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Americana Stamps

lot # 3127 - US Stampless

Sunday Jan 05, 2025 10:00 America/Los_Angeles

Red New-York Dec 28 cds and red circled "10" on folded letter datelined 5th November 1846, from Logan Estate, St. James', Jamaica to Upper Canada. Forwarded in New York and charged ten cents United States' and sevenpence Canadian postage. It arrived in Newmarket on 1 January 1847.
The letter comments on unfair competition from slave colonies:
"The British Government may be passing Laws for the advantage of Canada, but their late act for the introduction of Slave grown Sugar at a reduced duty will half ruin our West India Colonies, and it will only be with good Seasons and every economy that we shall be able to make Sugar Estates pay the expense of cultivation and leave a surplus to live on it. Keep us from Beggary for a reduction in Wages cannot be expected to take place so long as the present scarcity of labourers exists."

Estimate $300.00 - $500.00

