Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1967, DAHOMEY: Winter Olympics Grenoble 1968 miniature
1967, DAHOMEY: Winter Olympics Grenoble 1968 miniature sheet showing sites of Grenoble in a lot with about 500 miniature sheets, mint never hinged, Mi. Bl. 10, € 2.500,--
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Special Auction 26.- 28. May 2020 Day 3 Collections - Thematics and Picture Post Cards
By: Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG Special Auction 26.- 28. May 2020 Day 3 Collections - Thematics and Picture Post Cards
Attractive collections from Thematics & Picture Post Cards. As a Covid19 stimulus we accept underbids up to 50% - so smart bidding is recomended. Remember - you may have competitors.
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- ansichtskarten (28) Apply ansichtskarten filter
- Ansichtskarten: Alle Welt (7) Apply Ansichtskarten: Alle Welt filter
- Ansichtskarten: Deutschland (2) Apply Ansichtskarten: Deutschland filter
- ansichtskarten: künstler / artists (1) Apply ansichtskarten: künstler / artists filter
- ansichtskarten: motive / thematics (3) Apply ansichtskarten: motive / thematics filter
- thematik: alkohol / alcohol (1) Apply thematik: alkohol / alcohol filter
- thematik: antarktis / antarctic (2) Apply thematik: antarktis / antarctic filter
- Thematik: Architektur / architecture (1) Apply Thematik: Architektur / architecture filter
- thematik: astrologie / astrology (2) Apply thematik: astrologie / astrology filter
- thematik: astronomie / astronomy (4) Apply thematik: astronomie / astronomy filter
- thematik: ballon-luftfahrt / balloon-aviation (4) Apply thematik: ballon-luftfahrt / balloon-aviation filter
- Thematik: Bauwerke / buildings, edifice (1) Apply Thematik: Bauwerke / buildings, edifice filter
- Thematik: Bauwerke-Brunnen / buildings-wells (1) Apply Thematik: Bauwerke-Brunnen / buildings-wells filter
- Thematik: Bergsteigen / Mountaineering (1) Apply Thematik: Bergsteigen / Mountaineering filter
- thematik: bäume / trees (5) Apply thematik: bäume / trees filter
- Thematik: Chemie / chemistry (2) Apply Thematik: Chemie / chemistry filter
- thematik: comics / comics (3) Apply thematik: comics / comics filter
- Thematik: Druck / printing (1) Apply Thematik: Druck / printing filter
- thematik: druck-dichter / printing-poets (1) Apply thematik: druck-dichter / printing-poets filter
- thematik: druck-dürer / printing-dürer (1) Apply thematik: druck-dürer / printing-dürer filter
- thematik: druck-literatur / printing-literature (1) Apply thematik: druck-literatur / printing-literature filter
- thematik: eisenbahn / railway (14) Apply thematik: eisenbahn / railway filter
- thematik: europa-uno / europe-uno (2) Apply thematik: europa-uno / europe-uno filter
- Thematik: Feste, Jubiläen / festivals, anniversary (1) Apply Thematik: Feste, Jubiläen / festivals, anniversary filter
- thematik: film / film (1) Apply thematik: film / film filter
- thematik: film-kino / film-cinema (2) Apply thematik: film-kino / film-cinema filter
- thematik: flaggen / flags (2) Apply thematik: flaggen / flags filter
- Thematik: Flora, Botanik / flora, botany, bloom (28) Apply Thematik: Flora, Botanik / flora, botany, bloom filter
- Thematik: Flora-Kakteen / flora-cactus (1) Apply Thematik: Flora-Kakteen / flora-cactus filter
- Thematik: Flora-Obst + Früchte / flora-fruits (4) Apply Thematik: Flora-Obst + Früchte / flora-fruits filter
- thematik: flora-orchideen / flora-orchids (5) Apply thematik: flora-orchideen / flora-orchids filter
- thematik: flora-rosen / flora-roses (2) Apply thematik: flora-rosen / flora-roses filter
- Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation (13) Apply Thematik: Flugzeuge, Luftfahrt / airoplanes, aviation filter
- thematik: frieden / peace (1) Apply thematik: frieden / peace filter
- Thematik: Geschichte, Kultur / history, culture (2) Apply Thematik: Geschichte, Kultur / history, culture filter
- Thematik: Gold-Schmuck / gold-jewellry (2) Apply Thematik: Gold-Schmuck / gold-jewellry filter
- thematik: intern. organisationen / international organizations (1) Apply thematik: intern. organisationen / international organizations filter
