 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
Vertical pair of 5000 Drachmas (19.7.1943) color proof of face, only brown color. Uniface. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ - Progressive Proof - Uncut Pair". (Pick 122pp).
Lot #6459 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
50000 Drachmas (14.1.1944) in blue with youths head at center. S/N: 160471 AA. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick 124a) & (Grabowski GR 20).
Lot #6460 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
100000 Drachmas (21.1.1944) in black on brown and light blue-green unpt with ancient silver tetradrachm coin of Athens at left and right. S/N: ΑΓ 027968 with prefix letters. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 63". (Pick 125a) & (Grabowski GR 21b).
Lot #6461 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
1 million Drachmas (29.6.1944) in bottom marginal with youth of Antikythera at left, color proof of face in blue-green and pale orange and final proof of back. (Pick 127pp). Uncirculated.
Lot #6462 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
Vertical pair of 25 million Drachmas (10.8.1944) color proof of back, only olive color. Uniface. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ - Progressive Proof - Uncut Pair". (Pick 130pp).
Lot #6463 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
200 million Drachmas (9.9.1944) in brown and red-brown with Parthenon frieze at center. S/N: KK 726540 with prefix letters. Unpt without circles. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 64". (Pick 131a) & (Grabowski GR 27a).
Lot #6464 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
200 million Drachmas (9.9.1944) in brown and red-brown with Parthenon frieze at center. S/N: "358925 ΞΒ" with suffix letters. Unpt without circles. Variety: Missing yellow color from unpt. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 63 - EPQ". (Pick 131a) & (Grabowski GR 27d).
Lot #6465 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
200 million drx (9.9.1944) in brown and red-brown with "Parthenon frieze" at center. S/N: ΚΚ 067750 with prefix letters. Unpt with circles. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 63 - Printing error". (Pick 131b) & (Grabowski GR 28).
Lot #6466 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
200 million Drachmas (9.9.1944) in brown and red-brown with Parthenon frieze at center. S/N: ΚI 259079. Unpt with circles. The printing of the circles at the right and left part of the banknote is not as intense as it is at the center of the banknote. On the back, part of the unpt is missing. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Extremely Fine 45 - EPQ". (Pick 131b) & (Grabowski GR 28).
Lot #6467 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
500 million Drachmas (1.10.1944) in blue-green with Apollo at left. S/N: 893565 EΠ with suffix letters. Inside plastic holder by PMG "About Uncirculated 55 - Pen Cancelled - Previously Mounted". (Pick 132b) & (Grabowski GR 29b).
Lot #6468 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES WWII issued banknotes
10 billion Drachmas (20.10.1944) in black and blue-black on tan unpt with "Arethusa on dekadrachm of Syracuse" at left. S/N: 488629 AA with suffix letters. By mistake it is written that the banknote has S/N with prefix letters instead of suffix letters. Iniside plastic holder by PMG "Choice Uncirculated 63". (Pick 134a) & (Grabowski GR 31b).
Lot #6469 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes issued after wwii
50 Drachmas (1.1.1941 - issued on 2.1.1945) in red-brown on lilac unpt with Hesiod at left. Printed by TDLR (without imprint). WMK: Goddess Athena. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Superb Gem Unc 67 - EPQ". Top grade in PMG. (Pick 168a).
Lot #6470 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes issued after wwii
Specimen of 50 Drachmas (9.11.1944) in brown on blue and gold unpt with statue of Nike of Samothrake at left. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Uncirculated 62 - Rust". (Pick 169s).
Lot #6471 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes issued after wwii
100 Drachmas (ND 1944) in blue on gold unpt with Canaris at right. S/N: "η.Χ-026 496156". Printed by W&S (Without imprint). WMK: Themistocles head. Inside plastic holder by PMG "About Uncirculated 50". (Pick 170a).
Lot #6472 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes issued after wwii
500 Drachmas (ND 1945) in green with portrait of Capodistrias at left. Second type serial no "Θ.12 - 089606". WMK: Bust of ancient man. Printed by BWC (without imprint). Inside plastic holder by PMG "Choice About Unc 58 - EPQ". (Pick 171a).
Lot #6473 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes issued after wwii
5000 Drachmas (ND 1945) in red with personification of motherhood at center. S/N: "A.-120 000000" (First type). Printed by BWC (Without imprint). Two cancellation holes on serial numbers, black ovpt "SPECIMEN" on signatures and two perfins "CANCELLED" & "SPECIMEN". Inside plastic holder by PMG "Gem Uncirculated 65 - EPQ - SPECIMEN". (Pick 173s).
Lot #6474 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes issued after wwii
10000 Drachmas (ND 1945) in orange (Α issue / Large format) with Aristotle at left. Second type S/N: "Α.27 350781". WMK: Apollo from Olympia". Printed by BWC (without imprint). Inside plastic holder by PMG " Choice Uncirculated 64 - EPQ". (Pick 174a).
Lot #6475 - - PAPER MONEY - BANKNOTES banknotes issued after wwii
10000 Drachmas (ND 1945) in orange (Α issue / Large format) with Aristotle at left. Second type S/N: "A.07- 162024". Printed by BWC (without imprint). WMK: Apollo from Olympia. Inside plastic holder by PMG "Very Fine 30". (Pick 174a).
A. Karamitsos
A. Karamitsos are experienced auctioneers of Philatelic, Numismatic and Post Card. We are specialists in the stamps and postal history of Greece, Greek Errors, New Greek Territories, Levant,... Read More
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