1855, Victoria 8a. carmine tied by octogonal "B1" to folded lettersheet endorsed "per Hindostau " and "From Alexandria to Trieste by Austrian Streamer" from Calcutta via Alexandria and Triest to Genoa with red boxed "INDIA PAID" and straight-line "D.A.a.L" alongside, a very fine and attractive entire
375rd Heinrich Köhler auction - Day 1
By: Heinrich Koehler Auktionen
Heinrich Koehler Auktionen 375rd Heinrich Köhler auction - Day 1
Viewing times of the 375th Heinrich Köhler auction and The ERIVAN Collection 4th. Auction
Heinrich Köhler Auktionshaus GmbH & Co. KG
Hasengartenstr. 25, 65189 Wiesbaden
Telefon +49 (0)611 34 14 9-0
E-Mail [email protected]
Auction Schedule
Monday, 16 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 1000-1724 |
Single Lots: Liechtenstein, Austria,
Switzerland, Europe and Colonies:
Aegean Islands – Italy, including
Special offer: Denmark – The 1851 act ·
The Gavin Fryer Collection
Special offer: Transatlantic Mail ·
The “Magellan” Collection
from 1:30 p.m. | Lot 1725-2428 |
Single Lots: Europe and Colonies:
Latvia – Ukraine, Great Britain and British
Commonwealth, Overseas countries,
Shipmail, Airmail, Zeppelin, Olympics,
Thematics and Literature, Coins, including
Special offer: Poland – Generals 1944 ·
Specialised Collection Postal History (Part I)
Special offer: Jean de Sperati –
The ultimate collection
Tuesday, 17 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 6001-6336 |
Special Catalogue: Latvia since 1918 ·
The Wolfgang Watzke Collection
from 12:00 p.m. | Lot 2429-3446 |
Single Lots: German Empire 1872 – 1945,
German post offices abroad and colonies,
German Occupation WWI, German
Areas and Plebiscites, Saar, Danzig, Memel,
German Occupation WWII, including the
“Montparnasse” Collection
Wednesday, 18 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 3447-4217 |
Single Lots: Germany after 1945: Local
issues, Allied Forces issues, Soviet Occupation
Zone, German Democratic Republic,
Berlin, Bizone, Federal Republik of Germany,
including the “Montparnasse” Collection
from 2:30 p.m. | Lot 10001-10463 |
Collections: Europe: Aegean Islands –
Vatikan, including Great Britain and
British Commonwealth
Thursday, 19 November 2020 | from 9:00 a.m. | Lot 10464-10888 |
Collections: Overseas countries,
General collections All World / Europe /
Overseas, Airmail and Zeppelin, Thematic
collections, Picture Postcards, Coins,
Literature, German States
from 1:30 p.m. | Lot 10889-11526 |
Collections: German Empire, German
post offices abroad and Colonies,
German Occupation WWI, German
Areas and Plebiscites, Danzig, Memel,
German Occupation WWII,
General collections Germany,
Germany after 1945
Friday, 20 November 2020 | from 09:00 a.m. | Lot 4218-4560 |
Single Lots: German States Baden –
Württemberg, North German
Confederation, including the
“Montparnasse” Collection, including
Special offer: German “Fahrpost”
Agencies in the Netherlands 1839–1874 ·
The Dr. Albert Louis Collection
Special offer: North German postal
district – The “Albatros” Collection
from 11:00 a.m. | Lot 7001-7266 |
Special Catalogue: Bavaria 1849–1920 ·
The Werner Knüttel Collection (Part I)
from 1:30 p.m. | Lot 8001-8393 |
Special Catalogue: Départements
Conquis, Prussia, Saxony, Thurn&Taxis ·
The Dr. Josef Altmann Collection
from 5:00 p.m. | Lot 9001-9232 |
Special Catalogue: Slesvig: From
Danish Duchy to Plebiscite 1920 ·
The Christopher King Collection (Part I)
Saturday, 21 November 2020 | from 11:00 a.m. | Lot 1-265 |
German States · German Empire –
The ERIVAN Collection – 4th Auction
Auction Venue
The auction takes place at our premises in Hasengartenstr. 25, Wiesbaden, Germany.