- Thematik: internat. Organisationen-Lions Club / internat. Organizations-Lions Club (1) Apply Thematik: internat. Organisationen-Lions Club / internat. Organizations-Lions Club filter
- thematik: internat. organisationen-rotarier / internat. organizations-rotary club (6) Apply thematik: internat. organisationen-rotarier / internat. organizations-rotary club filter
- thematik: jagd / hunting (1) Apply thematik: jagd / hunting filter
- thematik: judaika / judaism (1) Apply thematik: judaika / judaism filter
- thematik: kinder / children (6) Apply thematik: kinder / children filter
- thematik: kunst / art (2) Apply thematik: kunst / art filter
- thematik: kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts (6) Apply thematik: kunsthandwerk / arts and crafts filter
- Thematik: Königtum, Adel / royalty, nobility (6) Apply Thematik: Königtum, Adel / royalty, nobility filter
- thematik: landkarten / maps (2) Apply thematik: landkarten / maps filter
- thematik: landwirtschaft / agriculture (2) Apply thematik: landwirtschaft / agriculture filter
- thematik: leuchttürme / lighthouses (4) Apply thematik: leuchttürme / lighthouses filter
- Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters (56) Apply Thematik: Malerei, Maler / painting, painters filter
- thematik: marke auf marke / stamp on stamp (3) Apply thematik: marke auf marke / stamp on stamp filter
- Thematik: Medizin, Gesundheit / medicine, health (10) Apply Thematik: Medizin, Gesundheit / medicine, health filter
- Thematik: Messen-Weltausstellungen / fairs, world exhibitions (2) Apply Thematik: Messen-Weltausstellungen / fairs, world exhibitions filter
- thematik: militär / military (2) Apply thematik: militär / military filter
- thematik: mineralien / minerals (3) Apply thematik: mineralien / minerals filter
- thematik: musik / music (1) Apply thematik: musik / music filter
- thematik: musik-komponisten / music-composers (6) Apply thematik: musik-komponisten / music-composers filter
- thematik: musik-musikinstrumente / music instruments (3) Apply thematik: musik-musikinstrumente / music instruments filter
- thematik: mühlen / mills (2) Apply thematik: mühlen / mills filter
- thematik: nahrung / food (1) Apply thematik: nahrung / food filter
- Thematik: Nahrung-Genuss / food-delicacy (1) Apply Thematik: Nahrung-Genuss / food-delicacy filter
- Thematik: Nahrung-Kaffee / food-coffee (1) Apply Thematik: Nahrung-Kaffee / food-coffee filter
- thematik: nahrung-obst / food-fruits (2) Apply thematik: nahrung-obst / food-fruits filter
- Thematik: Nahrung-Tee / food-tea (1) Apply Thematik: Nahrung-Tee / food-tea filter
- thematik: napoleon (3) Apply thematik: napoleon filter
- Thematik: Numismatik / numismatics (4) Apply Thematik: Numismatik / numismatics filter
- thematik: numismatik-geld / numismatics-cash (1) Apply thematik: numismatik-geld / numismatics-cash filter
- thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games (75) Apply thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games filter
- Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Churchill / personalities - Churchill (4) Apply Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Churchill / personalities - Churchill filter
- Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Gandhi / personalities - Gandhi (1) Apply Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Gandhi / personalities - Gandhi filter
- Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Kennedy / personalities - Kennedy (11) Apply Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Kennedy / personalities - Kennedy filter
- Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Prinzessin Diana / personalities - Princess Diana (2) Apply Thematik: Persönlichkeiten - Prinzessin Diana / personalities - Princess Diana filter
- thematik: persönlichkeiten / personalities (11) Apply thematik: persönlichkeiten / personalities filter
- thematik: pfadfinder / boy scouts (13) Apply thematik: pfadfinder / boy scouts filter
- Thematik: Philatelie - Tag der Briefmarke / stamp days (1) Apply Thematik: Philatelie - Tag der Briefmarke / stamp days filter
- thematik: philatelie / philately (1) Apply thematik: philatelie / philately filter
