BRITISH COMMONWEALTH KGVI collection of M/UM or FU full or part sets housed in black stock leaves in two ring binders incl. Aden 1939 set FU & M, 1951 set M & UM (2), Seiyun 1942 set UM (2) & FU, 1951 set UM (2), M set (2), Hadhramaut 1942 set VFU (2), UM set, 1951 set UM, M set, VFU set, Antigua 1938 set M, Ascension 1938 P.13 set M & most VFU some duplication, also P.13½ & 14 etc. Bahamas 1938 set M, 1942 Landfall set M (2), VFU set, 1948 Tercentenary set UM & VFU, Bahrain 1948 set VFU, 1950-55 set VFU, Barbados 1938 set M, 1950 set M (2), FU set, Basutoland 1938 set M, Bechuanaland 1938 set M, VFU set, another set VFU on three covers, Bermuda 1938 set M, VFU set, duplicated range of Key Plates, British Guiana 1938 set VFU (2), British Honduras 1938 set M, VFU set, British Solomon Islands 1939 set UM (2), VFU set, Postage Due set M (2), Virgin Islands 1938 set VFU, 1952 set UM (2), B.O.I.C - Cyrenaica 1950 set UM, M.E.F 1943 set M, Eritrea 1948 set UM (2), 1950 set M (2) - one UM, Somalia 1943 set UM (2), 1948 set UM, 1950 set UM, Tripolitania 1948 set UM & another set M, 1951 set UM, 1948 Postage Due set UM, B.P.A in Eastern Arabia 1948 set (2) M & Um, 1950 set UM, Gold Coast 1938 set M, 1948 set M, Grenada 1938 set M, 1951 set M (2), India range of high values plus 1937 set of 18 M, another set to 15r M, 1940 set M (2), 1948 Gandhi 10r UM & VFU, Jamaica 1938 set (2) - one set UM, K.U.T 1938 set M & FU, Kuwait 1939 set UM, 1945 set UM, 1948-49 set UM & VFU, 1950 set UM & VFU, Malaya - Malacca 1949 set UM, Negri 1949 set UM, Penang 1949 set UM (2), Trengganu 1949 set M, Perak 1950 set UM, Johore 1949 set FU, Selangor 1949 set FU, B.M.A 1945 set FU, Straits Settlements 1937-41 set FU, Maldives 1950 set (2) M & UM, Malta 1938 set M & FU (2), 1948 Self-Govt set M & FU, Mauritius 1938 set FU, 1950 set UM & FU, Montserrat 1938 set UM & FU, 1951 set UM (2), VFU set, Morocco Agencies 1949 set VFU, 1951 set UM, Tangier 1949 set UM & FU, 1952-54 set UM & FU, Muscat 1944 set UM (2) & VFU set on piece, 1944 Official set UM (2). The majority are tagged with SG numbers & catalogue value ST.Cat. £25,500, good re-sale potential if broken down.
Estimate: £3500 - 4500
Sale Terms
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