Sale Terms
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Lot #1615 - Britisch Commonwealth trinidad and tobago
1851, Britannica 1d. red-brown, fresh colour tied by numeral "1" to folded lettersheet via London and Calais to Naples with red oval "A FRANCA" and "P-D." and manuscript markings "3'6" in London with 1s8d. to London and 1s.10d. for foreign transit, adhesive and letter with small imperfection, a very attractive and rare cover
Lot #1983 - Britisch Commonwealth british guiana
1914, Rough pen and ink drawing as competition essay for the 'Ideal B.G. Stamp Competition' for which 12 designs were submitted, format ca. 87:117 mm
Lot #1987 - Britisch Commonwealth british solomon islands
JAPANESE OCCUPATION, Barakoma Airfield: 1942, stampless with US cachet 'PASSED NAVAL CENSOR' addressed to Auckland, reverse with senders address "A.W. Silvester, written 2/12/12 Vella Lavella", a scarce cover, fine
Referent Silvester was one of 2 Europeans who were allowed to stay in Solomon Islands by the Japanese after the occupation
Lot #1989 - Britisch Commonwealth burma
1937, George V 3 p.-25 r. cpl., unused o.g., very fine and fresh
Lot #1999 - Britisch Commonwealth Dominion of Canada
1865, „FORT-WILLIAM LAKE-SUPERIOR FE 25“, blue cds. to small envelope with manuscripted endorsement „Official Buisness“ and stright line „FREE“ later crossed out and tax mark „10“ for 10 c. rate sent via USA to Quebec with arrival mark, carried by closed bag via Windsor, fine
Lot #2000 - Britisch Commonwealth Dominion of Canada
1868, Large Queens 6d. blackish-brown, fresh colour and very good centering and perforation, unused, a scarce stamp, fine
Lot #2001 - Britisch Commonwealth Dominion of Canada
1868, Large Queens 12½ pale dull blue with clear watermark, used, a little unfresh, otherwise fine and scarce
Lot #2002 - Britisch Commonwealth Dominion of Canada
1870, Queen Victoria 3 c. deep rose-red tied by cork mark to small envelope with adjacent postmark „FORT GARRY MANITOBA FE 12.72“ to Ontaria with arrival mark, transported in parts by dog sled mail tiny spots, otherwise fine
Lot #2003 - Britisch Commonwealth Dominion of Canada
YUKON AIRWAYS & EXPLORATION FLIGHT: 1927, 24.11., four airmail covers each with airmail vignette 25 c. blue, carried to Dawson, Keno Hill, Mayo and Wernecke with arrival marks, after emergency landing all covers further transported with dog sled mail, one cover with tiny spots, otherwise fine
Lot #2004 - Britisch Commonwealth Ceylon
1870, 6d dark brown on French packet cover to Calcutta at the 6d rate, lightly cancelled with DELTOTA PAID in red at left. Reverse with three marks in red: COLOMBO, GALLE, STEAMER LETTER CALCUTTA.
Lot #2005 - Britisch Commonwealth Ceylon
OFFICIAL: 1869, 2d to 1s SERVICE set of 5 (SG 01-05) mint group with fine appearance but backs with and without gum
Lot #2006 - Britisch Commonwealth falkland islands
1933, Centenary 5 s. black and yellow-orange, unused o.g. and small hinge remainder, very slightly irregular perforation, otherwise very fine and fresh, certificate BPA (1970)
Lot #2007 - Britisch Commonwealth Gibraltar
1848 First British datestamp struck on fine letter sheet, quadruple rate, to England with CHUDLEIGH receiver on front. Ex Professor Stirrups
Lot #2008 - Britisch Commonwealth Gibraltar
1854 Entire letter carried from Gibraltar to Cadiz by the illegal mail carrier Pedro Sanchez, marked “Pro Propio”. Ex Professor Stirrups with his exhibition write-up describing it as “may be the only surviving letter” from this illegal service.
Lot #2009 - Britisch Commonwealth Gibraltar
1904, £ 1 deep purple and black on red, unused, fine (SG £ 650,-)
Lot #2010 - Britisch Commonwealth Grenada
1795, entire letter dated "St Georges Grenada Avril 25 1795" to Lancaster struck on reverse flap with „GRENADA/Crown“ handstamp in black, London arrival (June 26) and charged "1/6" in manuscript. The letter contains the eye-witness report of a British Ship's captain writing to his wife in England and mentioning an ,,Insurrection of the Mulatois & Blacks" which took place in March 1795 when about ten thousand people revolted against the...
Lot #2011 - Britisch Commonwealth Hong Kong
1862, 2c. to 96c. Victoria first issue without watermark, the set of 7 all with B62 cancels, quality well above average (SG 1 - 7 total CV £1240)
Lot #2012 - Britisch Commonwealth Hong Kong
1946, 30c and 1 $ Victory issue typed FDC, the $1 showing the extra stroke variety (SG 170a), scarce on cover
Lot #2013 - Britisch Commonwealth Hong Kong
POSTAL FISCALS: 1874/1902, 10 $ rose-carmine, nice fresh colour and quite good perforation, slightly decentered to the bottom, unused with large part original gum and tiny offset of album page, very fine and fresh, a rare stamp in this condition, certificate BPA (2020)
Lot #2015 - Britisch Commonwealth india
1855, 8a. carmine tied by octogonal cancel and blue circular forwarder cachet to folded lettersheet with adjacent boxed "INDIA PAID" and red "D.A.a.L" alongside, charged upon arrival with 10 (decimes), in addition a similar cover franked with later issue, the latter cover some imperfections, otherwise fine
Lot #2016 - Britisch Commonwealth india
1856, 1 a. brown and strip of three 2 a. orange tied by barred "A" as additional franking to reverse of registered postal stationery ½ a. blue with cds. "MAU FEB 8" alongside, with transit r-label "Vom Auslande über Bahnhof Kufstein-München" to Hamburg, fine
Lot #2017 - Britisch Commonwealth india
1866, 4 annas McCorquodale “West India Four Annas” essay in top left corner block of six in brick red, the ink tested on one stamp for cancellation removal. Ungummed, light hinge, some creasing
Lot #2022 - Britisch Commonwealth Ionian Islands
1689, folded letter from Corfu to Venice, with long text in Greek, scarce earlier cover, fine
Lot #2023 - Britisch Commonwealth Ionian Islands
1827, Entire letter from Sante to Venice, showing on reverse red "ISOLA DI SANTE" and adjacent fancy "CORFU 6 MAGGIO 1827" and Venice desinfection seal with circle of dots, on front boxed "V stato pontifisicio", desinfection slits, a fine letter to abroad
Heinrich Koehler Auktionen
Since 1913 the name of Heinrich Koehler has stood for outstanding auctions in the philatelic world. Such a reputation cannot simply be acquired or assumed;... Read More