- thematik: pilze / mushrooms (3) Apply thematik: pilze / mushrooms filter
- thematik: politik / politics (14) Apply thematik: politik / politics filter
- Thematik: Porzellan-Keramik / porcelain-ceramics (1) Apply Thematik: Porzellan-Keramik / porcelain-ceramics filter
- thematik: post / post (4) Apply thematik: post / post filter
- thematik: postautomation / postal mecanization (1) Apply thematik: postautomation / postal mecanization filter
- thematik: raumfahrt / astronautics (70) Apply thematik: raumfahrt / astronautics filter
- thematik: religion / religion (9) Apply thematik: religion / religion filter
- thematik: rotes kreuz / red cross (4) Apply thematik: rotes kreuz / red cross filter
- thematik: rundfunk-radio / broadcasting-radio (1) Apply thematik: rundfunk-radio / broadcasting-radio filter
- thematik: schiffe / ships (6) Apply thematik: schiffe / ships filter
- Thematik: Schiffe-Kriegsschiffe / ships-battle ships (2) Apply Thematik: Schiffe-Kriegsschiffe / ships-battle ships filter
- thematik: schiffe-segelschiffe / ships-sailing ships (7) Apply thematik: schiffe-segelschiffe / ships-sailing ships filter
- Thematik: Seefahrer, Entdecker / sailors, discoverers (22) Apply Thematik: Seefahrer, Entdecker / sailors, discoverers filter
- Thematik: Sehenswürdigkeiten / sights (1) Apply Thematik: Sehenswürdigkeiten / sights filter
- Thematik: Sehenswürdigkeiten-Freiheitsstatue / sights- statue of liberty (3) Apply Thematik: Sehenswürdigkeiten-Freiheitsstatue / sights- statue of liberty filter
- thematik: spiele-schach / games-chess (5) Apply thematik: spiele-schach / games-chess filter
- thematik: sport / sport (12) Apply thematik: sport / sport filter
- Thematik: Sport-Baseball / sport-baseball (4) Apply Thematik: Sport-Baseball / sport-baseball filter
- thematik: sport-boxen / sport-boxing (1) Apply thematik: sport-boxen / sport-boxing filter
- Thematik: Sport-Fußball / sport-soccer, football (41) Apply Thematik: Sport-Fußball / sport-soccer, football filter
- thematik: sport-golf / sport-golf (2) Apply thematik: sport-golf / sport-golf filter
- thematik: sport-leichtathletik / sports-athletics (1) Apply thematik: sport-leichtathletik / sports-athletics filter
- thematik: sport-pferdesport / sport equestrian sports (1) Apply thematik: sport-pferdesport / sport equestrian sports filter
- thematik: sport-radsport / sport-cycling (4) Apply thematik: sport-radsport / sport-cycling filter
- Thematik: Sport-Ringen / sport-wrestling (1) Apply Thematik: Sport-Ringen / sport-wrestling filter
- thematik: sport-tennis / sport-tennis (1) Apply thematik: sport-tennis / sport-tennis filter
- thematik: sport-turnen / sport-gymnastics (1) Apply thematik: sport-turnen / sport-gymnastics filter
- thematik: sport-wassersport / sport-water sports (2) Apply thematik: sport-wassersport / sport-water sports filter
- thematik: sport-wintersport / sport-winter sports (1) Apply thematik: sport-wintersport / sport-winter sports filter
- Thematik: Tabak / tobacco (1) Apply Thematik: Tabak / tobacco filter
- thematik: tanz / dancing (3) Apply thematik: tanz / dancing filter
- thematik: technik-telefon / technic-telephone (6) Apply thematik: technik-telefon / technic-telephone filter
- thematik: technik-telekommunikation / technique-telecommunication (5) Apply thematik: technik-telekommunikation / technique-telecommunication filter
- Thematik: Tiere, Fauna / animals, fauna (27) Apply Thematik: Tiere, Fauna / animals, fauna filter
- thematik: tiere- exotische tiere / animals-exotic animals (3) Apply thematik: tiere- exotische tiere / animals-exotic animals filter
- thematik: tiere-affen / animals-monkeys (8) Apply thematik: tiere-affen / animals-monkeys filter
- thematik: tiere-dinosaurier / animals-dinosaur (7) Apply thematik: tiere-dinosaurier / animals-dinosaur filter
- thematik: tiere-elefanten / animals elephants (1) Apply thematik: tiere-elefanten / animals elephants filter
- Thematik: Tiere-Eulen / animals-owls (1) Apply Thematik: Tiere-Eulen / animals-owls filter
- thematik: tiere-fische / animals-fishes (17) Apply thematik: tiere-fische / animals-fishes filter
