Subastas Terminadas

Corinphila Auction AG

lot # 479 - europe France

Wednesday Nov 30, 2022 09:00 Europe/Zurich

Ballon Monté 1870 (Sept. 24): Entire letter carried on board of Ballon Monté No. 2 'La Ville de Florence' to Alcalá de Henares nearby Madrid, Spain bearing  Napoléon laureated pair 20 c. blue, a fresh and fine example, tied by Étoile de Paris '15' numeral with matching 'R. Bonaparte' despatch cds and boxed PD in red alongside. Reverse with "ALCALA DE HENs / MADRID 25 OCT 70" arrival cds. A most interesting item Maury = € 1'000 for the 'Florence' + € 5'000 for the destination Spain / Lhéritier = € 1'500 + 4'600.rnNote: This is the second entire from a most interesting correspondence of six entire letters, written by a wife to her husband and children in Spain, a new find. It was written on September 23, despatched the day after and speaks about the impossibility to receive mail, but mentions the introduction of the small and lightweight Ballon Monté letters without using this term. The text suggests : "Ecrivez nous toujours sans nous parler de politique ni de guerre ..".

Michel Catalogue 291: Europe & Overseas


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