- thematik: tiere-hunde / animals-dogs (9) Apply thematik: tiere-hunde / animals-dogs filter
- thematik: tiere-hühnervögel / animals-gallinaceus birds (1) Apply thematik: tiere-hühnervögel / animals-gallinaceus birds filter
- thematik: tiere-insekten / animals-insects (5) Apply thematik: tiere-insekten / animals-insects filter
- thematik: tiere-katzen / animals-cats (5) Apply thematik: tiere-katzen / animals-cats filter
- Thematik: Tiere-Meeressäuger (u.a. Wale) / animals-aquatic mammals (8) Apply Thematik: Tiere-Meeressäuger (u.a. Wale) / animals-aquatic mammals filter
- thematik: tiere-meerestiere / animals-sea animals (14) Apply thematik: tiere-meerestiere / animals-sea animals filter
- thematik: tiere-meerestiere-muscheln / animals-sea animals-shells (14) Apply thematik: tiere-meerestiere-muscheln / animals-sea animals-shells filter
- thematik: tiere-nutztiere / animals-farm animals (1) Apply thematik: tiere-nutztiere / animals-farm animals filter
- thematik: tiere-pferde / animals-horses (3) Apply thematik: tiere-pferde / animals-horses filter
- thematik: tiere-raubtiere / animals-predacious cats (5) Apply thematik: tiere-raubtiere / animals-predacious cats filter
- thematik: tiere-reptilien / animals-reptiles (6) Apply thematik: tiere-reptilien / animals-reptiles filter
- Thematik: Tiere-Schalwild / animals- stag,chamois… (1) Apply Thematik: Tiere-Schalwild / animals- stag,chamois… filter
- thematik: tiere-schildkröten / animals-turtles (2) Apply thematik: tiere-schildkröten / animals-turtles filter
- thematik: tiere-schmetterlinge / animals-butterflies (17) Apply thematik: tiere-schmetterlinge / animals-butterflies filter
- thematik: tiere-säugetiere / animals-mammals (2) Apply thematik: tiere-säugetiere / animals-mammals filter
- thematik: tiere-vögel / animals-birds (40) Apply thematik: tiere-vögel / animals-birds filter
- thematik: tiere-wassertiere / animals-aquatic animals (2) Apply thematik: tiere-wassertiere / animals-aquatic animals filter
- thematik: tiere-wasservögel / animals-water birds (3) Apply thematik: tiere-wasservögel / animals-water birds filter
- thematik: tiere-zootiere / animals-zoo animals (4) Apply thematik: tiere-zootiere / animals-zoo animals filter
- thematik: tourismus / tourism (1) Apply thematik: tourismus / tourism filter
- Thematik: Trachten / costumes (1) Apply Thematik: Trachten / costumes filter
- Thematik: Umweltschutz / environment protection (2) Apply Thematik: Umweltschutz / environment protection filter
- thematik: upu / united postal union (6) Apply thematik: upu / united postal union filter
- thematik: verkehr / traffic (8) Apply thematik: verkehr / traffic filter
- thematik: verkehr-auto / traffic-car (2) Apply thematik: verkehr-auto / traffic-car filter
- thematik: verkehr-straßenbahn / traffic-tramway (1) Apply thematik: verkehr-straßenbahn / traffic-tramway filter
- thematik: vulkane / volcanoes (1) Apply thematik: vulkane / volcanoes filter
- Thematik: Wappen / emblems (1) Apply Thematik: Wappen / emblems filter
- Thematik: Wasser / water (1) Apply Thematik: Wasser / water filter
- thematik: weihnachten / christmas (17) Apply thematik: weihnachten / christmas filter
- thematik: wwf (1) Apply thematik: wwf filter
- thematik: zeppelin / zeppelin (3) Apply thematik: zeppelin / zeppelin filter
- thematische philatelie (14) Apply thematische philatelie filter
Lot #6475 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Lot #6476 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1967, MEXICO: Summer Olymics 1968 in Mexico-City in a l
1967, MEXICO: Summer Olymics 1968 in Mexico-City in a lot with about 75 sets of the four miniature sheets, mint never hinged, Mi. Bl. 7/10, € 1.912,50
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Lot #6477 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1968, Bhutan. Progressive proofs set of sheets for the
1968, Bhutan. Progressive proofs set of sheets for the complete issue SUMMER OLYMPICS, MEXICO CITY 1968. The issue consists of 8 values and the subjects are: Discus (twice), Basketball, Javelin (twice), Shooting (twice), Soccer. The lot contains 8 different phases for each value in complete, imperforated sheets of 10 stamps and therefore...
Lot #6478 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1968, Cook Islands. Progressive proofs set of sheets fo
1968, Cook Islands. Progressive proofs set of sheets for the complete issue 19th OLYMPIC GAMES, MEXICO CITY 1968. The issue consists of 6 values and the subjects are Sailing, Gymnast, High Jump, Woman Diver, Bicyclist, Woman Hurdler. The lot contains 8 different phases for each value in complete, imperforated sheets of 10 stamps and 2...
Lot #6479 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1968, DAHOMEY: Summer Olympics Mexico complete set of f
1968, DAHOMEY: Summer Olympics Mexico complete set of four in a lot with about 400 sets mostly in larger blocks to complete (folded) sheets, mint never hinged, Mi. 360/63, € 3.400,--
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Lot #6480 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1968, JEMEN, Summer Olympics Mexico miniature sheet 4b.
1968, JEMEN, Summer Olympics Mexico miniature sheet 4b. 'Torch bearer' with BLACK country name in an investment lot of about 800 items, mint never hinged and scarce, Mi. Bl. 94 B (black), € 8.000,--
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #6481 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1968, JEMEN, Summer Olympics Mexico miniature sheet 4b.
1968, JEMEN, Summer Olympics Mexico miniature sheet 4b. 'Torch bearer' with GOLD country name in an investment lot of about 2.700 items, mint never hinged and scarce, Mi. Bl. 94 B (gold), € 27.000,--
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #6482 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1968/1972, MNH accumulation: Yemen Kingdom 1968, Summer
1968/1972, MNH accumulation: Yemen Kingdom 1968, Summer OLYMPICS Mexico Gold medallists imperf. 24b. miniature sheet 'Klaus Dibiasi, Italy - diving', lot with about 600 miniature sheets, Michel Bl. 142 B // Sharjah 1971, Olympic Winter Games, 6r. souvenir sheet, apprx. 310 MNH pieces. Michel no. Block 86 (310) // Yemen Kingdom 1972,...
Lot #6483 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1968/1984, Sharjah and Yemen, MNH balance of thematic i
1968/1984, Sharjah and Yemen, MNH balance of thematic issues: Sharjah Michel nos. Bl. 87 (100), Bl. 92 B (89); 1968 Kingdom of Yemen issues 187 progressive proofs; 1984 Yemen Michel nos. 1807/12 A/B (25); 1972 Yemen Artwork booklet of Rosenbaum printers. Michel cat.value 5.335,- € only for the listed stamps+proofs+artwork!
Value Add...
Lot #6484 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1969, JEMEN, Summer Olympics Munich 1972 'Show jumping'
1969, JEMEN, Summer Olympics Munich 1972 'Show jumping' perforated gold foil stamps investment lot with about 1.400 stamps, mint never hinged, unusual and scarce, Mi. 914 A, € 10.500,--
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #6485 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1971, Ajman, MUNICH '72 - 58 items; progressive plate p
1971, Ajman, MUNICH '72 - 58 items; progressive plate proofs for the set in blocks of four, cut out of the sheet corner upper right, 232 stamps. (Yvert 119-A86 C)
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Lot #6486 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1971, Ajman. Progressive proofs set of sheets for the i
1971, Ajman. Progressive proofs set of sheets for the issue OLYMPIC WINTER GAMES 1972 SAPPORO. The issue consists of 6 values. The subjects are Olympic scenes from different Olympic games. The lot contains 8 different phases for each value in partial, imperforated miniature sheets of 12 stamps. Therefore there are 576 stamps (= 12...
Lot #6487 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1971, Fudschaira/Fujeira, Summer Olympics Munich 1972 '
1971, Fudschaira/Fujeira, Summer Olympics Munich 1972 'Hurdling' gold and silver foil stamps investment lot with about 520 stamps incl. silver perf. (155) and imperf. (155) and gold perf. (155) and imperf. (55), mint never hinged, unusual and scarce, Mi. 754 A+B, € 6.240,--
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and...
Lot #6488 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1971, Fudschaira/Fujeira, Winter Olympics 1972 Sapporo
1971, Fudschaira/Fujeira, Winter Olympics 1972 Sapporo 'Slalom' gold and silver foil stamps investment lot with about 430 stamps incl. silver perf. (60) and imperf. (160) and gold perf. (55) and imperf. (155), mint never hinged, unusual and scarce, Mi. 728/29 A+B, € 5.160,--
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price...
Lot #6489 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1971, Umm al Qiwan, Olympic Games Munich '72, both souv
1971, Umm al Qiwan, Olympic Games Munich '72, both souvenir sheets, MNH holding of apprx. 1200 pieces. Michel no. Bl. 32/33, 14.400,- €.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #6490 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1972, Cook Islands. Progressive proofs set of sheets fo
1972, Cook Islands. Progressive proofs set of sheets for the complete issue 20th OLYMPIC GAMES, MUNICH 1972. The issue consists of 3 values and the subjects are High Jump, Running, Boxing. The lot contains 8 different phases for each value in complete, imperforated miniature sheets of 8 stamps and 1 label. Therefore there are 192 stamps...
Lot #6491 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1972, Olympic Winter Games 1924 - 1972 (Historical Post
1972, Olympic Winter Games 1924 - 1972 (Historical Posters), set of 12 values in a se-tenant minature sheet MNH, more than 470 sheets. Michel nos. 903/914A, cat. value for sets 4700,-€, no price given for complete sheets.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #6492 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1972, Olympische Spiele München, Sammlung von ca. 210 B
1972, Olympische Spiele München, Sammlung von ca. 210 Belegen mit entsprechenden Frankaturen bzw. Freistemplern und den Sonderstempeln, dabei auch 28 Sonder-R-Zettel, zusätzlich vier Eintrittskarten, zwei Parkkarten, die Schmuckblatt-Telegramme "LX 3" und LX 61" je ungebraucht und gebraucht (u.a. "Hurra noch zwei Karten im Schwarzhandel...
Lot #6493 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1972, Senegal. Progressive proofs set of sheets for the
1972, Senegal. Progressive proofs set of sheets for the complete issue 20th OLYMPIC GAMES, MUNICH 1972. The issue consists of 4 values and the subjects are Wrestling, 100-Meter Dash, Basketball, Judo. The lot contains 8 different phases for each value in complete, imperforated sheets of 25 stamps. Therefore there are 800 stamps in all....
Lot #6494 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1972, Senegal. Progressive proofs set of sheets for the
1972, Senegal. Progressive proofs set of sheets for the souvenir sheet issue 20th OLYMPIC GAMES, MUNICH 1972. The s/s contains one stamp showing Soccer. The lot contains 8 different phases for each s/s in imperforated sheets of 5 times 4 s/s. Therefore there are 160 s/s-phases in all. Mint, NH. (Mi# Bl. 33)
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Lot #6495 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1972, Sharjah, 6r. Gold souvenir sheet "Olympic Games M
1972, Sharjah, 6r. Gold souvenir sheet "Olympic Games Munich", 500 pieces MNH. Michel no. Block 126 (500), 6.000,- €. Of the related issue Block 123/124 only 1650 souvenir sheets were issued; for this issue no quantity is given, but it is more than likely that it is the same.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price...
Lot #6496 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1972, Sharjah, 6r. Gold souvenir sheet "Olympic Games S
1972, Sharjah, 6r. Gold souvenir sheet "Olympic Games Sapporo", 500 pieces MNH. Michel no. Block 124 (500), 6.000,- €. According to Michel only 1650 souvenir sheets were issued.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #6497 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1972, Sharjah, 6r. Silver souvenir sheet "Olympic Games
1972, Sharjah, 6r. Silver souvenir sheet "Olympic Games Munich", 500 pieces MNH. Michel no. Block 125 (500), 6.000,- €. Of the related issue Block 123/124 only 1650 souvenir sheets were issued; for this issue no quantity is given, but it is more than likely that it is the same.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price...
Lot #6498 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1972, Sharjah, 6r. Silver souvenir sheet "Olympic Games
1972, Sharjah, 6r. Silver souvenir sheet "Olympic Games Sapporo", 500 pieces MNH. Michel no. Block 123 (500), 6.000,- €. According to Michel only 1650 souvenir sheets were issued.
Value Add Taxes (19%) will be added to the hammer price and the buyers premium.
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Lot #6499 - thematik: olympische spiele / olympic games
Thematik: Olympische Spiele / olympic games: 1972, Sharjah, Olympic Games Munich, 5dh.-3r. DE LUXE S
1972, Sharjah, Olympic Games Munich, 5dh.-3r. DE LUXE SHEETS, holding of apprx. 250 complete sets, unused no gum (apparently as issued since there is no evidence of removed gum). Michel nos. 942/51, no price given for de luxe sheets, fairly estimated to cat.value 7.000,- € (four times the price of a normal imperf. set). These de luxe...
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner
Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner GmbH & Co. KG is an established dealer in Germany. For many years the company published direct sale list of stamps and covers from all the world. In 2006 they... Read More
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